

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Our Healthcare Crisis

There over 47 million Americans currently that have NO healthcare insurance, 9 million are children. Our children are suffering at the hands of Corporate America. Not only is there raised cost of healthcare, but benefit availability has been cut. The cost is so high that the average working family can’t afford the premiums, resulting in more unhealthy Americans. Even those that can afford some sort of coverage don’t always get GOOD healthcare. How could this happen in a country that is supposed to be one of the wealthiest and leading in healthcare research worldwide? The Government keeps telling us that they are looking out for our best interest and are taking care of “it’s” people. Take a look at your own healthcare policies, does yours provide what you need? Can you afford it?

.Millions of citizens over 65 or disabled who rely on Medicare have been forced to pay higher premiums, already live on a fixed income. This group also relies on medications to live a somewhat productive life. With increasing prescription costs, they are forced to make a choice of eating or purchasing their medications they NEED. Now how is that a better healthcare system that the government keeps talking about?

Other countries have socialized governmental healthcare systems for all of its citizens, while they may have to wait for some non-emergency treatments, they are at least covered. But is socialized medical care going to be any better? With a proposed Healthcare Act on the table to cover everyone, could we be forced into treatments we want no part of? While we wait people are having healthcare crises or dying early, due to the time it’s taking our all loving government to pass all of these laws.  The longer it takes for the change, the more people we lose every day! Good way to knock off a few million Americans, don’t you think?

Vaccines Toxic

Are Vaccines Toxic

In the last 20 years there has been an increasing prevalence of incurable disorders appearing in our children. Some disorders increasing include: autoimmune, diabetes, autism, ADD & ADHD, to name a few. There is great speculation as to what is causing this phenomenon to take place. Which coincidently has occurred over a period in which there has been an increase in the use of childhood vaccines. Shouldn’t our children be a healthier generation? We are doing exactly what the government requires us to do as parents and immunize our children to keep them healthy. Right?

With all of the research done to insure safety, by the FDA (Food & Drug Administration) and CDC (Center of Disease Control), as parents should trust the safety of these vaccines. Recent studies show strong hard facts that has led to speculations linking vaccines to disorders. The current schedule for immunizations for a 0-6 yr. old child requires 29-35 shots, and more as they grow. But if we are giving our children something safe, why is there an increase in all of these GOD awful diseases?

Take the time and actually research ingredients in the immunizations our government says are completely safe. You’ll be surprised to learn that some of the most common ingredients found in childhood vaccines are: Formaldehyde, Aspartame, Mercury, chick embryonic fluid and aborted fetal tissue. These things are considered safe? Are you kidding me? We would NEVER knowingly give these items to our children, but yet we are injecting them into our children year after year. So why are we? Because we trust our government to protect us! Our government wouldn’t hurt us, right, or would they?

Not only are some of the ingredients in these immunizations completely idiotic, some of the side effects are devastating! Actually deadly…YES I SAID DEADLY! Our so called all protecting government is playing Russian roulette with our children’s lives every day!

It’s time to take action and save our children from dreaded disorders that they will have for life. We parents have the choice to immunize or not! There are laws that protect parents who choose NOT to subject their children to barbaric chemicals injected into their tiny bodies! PLEASE FOR YOUR CHILDS SAKE, AND THE SAKE OF OUR WORLD, RESEARCH ANYTHING THAT YOU ARE GOING TO INJECT INTO THEM. This is a harm that CAN’T be undone!!

Flu Immunizations

Every year millions of people get an immunization against the newest strain of the flu. The CDC and FDA recommend these shots for the very young, pregnant women, those with compromised immune systems and the elderly. They say these people are at the greatest risk of acquiring the flu and having complications or worse death. Why is it so important for thees group to receive this vaccine? Promoted mostly to these groups, but it is ironic that these groups are the most vulnerable to reactions to the vaccine because of their immune systems are already weakened. People have been getting the flu for centuries; very few have had serious results, like death from just having the flu.

There are alarming numbers of people having bad reactions to the so called vaccine that is suppose to keep us well!! The side effects range from getting the flu to increased risk of developing Alzheimer;s. the vaccine contains heavy metals aluminum and mercury, which in time builds up in our brains. These metals cause problems with thinking, language and memory loss. Once again the government is out to keep us safe!! Safe from not conforming to what they want us to do is more like it! if they are looking our for our best interest WHAT ARE PEOPLE DYING FROM IT? Overwhelming numbers of deaths and serious illnesses are reported every year.

