

Friday, February 8, 2013


Who said Don't believe anything you hear and only half of what you read?


Remember,the press is a business: Newspapers and magazines are in business to make money - sometimes at the expense of accuracy, fairness and even the truth

The fans know the tabloid garbage is crap. They always say to me, "Let's have a tabloid-burning." It's terrible to try to assassinate one's character. I've had people come to me, and after meeting me, they start crying. I say, "Why are you crying?" They say, "Because I thought you would be stuck up, but you're the nicest person." I say, "Who gave you this judgment?" They tell me they read it. I tell them, "Don't you believe what you read." ~ Michael Jackson
It’s like looking at a fictitious movie. Because its fiction. It’s like watching science fiction. It’s not true. And I know myself and it’s sad when people have to read those things and they believe it
Don't read stories that aren't true. They write those stories to mislead you and you're making them rich. It's not true, don't read it, it's garbage, it's junk food. Believe what I tell you




Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Conspiracy of Lies?

Conspiracy of Lies?


On June 25, 2009, the final chapter in one of the most controversial histories of present times ended: Michael Jackson died from an overdose of the anesthetic Propofol, as his autopsy would later reveal. 4 years after the shocking but, for many fans who’ve always believed in his innocence, perhaps not that unexpected, event, we have begun to clear the name of the King of Pop, as the untold truth comes out to light.
In 1993, when his personal life had already become tabloid fodder and not a day went by without at least one Jackson story, Michael Jackson was accused of molesting a child. 13-year-old Jordan Chandler and his father, Dr. Evan Chandler, went public with the story, prompting authorities to launch an investigation into the claims.

In December that same year, Neverland Ranch is raided by police: documents and other items are removed from the premises, and Michael is submitted to a 23-minute strip search that leaves him feeling so humiliated he will never recover from it.
In May 2002, Michael decides to do something he’d never done before: very shy and fiercely protective of his personal life (not that anyone can blame him, though), he agrees to allow BBC journalist Martin Bashir and his cameras into his life for the chance to tell the world his story, unbiased, unedited and brutally honest. For the remainder of his life, Michael Jackson was branded a child molester even though he’d been through hell and back to prove that he was the exact opposite of that. For the media and the public opinion, the mere fact that he’d been found not guilty was proof of just how good he was – at hiding his true nature, that of a monster.
That Michael Jackson had been found not guilty was, most ironically of all, proof that he was, because that was the most profitable story to sell. Even more, it was proof that he could get away with it.

With this, we ended Michael Jackson’s career, broke his spirit and tainted his image for eternity. And, yes, we killed him


Michael's body was still warm when celebrities, music execs, family members and even his personal staffed whored themselves to TV news programs professing to be Michaels' best friends. People who didn't even know him were releasing statements. Where were these so-called best friends when Michael needed an intervention? Needed help? Nowhere. Yes, some tried, and Michael would not listen -- so keep trying!

Everyone thought Michael Jackson was a freak -- a plastic surgery addicted child molester. His last studio album "Invincible," released 2001, failed to garner a true hit single because radio stations refused to play the songs. Music critics tore him to shreds. He was blackballed.

He was a desperate man in pain and everyone threw stones at him. Now it's fashionable to be a Michael Jackson fan. Radio stations now play his music on heavy rotation. His albums are flying off the shelves. Urban Outfitters even carries a commemorative vinyl collection that hipsters can frame and put on their walls. Suddenly the entire world has rediscovered Michael Jackson. He's dead damn it. Imagine what this kind of love would have done for him while he was living? Maybe then he wouldn't need drugs to sleep.

We killed Michael Jackson. We helped create his gilded cage and then we rejected him. Death serves you well Michael, the world is finally acknowledging the amazing force of nature you were. You changed the face of music.

4 years to get it right or else it's irreversible
we have four years to get it right? What is happening in those 4 years?

Give me your all, your endurance,
your patience, and your understanding.
So give your all.And I love you all.
And we're a family. Just know that
We're putting love back into the world to
remind the world that love is important

What does Michael mean by we have four years to get it right? What is happening in those 4 years?
Do you know? You should tell me... because I've heard of many things that may happen but we have to figure this out.... He must be talking about something serious that we all need to know. Irreversible is a strong word, irreversible means there is no turning back

this is the forth year already.... If there is something we have to do, we have to do it.

This WAS It...This IS It...This IS YET to Come...

We have four years to get it right or else it's irreversible ... irreversible .......

Sunday, February 3, 2013

If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together

If we work together we can create the greater good this world needs, that's why ... It’s not for the fame or glory, it was for something more important and simple: To do good
I love to challenge myself too. It’s all for the sake of learning and growing together.
I once heard and amazing african proverb, perhaps you have heard it too:
“If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”