

Saturday, April 7, 2012

True meaning of Easter..

We Can All Change ~ Show Some Lovin'

The True Meaning of Easter

Instead of all the commercialized items like chocolate bunnies and egg hunts, we should shift our focus for Easter to faith and rebirth. All of the superficial material things that are brought out at Easter time have really no meaning, to the true meaning of Easter. I believe a large part of this is designed to trun people away from developing a spiritual relationship. That is what we are after all spriitual beings. Within the world today we are being lead away from a true spiritual path, to one that is man made.
At Easter time, images of new life are usually easy to find, with spring in the air. Newly grown flowers, newly born animals, birds returning to their place of origin after a long winter. Everything is renewing, being re-birthed, coming back to life. Easter has a much deeper and symbolic meaning that needs to be taught. On Easter Sunday, the day when the resurrection of Jesus is remembered. It is the proof that Jesus had indeed conquered death making our faith in Christ not without hope. Within the message that is taught we should also remember the Jesus is alive forever, he sacrificed his human life for the better of all mankind.

After the resurrection from the dead into spirit form. Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me will live, even after dying” ~ John 11:25. Though we should understand that dying does not always mean a physical death, as it did with Jesus. It can represent the death of an old life and the resurrection of a new life. It all occurred for you and for me, one man who changed all of our lives. When we think of those few people in life that have sacraficed their lives for many people, we should understand the unselfish act in which they gave of themselves. And what it must have meant to them to preform that act.

*Did you know that Rabbits are a powerful symbol of fertility and new life? That is why they are used to represent Easter.

Friday, April 6, 2012


Happe Easter!!
Something to lay your eyes on

The True Meaning

On April 6th, 2012 many Christian’s will celebrate Good Friday, they commemorate the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ on the cross.  Many today do not know the true story of The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ. This is the day in which those who celebrate may go to special church services, fast, or meditate to recognize the sufferings and agony that Jesus endured on that day for our sins. There is actually a week called the Holy Week, in which many different celebrations are held.

The Crucifixion

A group of Jewish leaders hated Jesus because He condemned their sins. They did not want to believe the truth He preached, as He urged them to repent and turn back to God. They became jealous for the great crowds that followed Jesus and believed in Him. They finally decided they needed to get rid of Him by having Him killed. Since the Jews did not have the right to have a man killed without the approval of the Roman governor, they had to take Jesus to Pilate. At the trial they had no evidence of wrong doing by Jesus, but put enough pressure on Pilate that he finally agreed to have the soldiers kill Jesus by crucifying Him.

They took Jesus outside of the city of Jerusalem on a small hill called Golgotha or the place of skulls, sometimes called Skull Mountain. He was nailed to the cross, left to suffer for crimes he did not commit. Even through all of the pain Jesus thought of others before Himself. His words were “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do”. Throughout the time he endured the agonizing pain, He preached. The two thieves that were crucified at the same time, on expressed faith in Jesus, and He answered “Today shalt thou be with me in paradise”. He also asked his beloved friend John to care for his mother, as he would parish soon. Jesus’ final words expressed his complete surrender to the will of God as He said, “It is finished; Father into Thy hands I commend my spirit”. He then bowed His head and died.

The shadow of the cross that was raised on Golgotha reaches across centuries to offer comfort, forgiveness, and hope to us today. The story of the crucifixion is almost unbelievable, for it is hard for us to imagine such love. “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son” is the message of the golden text of the Bible, John Chapter 3 verse 16.  Jesus had to love us beyond measure to give Himself willingly to die for our sins. To complete the story we return the love by loving him and each other. Though there are many versions of this story. But it is what we take from it that is important. We as humans need to care for our fellow man more then we care for ourselves at times.

Everyday there are those that are crucified for what they believe in, or for crimes they did not commit. It is to our salvation and justice to help those in need.  To understand why some people do the things they do, such as religious practices. The studying of different religions not only brings us knowledge, but can open our minds. Just because you study a religion does not necessarily mean you completely believe in it, you’ve just opened your mind and heart, welcoming others.