And example of it's "safety", a personal friend had a son in the Marines; all military personnel are required to take these vaccines. After receiving his vaccine his are was horrible to look at and made him very sick. The young man received 1cc more of the vaccine then recommended and almost died, he developed the disease, leaving him with lifelong complications. He was given a 30 percent discharge from the Marines, and was also informed he could go blind in later years.

Are you willing to risk these complications for yourself or your children? Seems like the perfect way for the government to tell us how to THINK, since we won't be able to think, remember or talk!

The Answers Are Found In the History

What seems to be a long time ago is not that long ago. Adolf Hitler did take control of a big part of the world. The world blame him for the second world war, but the world do forget that he was elected. People did believe in him. When this happend the world was in a financial critical state. People were desperate. The people followed him and his government and did put their trust in him without taking a look at what really was happening and how it would be done. The masses did not stand up and said no, this is not the way we want it. If we look at where we are now the situation in the world is financially critical. The world is getting desperate for help and fear war. People turn to governments that make promices. What did we learn from the history? Not much it seems. Sadly. Do we question what is going on? No we put our trust in them. We do exactly what they want for a new united world. A new world order. Now we have the chance to stop this to take control if our own destiny or will We allow this to happen again? If We raise our voice as one we can make it stop. Make that change....


….when that happens you know you’re getting closer to the truth.
Please don’t let this issue die because if this issue dies, then the planet dies.

Please let this issue live, because if this issue lives, then we live.
 it doesn’t get any more cut and dry than that… please do your own independent research.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Doomsday, Will You Be One of The Sacrificed or One of The Saved?

Over the last few decades the growing number of FEMA camps and secret underground cities are cropping up with significant growth in the United States. Alarms should be going off for us Americans that something is wrong! WHY ISN’T IT? Do you remember Y2K and all the hype, and that nothing happened!! Well as of 2012 we now have another Doomsday set, December 21, 2012. The government knows the awakened are few; we are looked upon as simpleminded robots, following their every command.

Secret underground cities are centuries old, used as early the 1900’s, created to protect the elite, imperative and authoritative figures in our world. Not the common citizens of the USA. Places such as Mount Weather, NORAD, and D.U.M.B.s, are underground bases used by the military. These are located throughout the U.S.A., including California, Nevada, New York, New Mexico, among other places in the world. WE MUST WAKE UP, NOW, ITS IMPERATIVE!!! These places exist with many more being kept secret for years before being discovered. Why do we need underground bases? Because the government does not what us “normal” citizens to start “thinking”, we might just stop following commands. This is exactly the New World Order plan. These secret cities aren’t only for military affiliation, but also for housing thousands of people. Those who operate them and control them, also control another popular creation by our US government, FEMA camps.

The ever growing FEMA camps, which are said by the government to be a place to protect citizens. What exactly are they protecting us from? The answer lies within those of us who have awakened to the planned mass destruction of human kind as we know it, the creation of New World Order. What they don’t want us to know is that the FEMA camps are not to protect us! On the contrary, they are to contain us, and control us once we are “protected”. There are currently more than 600 (why do we need so many?) of these highly sophisticated concentration and internment camps. For our comfort they come complete with barb wire faced inward (to keep people in, not out), railway access, medical access and all the security needed to keep thousands of people “safe” at one time! Oh and remember, these are all above ground!! The first to get an invitation will be the homeless, poor, and disabled U.S. Americans, the least needed in our society, or so says the US government.

Are we just going to stand by and watch this happen? Or are we going to Unite as a Nation and make sure it doesn’t? It starts with YOU, it starts with US. Don’t believe in what I say? Do a search for FEMA camps or D.U.M.B.s!! Then ask yourself, will you be one of the sacrificed or one of the saved?

