

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Whitney Houston ceremony for LIFE

This is part of the lyrics from the ceremony:

here we are again in a all familiar place.....
noone ever knows the time or space....
dont cry for me dont share a tear the times with you will always be....
when Im gone she carry on...
dont cry for me...
noone needs to blame no no...
my death has been to leave...
dont carry... shame
the reason why I came you soon will see...
dont cry for me.....
when Im gone still carry on dont cry for me....
soon time will end its...and all the world will see dont cry for me...

This line was spoken:

....last saturday when Whitney found her way into safety....

The golden car with the golden casket leave the church.

 Do not believe everything you see!  Or as the text on Bobby Browns arm said: 

To Celebrate Whitney Houston's LIFE "Home Going Service"

This is not a funeral, this is a "Home going Service" 

It is a closed golden coffin with white and purple flowers. I have seen that before: 

This is the coffin of Michael Jackson's funeral!


The Lord is my shepherd, 
I shall not want; 
He makes me lie down in green pastures. 
He leads me beside still waters; 
He restores my soul. 
He leads me in paths of righteousness 
for His name's sake. 

Even though I walk through the valley 
of the shadow of death, 
I fear no evil; 
for You are with me; 
Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. 

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me 
all the days of my life; 
and I shall dwell in the house of the 
Lord forever. 

Psalm 23

The choir sing: 

"one of these mornings I will meet...ever and wont be wont be long now...and ever and ever and ever..when people sing....

The choir dressed in white!

A change has come....a long time coming....
Whitney your change has come, yes it did....

Through the entire ceremony it is laughter and smiling faces.

The introduction of Aretha Franklin: 
She LOVES Whitney and she IS her Godmother

There is no such thing as coincidence!!!

Celebrities Who Died Of Overdoses

1.Elvis Presley *alive*
2.Dorothy Dandridge
3.Jimi Hendrix
4.Whitney Houston
5.Michael Jackson * alive*
6.Bruce Lee
7.Freddie Prinze
8.Keith Moon
9.Abbie Hoffman
10.Steve Clark
11.Heath Ledger
12.Anna Nicole Smith
13.Brittany Murphy
14.Margauz Hemingway
15.Rob Pilatus.
16.Dana Plato
17.John Belushi
18.Ol' Dirty Bastard
19.Chris Penn
20.Marilyn Monroe
21.Gerald Levert
22.Pimp C
These 22 people died from overdoses of perscription and illegal drugs. When will this madness end? Why is it people turn to drugs in the first place? Do their lives get so boring that they need excitment again, or are their lives just not fulfilling any longer after they hit it big? Could it be that their doctors just wanna keep them as patients so they feed them perscriptions. Not knowing in the end that their patients will take more then perscribed? Most of us would love to live like they did, but would we really? If we got a taste of that lifestyle would we want it or would we want to go back to our everyday lives?

What's Worse???

There are so many people that fall into a rut of using drugs, and end up addicted or worse, being taken from us. When someone tells you that they have an addiction problem the drugs that first come to mind are those that are illegal. Do you know that it is a face that prescription medication kills more people then illegal drugs? Recent deaths in the news have been caused by prescription drugs. Although illegal drugs have their place, prescription drugs are looked upon as not as dangerous. In reality they are far more dangerous than street drugs.

For example teens are more likely to swipe their parents prescriptions then try to get illegal drugs, they are more readily available. Even some OTC (over the counter) drugs are used in place of prescription drugs. Every day more than 2,500 youth aged 12 to 17 abuse pain relievers for the very first time. More than 2.1 million youth report using prescription drugs on a daily basis, 12 and 13 year old teens will choose prescription drugs over illegal drugs. They think it’s safer because they see their parents taking them.

Remember, these are the children we’re raising to be our leaders for tomorrow. Even though there have been more notice given to this rising issue, it needs more attention. More non habit forming drugs or with serious side effects like permanent damage or death need to be researched to be used. Some of narcotic drugs have their place, but that place is not in the hand of people who could abuse them or available to our children. We as adults need to be cautious with the medications we keep in our homes. We are our children’s first line of defense.