Good Friday

My cross is too heavy to wear
I looked with envy at others
whose crosses seemed lighter than mine
I beheld the cross
I impulsively wanted to wear
I forgot about the thorns
that started to pierce my skin
listening to the sound of my own footsteps
the weakness to fall for the selfishness
gruelling and bitter with strife
of this confusing swirl
Wondering where my journey would end
Walking this path I feel all alone
Weak and weary I find no strength to stand falling forward clinching sand
torn, battered and bruised I look again
I endure the anguish, as ropes bind hands and feet
a spike set on my skin
the cross I'm nailed with
horrid pain, would that jerk shake my soul
my own cross i wear

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Peter Denies Christ Three times.

In the bible we read of Jesus and his twelve deciples, Jesus sat down with his deciples on the first day of the feast. Jesus tells this deciples that the time is come for him to be betrayed and crucified. The deciples begin to ask who would betray him. But he does not disclose who his betrayer is or would be. 

When Jesus sitting with his twelve deciples as they ate says, "Verily I say unto you, that one of you shall betray me...and begin everyone of them to say unto him, Lord is it I?  Jesus answers and said, he that dippeth his hand with me in the dish, the same shall betray me.  Judas owns up to Jesus what he has done.

Peter answered and said unto Jesus, though all men shall be offended because of thee, yet will I never will I be offended...Jesus said unto him, "this night, before the cock crow thou shalt deny me thrice. Peter denies that he will deny Jesus, as the others do also.

The deciples fled as the priests came to take Jesus away.  Peter followed him to the High Priests palace and sat with the servants to see the end.

Peter was confronted by a woman saying he was with Jesus, He denied it before them all...another maid saw him, saying Peter was with Jesus, Again he denied with an oath...others in the crowed came and said, he was one of them, ie the deciples, again Peter begin to curse and swear, saying he did not know Jesus.

Then Peter remembered the words of Jesus "Before the cocks crow, thou shalt deny me thrice...he wept bitterly.

sometimes we may not think that we will betray people
but if someone who likes to gossip and tell tales and if we are not careful
and not think we could slip and betray someone, or if angry
we could do it to hurt that person as much as it hurt us.
It pays to keep an open mind and keep a pure heart to keep our own mouths closed

Moscow Tallest Building Burns - But Doesn't Collapse.

Since September 11, 2001, when the twin towers collapsed, it had been assumed that all tall buildings that catch fire will probably collapse. It didn't happen when Moscow's tallest building, Federation Tower, which was still under construction went up in flams. The fire raged for hours all night but the building still stood. Does make one consider the possiblities of other affects on the reason of the twin towers both going down.

The Dust From the Twin Towers Was Wildly Toxic

Ten years after 9/11 15,000 ground zero workers are still being treated for chronic diseases.
The result of the collapse was over 2500 contaminants such as lead and mercury and dioxin. Also big amounts of asbestos that is highly cardiogen and toxic was in the air.
The fires after the collapse remained for 3 months.

"Nearly 3,000 people died at the World Trade Center on 9/11. But the list of victims keeps growing. Seventy-thousand men and women worked in the ruins at ground zero. Many now suffer from illnesses officially linked to the toxic smoke and dust, including respiratory and gastric diseases."

200 new diagnosed each month:

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Calm Before The Storm

We hear this phrase used a lot in our everyday lives, “The Calm Before The Storm”. It takes on many different meanings depending on what kind of “storm” we are referring too. It refers to a period of time just before an actual storm, or it can refer to a significant event that is about to happen.

The event is usually looked upon as being devastating or violent, such as a war or fight. Although, that is not always the case during that period. There are times when the event is joyous or a very poignant turn of events within one’s life. This could also refer to just before a mass revolution that will affect many, many people. There are usually “hints” or “clues” that can lead up to the event in question.