Thursday, January 12, 2012


I publish this blog because I want to and I can afford to. I am not affiliated with any
political organization nor have I ever been. I'm interested in truth and honesty in the
media, and that is what I write about. I blog anonymously because I think my writing
should stand on its own, and my true identity is irrelevant. It is the ideas that matter,
not the person.
A delusion, in everyday language, is a fixed belief that is either false, fanciful, or
derived from deception. Psychiatry defines the term more specifically as a belief that is
pathological (the result of an illness or illness process). As a pathology, it is distinct
from a belief based on false or incomplete information, "incorrect" dogma, stupidity,
apperception, illusion, or other effects of perception.
Delusions typically occur in the context of neurological or mental illness, although they
are not tied to any particular disease and have been found to occur in the context of many
pathological states (both physical and mental). However, they are of particular diagnostic
importance in psychotic disorders and particularly in schizophrenia, paraphrenia, manic
episodes of bipolar disorder, and psychotic depression.
No matter how much control you THINK you have, you in time find that you never had any
control at all...
The American people must be made to understand that the Managed Funds Association is “the
secret government within the Obama administration,” Diamond argues. “They had to give an
example of bad behavior on Wall Street as a compelling reason to quickly pass the Dodd
financial reform bill, but since they could not find any example from the ‘good Wall
Street,’ who are the victims of their crimes, they had to use one of their own. The case,
however, is deliberately designed to be weak by letting the big fish off the hook
Fighting against the secrecy of the government and the disinformation of the corporate
media, an invisible army of citizens is fighting to expose the lies about 9/11
Here the top section comprising 30 floors of the South Tower has broken off.
As Hufschmid describes: "The white clouds show that the pulverizing process is occurring
in the portion of the tower that is below the fire zone." (Painful Questions)
Three thousand miles from New York City and Washington, this idyllic California coastal
town is a hotbed of citizen activists fighting to uncover the truth about what really
happened on 9/11. A handful of local residents here have spearheaded a nation-wide effort
to expose the lies that make up the official version of events of the Pentagon the World
Trade Center attacks.


The horrid truth, the ugly truth those cannot stand to bare witness too… Okay maybe it isn't that bad, but in some, it is horrible if you are in subjective to it, exposed to it, or going through it currently. This thing, I am tired of seeing come forth through people, tired of it coming from the mouth of those who claim to be kind, loving, beautiful within… But there is one ugly horrible blemish on the heart if men and humanity… We all have it, we’re taken it to the extremes at points, this ugly blemish is disrespect.
Today I sat within a chat room, full of loving supports, allowing people to come in with the hopes of having respects to each other and to the room that they dwell but they hadn’t…. They came in took the microphone and made a mockery of something they had no business… Now, people have the rights to their opinion, that’s a given weather they like someone or not… Yet when you go out of your way to belittle someone before someone they love it’s quite irritating… Furthermore these people lacked respect…total respect… It seemed to be a game to them, yet if they had of been disrespected in the very same aspects they had done to Mr. Jackson, they would protest immensely, it would be world war three for them, they would fight greatly against he things being said about them. The tried to through the normalcy card on Mr. Jackson, saying he was either the two things they loge to label one as, strange of weird. But do they have the right? Not likely, because what is normal? A guideline a mass society follows, a set of plans pre determined, anyone breaking that rule, going out of their way to do something different, something outside of that pre designed guideline society has set, you are strange, weird, bizarre, and alienated…
Which goes back to my original topic heading, people disrespect people who go out side that guideline, the sad part of it all? They think its okay. Because the world as a whole disrespects, makes fun of, mock someone they think it’s perfectly NORMAL. People don’t stop to think of what that does, how it looks… People should learn to be leaders and not followers of the world, because they become the types of people some or the mass majority dislike.
I hate being labeled weird and strange especially when I am indulging on things that make me, me. I strive to be different from the rest to be out spoke in attitude and would loge to be unlike what has been pre designed for me. And I love it that way.
So the closing argument of this message is to just rant at the fact those who are other than society are labeled things they shouldn’t be, carry respect for those, don’t disrespect because the world does it, I just hate to see wasteful behavior when people could be much better and have RESPECT for one another… The Truth is that we all one way or another come under its fire, and have administered it, one way or another. Its horrible, and very That’s just me rant… Happy reading, take care, god bless all who read

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Number of the Beast

The number 666 is called Satan, the Devil and is a symbol for antichrist.
Antichrist refers to a leader that fulfill the biblical prophecies, while he actually deceives god when he recembles him in a deceptive manner.
The beast is not a human. The beast is something sent to earth disguised as god. But in fact he is Satan, the great deceiver. Satan will have the appearance of a glorious, heavenly thing. In the book of revelation Satan comes to earth disguised as god.
“If you worship the beast and receive his mark you will receive the complete wrath of God. So it is very important to understand who the beast is so you can avoid worshiping him”

In the Book of Revelation, chapter 13 speaks of the beast and how to see his followers. In verse 18 it say “The one with understanding solve the meaning of the number of the beast, for it is the number of man. His number is 666.”