What More Can I Give ... Heal The World

Heal the world ..... These three simple words have a meaning so complicated and simple at the same time as our own existence.

A communion between us and the world. Everything we do, affects others. And in everything we do, we must consider to others. If someone is sick, it affects us all. Everything that exists is perfect and has an essential role to play. Nothing should be excluded from anything or anyone.

To heal the world should not be any kind of discrimination or exclusion of some (the majority) in favor of others (minority). Because it is true, beneficiaries are minorities, and majorities have always agreed that this happens. Why are we agree? Because of resignation? Convenience? Why?

Healing is simple, sometimes requires actions as simple as a few requirements and so few material resources that would surprise us.

We all have a mission here on earth, and is the basis of our identity as individuals and as human beings with mind, heart and soul. Responsibility.

But generally, we have always understood "take responsibility" as "I am responsible for what I think and what I do." And what is "beyond" is out of my hands. We believe, we are responsible for what we do, not what others do. And that is not true.

If you take complete responsibility for your life, then everything you see, hear, taste, touch or experience, either way, it is your responsibility. This means that terrorist activity, the president of your country, the economy or anything you experience and do not like, are there for you to heal.

The problem is not out, it is in you, and to solve it, you must change. To throw blame to another is much easier than total responsibility, right?

Loving yourself is the best way to improve yourself. And as you improve yourself, you improve your world.

To convey something, there is only one place to try: inside you. And when you look there, you have to do it with LOVE.

I Wish You Heaven

There is a song that if you look for it on YouTube most videos say it is Darren Hayes, but there are also those that say it is Michael Jackson singing.

The song is originally recorded by Prince: 

No matter who you think this is the song itself is interesting. The lyrics is that "I wish you heaven" 
"If I see eleven, I can see its seven". This is in Prince version. Listening to the other version the lyrics are "If I see its eleven, you know its seven" "I wish you love"
Makes me think of the numbers Michael Jackson used to use: 

There is more:
We have seen that all in this hoax is in circles. For example
Eddie Murphy and MJ had a long time relation and they made a video together and now as far as we have seen he is Mr Murray. It all go round and round. We have heard of prince talking about MJ, we have heard about the collaboration on Bad that did not happen and so on. So how big is this circle and how far down the rabbit hole is it?? 

There is no such thing as coincidence!!!

Future happenings...??

We have had the comment "So what is your take on 21 December 2012 =11?" for the post The Numbers In the History 

And this is correct. Number 11 stand for major changes in time.
For Example:
September 11, 2011: 9+1+1=11
November 11, 1918: the day itself is 11:11 and it ended after 11 months 11 days and 11 hours.

The history keep repeating itself so there must be things to find out about the future

There are days in the future that have caught my attention:

December 21st 2012 because it is the rumoured day for the end of the world ( )

March 25th 2012 is exactly 33 months after June 25th 2009, the day Michael Jackson supposedly died.
33= 11:11:11 March also have a connection to Alice in Wonderland and since the clues are not only for whether Michael Jackson will button his shirt and come back in his own time but also a way to get give the world knowledge there can very well be that this is the day something will happen. Let me show the connection:
The March Hare

The March hare can be connected to Eastern where there are eastern eggs. The meaning of the eastern egg in media is a "hidden message" and are in some aspects seen as a "inside joke". 
Eastern commemorating the Crucifixion and death of Jesus. And Eastern is followed by a 50-day period called Easter tide. Eastern is linked to the Jewish Passover. Jesus resurrection is celebrated at Eastern Sunday, Resurrection day and also called Resurrection Sunday. Eastern occur the Sunday after the first full moon of the year (march 22nd and April 25th). 

This goes deeper:
This year is a Leap Year which means we have one extra day, February 29th. There have been connections between the Chinese Calendar and the hoax before with the year of the rabbit. This time it is this: 
The Chinese Calendar calculates the number of full moons between the 11th month in one year and the 11 month in the following year. A leap month is inserted if there are 13 full moons in between those. Here we have 11 and 13 again. 
February 29th 2012 it self is: 2+9=11 and 2+2+1+2= 7  (7/11)

Friday, February 17, 2012

We are watched!!