Are we currently standing in “The Calm Before The Storm?”  There are major changes that seem to be taking shape in the last few years. Many people are awaiting a mass revolution of the people against their governments, and the judicial system. But in order for that revolution to take place, something significant has to happen first. A leader, a revolutionary, someone to wake up all of the sleeping.

If people have paid close attention that has already happened. It started on June 25, 2009, the day Michael “died”. Since that day more and more people have come to realize how much they are controlled by their governments, and how we have been conditioned to accept what is handed to us. Michael has made an effort to bring awareness and awakening his whole life, but since 2009 more and more has been exposed over the last few years. We have been warned and given all the “hints” and “clues” that possibly could be handed to us. For us to realize …The biggest “Calm Before The Storm” is just on the horizon. CAN YOU FEEL IT !!!!

Be mine...

The cracks run along my face in jagged lines
Giving the venom contained truth
Hair black as ebony, skin white as snow
Her true love's kiss frees me from sleep
Interrupted by my soul smiled and shared a wink
Why can nothing be clear this unclear future
That haunts my dreams Shards of my reflection, in my skin
Like a fading painting I evaporate losing myself in the mystic shadows of life
A formless power makes you comfortable in the biting cold
My brightest glance of pride and power
My freedom that rests into whatever I do
My freedom to share the rest of my live together with you
The dark shadows vanish, shimmer glimmer rise and shine
from this day Jasmine your forever mine

A Big Clue To the Twin Story

June 25th 2009 the shocking news that Michael Jackson was dead was spread all over the world in all media. Just a few days later the last will was revield and not long after a second will was talked about. Randy Jackson soon started to make official statesments regarding the validity of the will. The will was supposedly signed in Los Angeles the same day as Michael was in New York and there were pictures to proove it. What I did see in that was that one person can not be in 2 places at the same time. There are many ways to see that situation, but that is one that hit me. 

Later Lionel Richie made a comment that Michael Jackson have not performed in 15 years. That made me wonder. We had seen the 30th anniversery from New York Madison Square Garden back in September 2001 but also in history tour 1996-1997. So I did start to look at pictures and started to search the net for info and it seemed to always have been two Michael Jackson.

The Great Dictator Speech

I’m sorry, but I don’t want to be an emperor. That’s not my business. I don’t want to rule or conquer anyone. I should like to help everyone – if possible – Jew, Gentile – black man – white. We all want to help one another. Human beings are like that. We want to live by each other’s happiness – not by each other’s misery. We don’t want to hate and despise one another. In this world there is room for everyone. And the good earth is rich and can provide for everyone. The way of life can be free and beautiful, but we have lost the way.
Greed has poisoned men’s souls, has barricaded the world with hate, has goose-stepped us into misery and bloodshed. We have developed speed, but we have shut ourselves in. Machinery that gives abundance has left us in want. Our knowledge has made us cynical. Our cleverness, hard and unkind. We think too much and feel too little. More than machinery we need humanity. More than cleverness we need kindness and gentleness. Without these qualities, life will be violent and all will be lost….
The aeroplane and the radio have brought us closer together. The very nature of these inventions cries out for the goodness in men – cries out for universal brotherhood – for the unity of us all. Even now my voice is reaching millions throughout the world – millions of despairing men, women, and little children – victims of a system that makes men torture and imprison innocent people.
To those who can hear me, I say – do not despair. The misery that is now upon us is but the passing of greed – the bitterness of men who fear the way of human progress. The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish. …..
Soldiers! don’t give yourselves to brutes – men who despise you – enslave you – who regiment your lives – tell you what to do – what to think and what to feel! Who drill you – diet you – treat you like cattle, use you as cannon fodder. Don’t give yourselves to these unnatural men – machine men with machine minds and machine hearts! You are not machines! You are not cattle! You are men! You have the love of humanity in your hearts! You don’t hate! Only the unloved hate – the unloved and the unnatural! Soldiers! Don’t fight for slavery! Fight for liberty!
In the 17th Chapter of St Luke it is written: “the Kingdom of God is within man” – not one man nor a group of men, but in all men! In you! You, the people have the power – the power to create machines. The power to create happiness! You, the people, have the power to make this life free and beautiful, to make this life a wonderful adventure.
Then – in the name of democracy – let us use that power – let us all unite. Let us fight for a new world – a decent world that will give men a chance to work – that will give youth a future and old age a security. By the promise of these things, brutes have risen to power. But they lie! They do not fulfil that promise. They never will!
Dictators free themselves but they enslave the people! Now let us fight to fulfil that promise! Let us fight to free the world – to do away with national barriers – to do away with greed, with hate and intolerance. Let us fight for a world of reason, a world where science and progress will lead to all men’s happiness. Soldiers! in the name of democracy, let us all unite!