Some see the number 999 as the real number for the beast because John did dream that. But, he did dream it so it was upside down 999=666.

The Number of the Beast, Iron Maiden

Woe to You Oh Earth and Sea
for the Devil sends the beast with wrath
because he knows the time is short
Let him who have understanding
reckon the number of the beast
for it is a human number
its number is six hundred and sixty six.

I lived alone
my mind was blank
I needed time to think to get the memories from my mind

What did I see? 
Could I believe? 
That what I saw that night was real and not just fantasy

Just what I saw 
in my old dreams 
were they
reflections of my warped mind staring back at me?

'Cause in my dreams
it's always there 
the evil face that twists my mind and brings me to despair 

Night was black 
was no use holding back
'Cause I just had to see
was someone watching me
In the mist
dark figures move and twist
was all this for real 
or just some kind of hell
6-6-6 the Number of the Beast
Hell and fire was spawned to be released

Torches blazed and 
sacred chants were phrased
as they start to cry 
hands held to the sky
In the night 
the fires are burning bright
the ritual has begun 
Satan's work is done
6-6-6 the Number of the Beast
Sacrifice is going on tonight

This can't go on 
I must inform the law
Can this still be real 
or just some crazy dream?
but I feel drawn 
towards the chanting hordes
seem to mesmerise...can't avoid their eyes
6-6-6 the Number of the Beast
6-6-6 the one for you and me

I'm coming back 
I will return
And I'll possess your body
and I'll make you burn
I'll have the fire 
I'll have the force
I'll have the power 
to make my evil take its course


Lady Gaga’s 9-minute video featuring Beyoncé is steeped in weirdness and shock value. Behind the strange aesthetic, however, lies a deeper meaning, another level of interpretation. The video refers to mind control and, more specifically, Monarch Programming, a covert technique profusely used in the entertainment industry. We’ll look at the occult meaning of the video “Telephone”..
The Hidden Meaning of the Song
When I first heard Telephone on the radio, I thought the song was about Lady Gaga receiving phone calls from an annoying dude while she’s out in a club. I could already picture a video of Gaga on a dance floor not answering her cellphone. I’ve imagined this video because I was interpreting the song at its face value and going by its literal meaning, like most people do.
What is never stated, however, is that this “deeper meaning” found in Gaga’s video relates to mind control, a covert practice used by the military, the CIA, religious cults and the Illuminati elite. It is used to program human beings to become mental slaves and to execute specific tasks. In Paparazzi, Gaga plays the role of a mind-controlled slave who was “programmed” to poison and kill her boyfriend. Telephone is a continuation of this story, where Gaga goes to jail for her crime.
In the video, the “telephone” is a metaphor for Gaga’s brain and the fact that she is not answering that phone (her brain) means that she has “dissociated” from reality. Dissociation is the ultimate goal of Monarch mind control. It is induced by traumatizing events, such as electroshock therapy or torture, to force the victim to dissociate from reality. This enables the handlers to create in the victim an alter personality that can be programmed to perform various tasks, such as carrying out an assassination.
“Trauma-based mind control programming can be defined as systematic torture that blocks the victim’s capacity for conscious processing (through pain, terror, drugs, illusion, sensory deprivation, sensory over-stimulation, oxygen deprivation, cold, heat, spinning, brain stimulation, and often, near-death), and then employs suggestion and/or classical and operant conditioning (consistent with well-established behavioral modification principles) to implant thoughts, directives, and perceptions in the unconscious mind, often in newly-formed trauma-induced dissociated identities, that force the victim to do, feel, think, or perceive things for the purposes of the programmer. The objective is for the victim to follow directives with no conscious awareness, including execution of acts in clear violation of the victim’s moral principles, spiritual convictions, and volition.

Gaga’s brain as a non-answering telephone is represented in two separate occasions during the video:

Gaga’s head is the telephone. She is not answering that phone, which is symbolic of her dissociative mind state.