We are watched!!

John Edwards "unmasked"

John Edwars have been seen in the Michael Jacksons video Hollywood Tonight.
Who is John Edwards??

Do you think this is the same man as in this video???

Here is the webpage from John Edwards:

Have anyone heard about this man before this??? Who is this man??? Is that a man??

Brooke Shields and Eddie Murphy presents.......

To be continued.....

Yin Yang - the powers of the universe

Yin Yang (known in the western world as Yin and Yang) 
is an Asian philosophy. Taoism. It is about oposites,
 that they only exist in relation to each other. The outer 
circle represents "everything". The white (yang) and  the 
black(Yin) represent the interaction that makes things 

to the right

male female
and 9 to the left
the universe just needs to stay at a moment zero
0 actually means 7
7 would be equilibrium
and if you turn it its L
the left or masculine
or in some things,the Sun
as well as its combinations
7 is human
or student
77 is 14 mind and body 777 is 21
the 3 equilibrium points of the human
mind soul and body
7777 is 28 or 10
10 is the first number to represent heaven
Michael Jackson used the combinations depending on what he was doing

Heal The World

Of course when we hear the worlds “Heal The World”, one person and one song comes to mind immediately.  He was the one who has planted the biggest seed in our minds and hearts. Can we carry on that mentality and accomplish the vision that was given to us? Do we understand what “Heal The World” means? Do we really know what it’s going to take to change our world? Are we ready to change our world and save it from complete destruction? Or are we all too far gone to save it?

There are multiple aspects that need to be dealt with if we are going to start changing our way of life. The entire national structure is in need of a complete makeover; from politicians to economics to the way some people muddle through life just waiting for someone else to change things.

We as a human race need to stand up for what is right, sure there are going to be disagreements that come about. The main point is we need to stop fighting with anger and start resolving with compassion and love. War and anger has not accomplished anything in our past, except for killing each other because we have different views or beliefs. We need to be part of the solution not part of the problem.

Think about a jury that has heard the deliberations of a case and now they all have to work together to decide the fate of another human. If just one of them hold out and believes in their convictions that human life may be spared. Now think if all over the world we worked together like that, how much we could actually accomplish as a whole. First things first, we do need leaders; we need leaders that are strong in their convictions. Those leaders have to have the trust of the people, they also need to listen to the people and take into consideration all aspects of our nations.

NOW is the time, it all needs to change, and we have to be strong enough to stand up and say we want to “Heal The World”, we want a better place for all of us. So, what are you going to do to help? Because your voice counts too.

A Child, A Heart, A Home

It’s the middle of the night and you’re awoken by a stranger. Ripped from your bed and taken away. Your alone and scared, you don’t know any of these people around you, you are in a strange place. No one tells you what is happening to you. This is what a child goes through when they are taken away from their parents and placed in the foster care system. There are more than 250,000 in the United States that enter the poster care system every year.  More then half will eventually return to their parents, but what happens to the remaining ones in the system? To date there are 107,000 children waiting to be adopted. Most of these displaced children live with foster families, but some will remain in group facilities. These children at no fault of their own have been displaced due to neglect or abuse within their home.

 Being taken away from their parents and moved from place to place can make a child feel that there is no one they can count on. How would you feel if you felt all alone in this world? Most children move from placement to placement numerous times a year, never knowing where they are going to end up. These children want nothing more than a place to call home. Someone to call their family, someone to love them unconditionally.  We need a license to drive a vehicle, but we don’t need any training to have a child. Having a child is a privilege not a right.

There are children all over the world waiting to be adopted by a loving family.  Taking care of the children of our world is one of the first steps in changing our world. Children need to grow up with love, support, and knowing they are worth something to someone. Teaching a child these aspects in life insures that they in turn will become well adjusted adults and will continue the cycle when they have children of their own. Remember one person can make a difference in our world.

The Voice That Echoes

Throw it back behind my lips the pain is gone.