Schools Ban Best Friends

There have been recent articles about schools now banning children from having best friends within the school yard. It is said that this practice is being instituted due to children getting upset when their best friend moves away, is bullied, or moves into another group of children and they themselves are not invited. School officials are trying to say they are doing this to save the children the pain of a friendship breaking up. That some children take if very seriously and are deeply emotionally effected.

But isn’t that part of growing up? To learn how to socialize within a group, to learn to accept others even if they are not within their own little group? Granted all children should learn to play together, but we all know that sometimes certain children are attracted to one another for various reasons. Maybe they are only children, maybe they were both abused and they feel only another child that was abused is who they feel safe talking to?

Forming healthy relationships starts from birth on through adulthood. Just because a child doesn’t agree with another ones religion, ethnic background, or some difference doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be best friends. Children need to learn those social skills from an early age. This practice is now being used in schools in Kingston, South West London, and Surrey. What are we teaching our children by this practice?

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Michael Jackson's death scene notes - Michael Jackson wrote a series of 'wishes for the world' the day he died

  • Michael Jackson's wishes - Michael Jackson wrote a series of wishes for the world' the day he died.
  • The late pop star - who died of acute Propofol intoxication on June 25 - left several motivational, handwritten notes in his bathroom before he passed away to help mentally prepare him for his London 'This Is It' shows.
  • A source told Britain's News of the World newspaper: "These notes show that Michael was positive until the last - but also what a mess his mind must have been as he fought to keep it all together towards the end."
  • One of the notes read: "I am so grateful that I am a magnet for miracles."
  • The phrase 'magnet for miracles' is one often used by self-help programmes in the US for recovering alcoholics and it is believed regular repetition could improve your success of beating addiction.
  • Another note pinned to his mirror read: "Love, no violence ever! Remember a beautiful future promise of tomorrow."
  • Friends of the late 'King of Pop's say these words show he was positive, happy and upbeat in his final days.
  • One explained: "I think this reveals how positive Michael was until the last. He was such a sweet natured man who saw the good in everyone. The note about a beautiful future is especially sad as it shows he was looking forward to a successful, happy life."
  • Michael also used the notes to remind himself to perform his 1985 charity single 'We Are the World' - which he recorded with Lionel Ritchie - during his record-breaking 50-date residency at London's O2 Arena.
  • Meanwhile, a hand-written reminder to "Call Temperton" - believed to be British song-writer and producer Rob Temperton, who Michael recorded 'Thriller' and 'Rock With You' with - was propped up in the room with his agent Dr Tohme Tohme's business card and a note to call him too.
    Pals of the troubled singer say his addiction to prescription drugs was affecting his memory.
  • The source added: "It's worrying that he had to write reminders about things as obvious as these while he was rehearsing for his tour. And he would have had Dr Tohme's number in his phone - so why would he need the card?
  • "But the drugs he was taking obviously had a huge impact on his mind."
  • Meanwhile, it has been revealed Michael's three children - Prince Michael I, 12, Paris, 11 and seven-year-old Prince Michael II, aka 'Blanket' - will be protected "like royalty" by a team of six bodyguards.
  • Jackson family lawyers have drafted in the team at a cost of £750,000 a year to look after the children, who are being looked after by Michael's mother Katherine.
  Thanks to :