The telephone receiver is made out of hair and covers her left eye, representing Illuminati mind control

So in the context of the video, the telephone is Gaga’s mind and the dance club is representative of her dissociative state, the “magical place” mind-controlled slaves are trained to escape to during traumatic events.
“Hello, hello, baby
You called, I can’t hear a thing.
I have got no service
in the club, you say, say
Wha-Wha-What did you say, huh?
You’re breaking up on me
Sorry, I cannot hear you,
I’m kinda busy.
K-kinda busy
K-kinda busy
Sorry, I cannot hear you, I’m kinda busy.”
By “kinda busy”, Gaga means she has dissociated from reality. Real life is calling her brain but she “has no service”, she’s not there. The chorus pretty much epitomizes this concept.
“Stop callin’, stop callin’,
I don’t wanna think anymore!
I left my head and my heart on the dance floor.
Stop callin’, stop callin,
I don’t wanna talk anymore!
I left my head and my heart on the dance floor.”
Gaga is not thinking or talking for herself anymore, her head and her heart have been dissociated from her core personality due to Monarch programming.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Follow the Yellow Brick Road or Go Down the Rabbit Hole

I have been following the Michael Jackson hoax for a long time now and what strikes me is that whatever clues I find it comes back to Alice in Wonderland. Alice in Wonderland is a film based on “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” and "Through the Looking-Glass" written by Charles Lutwidge Dodgson under the pseudonym Lewis Carroll. The story is about the girl Alice that falls into a rabbit whole into a wonderland, a fantacy world.
In 2010 a new version of the film was released based on the novel. The film was directed my Tim Burton and written by Linda Woolverton and was released by Walt Disney Pictures. One of the main characters the Mad Hatter is played by Johnny Depp. Johnny have been compared to Michael Jackson and the film Edward Scissorhand’s is rumored to have been written for Michael Jackson that did not wish to make that part. The film Alice in Wonderland was released February 25th, 2010 and March 5, 2010. March 5th, 2009 was the day when Michael Jackson announced his This is it tour in London. 

In Alice in Wonderland we have the clothed white rabbit with a pocket watch.

Follow the yellow brick road or go down the rabbit hole.

In the film Wizard of Oz Dorothy and her friends (the Scarecrew played by Michael Jackson) follow the yellow brick road and that leads to the Emerald City. A city made of emeralds and other jewels. Anyone that enters the city must wear green-tinted eyeglasses to protect their eyes from "brightness and glory". Later in the book-series the town are told to be made of green and gold. This is to make the people believe that it is a magic place. An illusion!
Michael Jacksons made a film for the "Earthsong" for the This is it tour. The film was made in 3D. This film was also played on the Grammy Awards 2010 when the Earth Song was performed. 

This picture was used as a background on the stage of the Grammy awards 2010 when a childrens choir formed a M on stage while singing. The picture is the yellow brick road and that leads to the Emerald City.

Emerald City is a comedy drama from 1988. It is about life´s temptations lust, greed and power. The green represent green. Here they call Sydney “The Emerald City of Oz”. Everyone comes there along the yellow brick roads looking for the answers of their problems and all they find are the demons within themselves….

Some see the Emerald City as a pseudonym for Washington City. That the city have a outside that looks wonderful but beyond that the city is not that beautiful becuase of corruption. 

it ain't over till the fat lady sings

The saying "it ain't over till the fat lady sings" comes from Richard Wagners opera Götterdemmerung and refers to Brünhilde that is a halfgod that is awoken 30 min from the end in the opera and that is where the outcome of the story dramatically changes. The actual translation of the word gotterdammerung is "complete destruction of an institution"

Keep the faith......the game isn't over till it's over. Nothing is irreversable until the final act is played out!

Monday, January 9, 2012


Every dark empire needs a boogeyman to get into false wars….in the case of american government, first it’s native americans, then it’s blacks, then one man in a cave osama bin laden….now it’s all middle easterners AND soon it’s extraterrestrials…see beyond these lies, 911 was a lie, world war three has begun…it’s a worldwide war using weather weapons and other forms of frequency weapons, and the average american funds their own demise…while calling others ragheads and niggers and sand monkeys….the spiritually awakening continues for the growing many who are beginning to see the world for what it truly is, not for what it has been told to see                                                                                                       

TOP SECRET AMERICA  More than 1,200 government organizations and nearly 2,000 private companies work on programs related to counterterrorism, homeland security and intelligence in 10,000 locations
An explosive investigative series published in the ...... today begins, “The top-secret world the government created in response to the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, has become so large, so unwieldy and so secretive that no one knows how much money it costs, how many people it employs, how many programs exist within it or exactly how many agencies do the same work.” Among the findings: An estimated 854,000 people hold top-secret security clearances. More than 1,200 government organizations and nearly 2,000 private companies work on programs related to counterterrorism, homeland security and intelligence in 10,000 locations.