We see a face that looks familiar,

Hear a voice that echoes

I'll keep my love for you deep in my heart

Until that day, we must live our lives

Ensuring each memory of you survives

I go out and return, but the routine and the voices

Beyond this place cannot come back with me

A window with no curtain to hide the view,

I know you must stand there often

And watch me missing you

Time has not moved on for me.

The numbness it has disappeared

Death is nothing at all...

I have only slipped away to the next room

My heart and my trust were in the process of collapsing

Thursday, February 16, 2012

They Are So Strong

There are brave little warriors among us fighting for their lives every day. They teach us more about love and strength then we could ever learn from an adult. I’m speaking of the children of our world that fight the demon called cancer. The amount of suffering that occurs for these children should never be. Children are meant to be just that…Children. Cancer in children is the second largest cause of death for those aged 1 to 14. On average about 16 out of every 100,000 children are diagnosed with some form of cancer every year. Out of the 100,000, at least 3 will lose the battle against the demon. The most common cancer in children is leukemia, which is a cancer of the bone marrow and blood, close behind is brain and central nervous system cancers.

In the last 25 years there has been a significant improvement in the five year survival rate for all major childhood cancers. Though there has been a decline in the number of children that die each year, there should be very few if any at all that lose the battle. The technological advances in medicine should be able to fight just about any kind of childhood disease.   There has been years of research conducted on this subject. Hard to believe with all the research that there is no cure yet.

What if there was already a cure for cancer, or even just a certain types of cancer?  What if the government already had a cure, and was just holding out to diminish the population? There are many diseases that have been eradicated but yet there still remains a test tube with these diseases locked away in a room somewhere. If it’s been completely eradicated why do we still NEED samples of the disease? Shouldn't we destroy them? Makes one wonder what would happen if these got into the wrong hands.

Be Careful With What You Choose To Believe In

This is what TMZ reported February 15th 2012.....

...... and february 16th I find this: 

How can they know this, or do they assume??????

I found another picture. On february 2 nd 2012 Bobby Brown with his daughter Bobbi Kristina and in the other picture Whitney Houston when they all 3 had a dinner. The picture to the right is what is on Bobby's arm: "DON'T TRUST ANYONE". 

There will be a private funeral saturday with Invited Only. According to the media Bobby is not invited. 
But, it will be televised..... 
I have heard that one before..... 

Cries For Help

Your neighbors seem like a nice family, you have no reason to think anything different. Until the day you see the children being removed from the home by the social worker. Later learning that the children had suffered abuse and neglect for years.
Children are suffering from a hidden epidemic of child abuse and neglect. There are over 3 million reports of child abuse or neglect made each year. Although those reports may include more then 1 child per incident. In 209 there were over 3million reports and allegations made that involved more than 6 million children. A report is made every ten seconds…every ten seconds. There are currently at least 5 children that die every day due to abuse or neglect. It is estimated that between 50-60% of child fatalities are due to maltreatment and are NOT reported as such on death certificates.

On average 30% of children will grow up and repeat the cycle of abuse toward their children. Not only will they be more likely to abuse their children, but they are more likely to have mental disorders caused by trauma from their childhood. They also have a higher rate of having substance abuse problems and being involved in criminal activity.

They are being set up to fail from the very beginning, no chance at a normal loving life from the start. How has our world come to this? Aren’t we supposed to be more evolved and smarter than this? They are our leaders, teachers, and society of tomorrow. Why aren’t we doing more to help our children? Maybe we need to implement classes on parenting for children when they are in school. Maybe if they are caught at a young age and grow up being taught what being a parent is all about, they may just be more capable of raising a better genteration then we have.

One World, One Heart Beating

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

For Wendy

Our dear friend WendyNPeterpan lost her daughter today. 
Out of respect for her we stop posting for today and pray for her and her family. 

Sending you much love and strength in this hard time. 

Our deepest condolences for you dear friend. 

Love You Forever More

I'm Not Gone

Don't cry for me, 
now that I am free.
Just look around anywhere,
and that is where I'll be.

For I am the daylight,
when the sun starts to rise.