Child Abuse in America

Our children are our most prized possession. They are our future generation that will guide and lead our country in the near future. All children should be raised in a loving and caring home. But many children today are raised in abusive and neglected homes. When this happens we as caring citizens report abuse or neglect to the proper authorities, usually a governmental agency. These agencies go by the name DHS (Department of Human Services) or CPS (Children’s Protective Services), these agencies job is to investigate allegations of abuse that is reported. This is not always done on a timely basis, and sometimes to late for the child to be safely removed from the home, ending in the death or severe trauma to the child.

When the children are removed from the home they are usually placed in temporary custody of a group home or a foster family. Sometimes though these children are placed with other family members, who the agency shoves the child onto because their case load is to large to handle another child at that time. We trust these agencies to take action fast and to make sure these children are no longer abused or neglected. But what happens when its then agencies fault that these children continue to be abused, even after they are “saved” from the original abusive home?

Each year at least 1000 children die at the hands of whom ever the DHS or CPS hands a child over to for care. Isn’t this an agency that is supposed to be there to help our children, and not to cause any further harm?  These agencies are so over whelmed with cases of children that are abused and neglected that they cannot handle the number of children each year that are removed from their homes. The children are many times bounced from one group home to another, and in the end can be returned to the original abusive home that they were “saved” from.

The physical and emotional effects that this has on a child can last a lifetime. These children usually grow up into adults that commit crimes, use drugs and abuse their own children. These agencies are one of the first that need to be re-evaluated, and fixed so that these children get the proper help they need to grow into healthy adults. Because if we continue this way our world will be in for a lot more hurting souls that float amongst us, not knowing the most beautiful gift…Love.
The documentary below shows exactly what goes on with our governmental agencies for our children.


Subliminal Advertising is very present in our daily life, in television, magazines, music, billboards, internet, etc.. It's seldom exposed in society, because those in charge of giving the information to us is the media. It is these mainly that use this type of message. The unconscious a part of our mind, which absorbs all everything and stores it, even repressed experiences on the conscious level, things are grasped in a way that we do not realize.It contains desires, memories, fears, feelings, and ideas whose expression is repressed at the level of consciousness.

Advertising is constantly promoting a product to influence in our decisions when buying a product.
There is a huge variety of advertising techniques, from simple ad on a wall to a campaign used in newspapers, magazines, television, radio, leaflets distributed by mail and other mass media. Since its beginnings in the ancient world, advertising has evolved into a huge industry.

The current advertising plays a crucial role in urban industrial civilization, conditioning - for better or for worse - all aspects of daily life. It brings together many techniques of persuasion. Products advertised by celebrities, communications to parents to give their children a better life, and thus assure a "better future" messages to the children to "ask mom" to buy certain cereals breakfast, and the use of fear. Because fear is a major human weakness, is often used in advertising, sometimes covertly and other visual language in a very explicit. The fear of poverty, disease, loss of social status, or suffer a misfortune sometimes accomplished people to acquire specific products, whether life insurance, fire extinguisher, cosmetics and vitamin compounds.

Subliminal refers to a message that can penetrate our minds, and we are unaware of it.
No one can avoid falling victim to these messages because it is not possible to capture them consciously.This is a message intended to reach the listener just below the level of consciousness.
Such a message is beyond the ear, eye, to the external senses and penetrates deep into the subconscious of the listener, which is completely defenseless against this form of aggression.
The subliminal message, attack the recipient, because it avoids the barriers of intelligent selection, so it is not valid to say "I´m not affect, because I don´t want that", because here the will is avoided and selecting we are not able to use our selection process. The human mind can be manipulated without being aware of it, becoming a kind of robots directed by subliminal messages.
Can we avoid it?