Clues in the Hoax - Osiris, Isis And Horus

Osiris is Egyptian god of the afterlife the underworld and the dead. He is most often portraited as a man with green skin, mummy wrapped legs. He have a pharaos beard. Osiris is sometimes called "king of the living".
Osiris green skin represent re-birth.
The color green represent nature and the natural world. Not only the grass and leaves are grey. There is a mineral that comes in many different green shades, emerald. Emerald leads us to another clue in this hoax - Emerald City in Alice in Wonderland. Green also represent transquility, good luck, health and jelousy. Green is also a symbol of fertility. 

The green man in We Are The World. 

The picture above is Osiris with wheat growing from his body. The sprout corn represent resurrection.
Below the bier is the symbol Ankh. Ankh is the symbol of life and was the ancient Egyptian Hieroglyph for eternal life. 
In the movie "Logan's Run" the symbol represent the key to freedom. 
Ankh is a symbol for the godess Venus associated with love, beauty, sex, fertility, prosperity and military victory. 

Prince with his guitar with the symbol of an Ankh. 

The picture above is Osiris rising from his bier. 

Michael Jacksons last helicopter ride? The cameras show the white "bag" with Michael Jacksons body moving in the helicopter. 

The godess Isis is the wife and sister of Osiris. Together they had the son Horus. She was worshipped as the ideal mother and wife as well as a matron of nature and magic. 

Isis is portraited as a woman and sometimes as a woman with bird wings, like a falcon. The headdress is the headdress of Hathor. It is cow's horns and inbetween them is a sun. At the picture above she have the Ankh sign in her hand and a thrown at her head. 

Horus is the God of war and hunting and is the son of Osiris and Isis. The name in meaning in Egyptian is "falcon" but later translations say "Horus, son of Isis". Horus was said to be the sky and he was concidered to also be the sun and the moon. 
Horus is often depicted as a falcon but most often as a man with a falcon head. 

The ancient Egyptian symbol, the Eye of Horus, is for ptotection and royal powers from deities.

Wedjat, The eye of Horus. 

Lady Gaga with the Eye of Horus

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Pentagon on September 11th

What hit the Pentagon? A Boeing 757 loaded with passengers and fuel right? Well perhaps that has now become a serious question of debate. Over the past year I have been collect information on the crash and making an attempt to piece together what actually happened. Believe me it hasn't been easy and I still don't have all the answers. However as time goes on I learn more and get more view points to work with.

Who was on Flight 77? According to the Flight Information there were No Arabs on it. That makes me wonder if Flight 77 actually existed at all? Please don't get me wrong here I mean absolutely no disrespect in bringing forward the names of the people on Flight 77
It is horrible to have to analyze the Pentagon crash when real people were killed and families must still miss them terribly but, there are a number of problems with the Official Story that do need to be brought to light. What pisses me off is there are no Government agencies anywhere in the world analyzing this information and bringing it forward to the public, nothing other than a few Members of Parliament or Government Whistle Blowers. It is disgusting!
Item one up for discussion are the obvious two pictures I have collect on the CAD models placed in front of the Pentagon as the models crash into the Pentagon.

We are talking about a 269,434 lb plane, hitting the pentagon wall at around 400 MPH.

Now that we have seen the plane lets look at the Pentagon 4 days before September 11th

In this Image we can see an Ariel path marker in the grass. It is not easily seen on the ground but I am still looking for some ground pictures to back up this satellite picture. However it is a very compelling picture as the Masonic all seeing eye is visible here. The actual bottom part of the eye points at the impact point on the pentagon wall and in the approximate flight path that the object that hit the Pentagon took.
What does this mean, well in Illuminati Symbology terms it is like a calling card I would say. Further if what we are seeing here is real then it gives credibility to the fact that the so called Terrorists were Patsies and this Ariel marking pattern may have been used to mark the impact point from the air where the pilot or object was suppose to hit the Pentagon

For two years I have been searching for a picture that would confirm the Satalite image and today a nice fellow found one and sent it too me. I find it amazing how blurred out the pics were. You can see the path marker and the outline of the eye as well, if you look closely enough! See part of the problem was that they covered up the grass with dirt and stones so fast that there were so few pictures available of the Grass as shown bellow.
Here is one image of the lawn that shows some of the Ariel Path Marker

