

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Strange Messages in Sherlock Holmes

1 comment:

  1. I am very familiar with those verses, all that we see happening today, are signs of the times, end times, one must have a spiritual inclination,it is very obvious that you do, to discern all that is going on in our world today, many are asleep, and there are those, who don't want to see the Truth, because of fear, but we must never stop spreading the Truth, and Love, this truely is time, for people to awaken out of sleep, moving toward 7 years tribulation period, first beast already on the move, very swiftly, working overtime with his evil bidding, people need to open their eyes, and hearts, and truely see what's going on in their world, like Michael, said it starts with us, we have to become that change we want to see, the bible says when you see these signs, know that the time, is at hand, I hear this often, What time is it? That's simple, it's Truth Time, Love You.