Monday, April 2, 2012

I silently, die alone

memory pinches in the heart,
Somewhere you are happy
I got everything but still I am unhappy
can't distinguish between the road and the destination
My heart will continue to yearn for you
the treachery and the cheat
the unemotional stone
you changed me completely
you killed me completely
lies have made me crazy
don't promise life will be a bed of roses
when thorns torn in my skin
my body tug at the floor
My breathing shakes
I silently, die alone

Bearing Our Own Burdens

We all have our own burdens to bear; no one is exactly that same. Some are more visible then others, there are people who’s burdens we all see, in turn these attract our sympathy. We turn to them and shower them with love and understanding. Then there are those who’s we don’t see, these individuals seem to have it all in our eyes. They seem to have no troubles, no struggles and no load to carry. We envy them, but if we knew the truth our envy would turn to sympathy. The burdens we carry that the world cannot see are usually the heaviest. Just because we don’t see them does not mean they are not there.

Each of us carries our own list of burdens and sorrows; these are our burdens and sorrows that we bear. We may wish sometimes that we could trade places with someone, and deal with their burdens and not our own, thinking our lives would be easier to deal with. But if we took someone else’s place with all its conditions, circumstances, responsibilities, cares, duties and blessings, most would cry out for their own burdens to be returned to them. Usually this is because we don’t know enough about the other person and we think they have it better than us. No one’s burdens are less or more then another’s.

Each of our burdens carry a blessing within, whether we see it at that time or not. If we reflect upon crisis’s in our lives, then remember the outcome we will understand why everything in our lives has a purpose. He who carries his burden and conquers them will be given the strength to sustain future burdens.  This is true of all of us, even our children, we must all learn to live through our mistakes and misfortunes. Each lesson is molding and shaping us into who we will ultimately become, the person we were chosen to be.


A normal, healthy relationship between two people (a friend, family member, your partner, a co-worker), is one that is complementary, where there is an exchange of values. Instead, the primary intention of the vampire is taking advantage of others. These people are not really happy that their happiness depends in many cases the unhappiness of those around them.

They are people with much jealousy, are envious to see the other aspects and aspects that are missing. Which are at ease with themselves depends on which other are not. They want the relationship functioning under their absolute control, causing a huge insecurity to the rest.

The first impression one has of them is that they look better than ordinary people. They are brilliant, charming, like them, awaken confidence, one would expect from them more than others. This is quite a paradox, one expects more and get less and ends up being captured by the vampire.

The ideal victim can be of two types: either weak-willed people who can not see the above subject, or people with positive energy and offer your help without expecting reciprocity.

In any case, these two types of characters are a very strong challenge to the emotional vampire. If you manage to catch the victim, the vampire will not rest, will stick like glue, not realizing the victim invites the vampire to enter the victim life and happily installed as a parasite, exploiting the power of the victim. The vampire will want this person to be your confidant, your savior and your all and sooner or later will warn you loaded with an unbearable burden.

The victim becomes aware of the error, when the vampire is gone, leaving it empty, like your wallet or perhaps a broken heart. Even then, the victim ask ... It´s this person or It´s me? It's them. Emotional vampires.

The victim is for vampire just an "emotional nourishment." Needs to feed on their energy, without giving anything in return, this need is greater than any other. Therefore need to have a total and absolute control of its prey, is afraid to lose the victim, because without the victim, the vampire is nothing. Meanwhile, the victim ignorant of this dependence translates aggressor into feelings and emotions.

Advices to fend off the emotional vampires:

1 - You, not the vampires, have control. They want to convince you that no other choice but to submit yourself to them. REMEMBER: There are always other options, alternatives, even leaving.
2 - The strength comes from the connection. They use hypnosis to turn away from people who you trust and convince you to change the rules under which you believe. REMEMBER: Keep tightly your values.
3 - Safety mean to bite your fears. Emotional vampires use fear and confusion to control you. REMEMBER: Do not go running scared. Change your ways. When you deal with vampires, the choice seems more frightening, is usually correct.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Very Rare Photo...Special Dates !!!

Here Are The Special Dates We Promised You!!!!

Happy April Fools Day !!!!!