The Approximate Flight Path

Now this is important as we will see later there were some light poles knocked down and there is some discussion about the credibility aspects of the poles being knocked down. For now just realize that flight path matches the Ariel path marker, the All Seeing Eye embedded on the lawn.
Hollywood-like Fake Smoke Made 9/11

What is interesting about this article is that it shows evidence that the plane blew up just as it impacted the wall, indicating explosives were used to blow the plane. Further down I talk about the light poles which were supposidly knocked down by the jet, but it looks more like explosives were used to blow apart the bases of the light poles to create a path for the plane to travel too. The light poles would have destroyed the wings on any 757 Boeing Aircraft to my estimation.

Here we have an Apartment Building in Amsterdam taken out by a 600,000 lb 747.

Much Larger Hole don't you think?

Picture taken on Sep 15th

I was a bit confused at first as to if the Punchout Hole was created by the object striking the Pentagon Wall or if the Rescue workers did it, in order to gain access to the damaged areas. It would seem that based on the debris and the heat/smoke damage done to the top part of the hole and the debris that it was indeed caused by the object hitting the wall. It is speculated that this was where one of the engines came through or a missile impact
The same hole but a more further
away picture of it. Much
more debris here now. Rescure workers found no evidence of plane debris in this area
It seems like the hole is in line with the impact path and does support the fact that a missile may have hit the pentagon. However it would seem that this hole was actually done by a Backhole for the workers to gain access
Now what we see here is debris being pushed away from the hole. The steel columns near the impact are not pushed in but pushed sideways, like what would happen if a bomb went off, not like what would happen if a plane hit it. You can see a hole big enough for the fuselage possibly on the left, However there hole the claimed hole it made is to the right, which clearly could not possibly fit the fuselage of a 757 through it. It is also important to note that there is no wing damage to the building at all. By all rights if the wings could take out Light Poles, beams shouldn't even be there, wouldn't you think? The smoke covers up the arching hole, so it is difficult to get a clear understanding of what the damage really is. It also makes me wonder if perhaps we are seeing 2 impact points, not one. The damage to right side of the picture looks like it could have been a explosion that occurred in the building, while to the left, that arching aspect looks like it may have been an impact point
Take a look at this hole and notice that the I beams are gone, they are not there at all! Thus why then are the beems still there in the Pentagon Crash. The WTC was designed to take a hit from a 747 and yet the beams are gone! Thus it does support that a small aircraft or missile hit the Pentagon and not a AA 757.

Have a look at this business jet that hit a warehouse after skidding off a runway in New Jersey on Feburary 2, 2005. See that the wing has folded back, however that strong cinder block construction still got knocked out by the one wing that hit the building. Interesting that the same was not shown on the Pentagon. More examples of this will probably come in over time. Just note that wings damage walls, but not Pentagon walls, right? Also the plane is intact like, it didn't go poof! Hmmm
Now take a look at this picture. Notice that the smoke to the right of the impact point is black versus the white smoke coming from the building. What is going on here? Now Crude oil when it burns gives off black smoke, so the question is what is burning over there to the right behind the fence that is giving off black smoke? Now I agree it just could be the lighting in the photo that makes it appear dark, but it is a separate fire. Because the Pentagon has a Helicopter Pad and is by a reason a heliport, it may also store fuel on that side of the pentagon. This may explain the contents being fuel stored behind the fenced area we see in this picture. If it was fuel, then the fireball we see from the security camera, might be actually the fuel exploding and not the plane. It is only a hypothesis at the moment, but just keep it in mind. As more information becomes available I or we can look into this further.
There also appears to be a line in the grass much like what we see in the Satellite photo up top, although it is still unclear that it is the same line, it is a line in the grass pointing at the impact site. Clearly the line in the grass points towards the crash site. It is one of the few pics that does show the line or rather All Seeing Eye.
This picture and the previous one show that something took out the fenced in area to some degree. The fenced area was probably damaged from the impact blast. The height of the stubs on the fence are lower than the spools of wire sitting on the lawn, so that doesn't support a wing impact at all. The spools shouldn't even be in this condition after a 757 hit the building. They would have been crushed. The hole in the pentagon is far to small for the fuselage of the plane to fit in so it is looking more and more like a missile hit than anything else.
I do find it interesting that with a 260,000 lb plane you don't see much of any aircraft debris, if at all. Another obvious question is, What are spools of heavy gauge wire doing on the west lawn of the Pentagon?
The Picture bellow even shows it more clearly that although some of the space has been blown out, the pylons remaining with stood the force of a 269,434 lb plane doing about 400 MPH, ploughing into it?
Now for the aftermath pic. If the plane did hit the Pentagon on an angle, why is it then that the damage done is not consistent with that angle? The Pentagon wall just collapsed straight down onto itself, but there is no angular damage is there?
Examining the Possibility of Planted Evidence (Like that never happens right?)It was reported that both black boxes were recovered from the Pentagon Crash. Okay then, where is it? Surely a picture of it would be nice as they seem to want to show the public and with all the media around shouldn't be a problem right? Well perhaps they lied... I know hard to believe as it may sound, perhaps they lied. Here is the news article about the recovery of the black box.
Further I find it hard to believe that a black box would survive when there is apparently nothing of the plane that did...
Lets take a walk through to the crash site. Click on the link bellow to load a video taken on September 11th at the Pentagon. Watch for debris. You will see a piece of debris in the video that looks like a piece of landing gear. However the gear itself is not burnt, twisted or damaged in any way. Odd don't you think? The wheel is still inflated and not burnt off. I was shown a picture that alleged wheel in the picture was indeed a welders cart, which holds tanks. It could very well be, but the placement of it and to the casual observer it would register I believe as landing gear wreckage. Intentional or not, that's how I looked at it when I first saw it.
A Smoking Gun:
You can clearly see from this video that there was never a huge gapping hole created in the Pentagon wall. The hole is only one story high, first floor and all the other floors collapsed down on top of it. There is no way a Boeing 757 could ever have gone through there. This leaves us with two questions:

What did hit the pentagon and the other relates to who was involved in 9/11 that created this massive lie? It is easy to point fingers at the administration as they most certainly are suspects in my mind, however they couldn't do it alone. How many others were involved in this cover-up and treason?
Side Note:
Here is the comparison of the welders cart to the landing gear. Again similar to the landing gear in this fuzzy picture. I originally took this pic as being a possibly the part of the landing gear but later found out it was a welders cart. If the picture was higher resolution I may have realized it earlier. So lets continue
A rim alledgely photographed inside the Pentagon. It does not match any rim found on the Global Hawk, but does resemble a 757 rim fairly closely but not 100%. The Color is not silvery and there is a missing indent that circles the rim near the outer edge that is missing. It may have been torn off. Until I can verify the origin of the picture I can only speculate. It could be a rim off of Flight 93 which was also a 757. Conisdering the nature of doctored pictures and cover up of video evidence, it is difficult to believe what pictures are real and what ones are manufactured. If you recognized this wheel on as being on other aircraft please email me and let me know or even better send me a picture of the aircraft and the related wheel rim
Close up of the wheel on the Global Hawk. You can clearly see the rear wheels do not match, however the front wheel may, but the picture isn't quite clear enough to see for sure
This is pictuer makes it obvious that the front and rear landing rims do of the Global Hawk do not match the wheel found in the Pentagon Wreckage
Here we have what I am told is a picture of the rear landing gear of an American Airlines Boeing 757 up close. The problem is that although this is being toughted as being the same wheel as that of one found in the wreckage, there are some problems with it. The color is wrong to begin with, should be silvery in color and there is a missing indent that circles the rim. The angle of the inner structure is also differnt and comparing the wheel found in the wreckage to the front Gear of the Global Hawk it is a possible match with the Global Hawk, just need a better picture to confirm this.
Compare the landing gear with a 757. The wheel in the wreckage doesn't look at all like the one found on the 757 and does look a lot closer to the wheel found on the Global Hawk.
To further this Global Hawk angle lets look at this engine part found in the wreckage
The Global Hawk has one engine and it is very quiet. Look at the size of the engine on the 757 in the picture just before this one and compare that to the size of the engine of the Global Hawk. Which plane do you think this part would more likely come from? It seems too big to be part of a cruise missile but would seem better fit again on the Global Hawk

Missing Pentagon Jet Engine Identified? - A 727 JT8D

It would seem that Jon Carlson feels that the landing gear photographed in the wreckage matches that of a Boeing 737. I am not sure if I have seen the pictures on a FEMA site or not, but the debris seems consistent with the Pentagon site.

Pentagon Survivor Claims it was a 737 that hit the Pentagon
....MORE COMING ....