I am the bright rainbow,
you see with your eyes
I'm the tiny raindrops,
that sparkle in the wind.

I'll always be here with you,
for there really is no end.

I'm the dew that's on the ground,
and the quietness all around.

Yes, so I am very happy,
with this new life I have found.
I'm the peaceful summer breeze, 
that flows softly through the trees.

I'm the bluebird in the sky,
that sings with such ease.

Understand my family and friends
and don't cry for me.
~ S. Pearce

You are welcome to leave our friend a comment to give her strength

Results: Do You Think Michael Jackson Have a Twin Brother?

Do You Think Michael Jackson Have A Twin Brother?

133 voted and these are the results:

46 (34%)  Yes
61 (45%)  No
20 (13%)  I don't know
6   (4%)    You're totally insane and have lost it Looking4truth77  

34 % believe that Michael Jackson have a twin brother but the rest (66 %) do not know or say he do not have a twin brother.

Thank you all that have been participating in our poll.

We will come back to this and much much more!! Love you all

World Peace

World Peace

Do we honestly know what “World Peace” is? It is an ideal of freedom, peace, and happiness amoung and within all of the nations of people as a whole. World peace is theoretically possible there are inherit human nature aspects that prevents it. Humans are naturally looking out for their OWN existence and not their brother or sister. Is it democracy, capitalism, or cobdenism that keeps us from achieving world peace? Do we even know the answer to world peace yet? Or is the generation now just the tip of what is to come in 50 years or more?
It seems that politics are a big root to the unveiling of world peace. We all have to be on the same page and same chapter in order to achieve what we are all searching for. Globally we must come together, that entails a lot of work, time and effort. Which most people are not willing to give, most just want to be told what to do and when to do it in respect to global issues. We as humans need to stand up and take a greater part in the concern of our world. What our generation is teaching the next generation is a good start, but we need more. There need to be factors implemented NOW, NOT tomorrow.
First some of the BIG issues of the world need to be resolved, such as hunger, violence, war, politics, religion, and getting along with our neighboring countries.  These are social and political resounding issues that have caused havoc in our world for decades. Organized chaos needs to go out the window and be replaced with a new structure. An important aspect is structure, we need it to a degree or as we all know nothing works. Like any other well oiled machine, we as a nation need to run as a well oiled machine to accomplish what we want….WORLD PEACE.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

What are they hiding???

ummm this is odd. 
How can they say it is defenetly not murder when the investigation is still not completed?? They have not got the toxology rapport yet and can still be so sure!?!?!

What are TMZ doing?? The title of this text is not what Celine is saying.
Why are they so sure it is drugs, legal or not???
To me it do sound like they are trying to cover something up or that they afraid to tell the truth.


Did you know that Paul McCartney, the ex-Beatle, never actually left the band because . . . he died in 1966 and was then replaced by a lookalike? It sounds bizarre, and it is. The "Paul is dead" myth is one of the most popular myths set in the world of rock music

I've some bells ringing by this title
memorial flowers ???

Let me know what you think..?

There is no such thing as coincidence!!!
Are they trying to tell us something between the lines !!!

FEMA's At It Again

Remember all the residents that were all homeless after Hurricane Katrina?  They were all supplied with trailers to live in by FEMA. But now thousands of people are seriously ill from living in those trailers. How do they respond to an appeal from 10,000 people? Its reported that Judge Carl Stewart from the US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit has struck down the appeal, claiming that these individual have no jurisdiction to sue the government. What is the response from FEMA? That the trailers were rpvided at “no cost” and “under no obligation”. No cost? No obligation?

What about the cost of these people health from breathing in the formaldehyde laden trailers? Tax payers paid for these trailers, all of us, not just those that were affected by Katrina. So that means that Americans paid for other Americans to be slowly poisoned. Wow isn’t the United States a grand place to reside? This is why it is vital for states and individuals to exercise extreme caution when allowing the federal government of the US to take over during emergency situations.

In February 2012, a source that wishes to remain anonymous has uncovered a FEMA training camp in Missouri. The camp is located at Fort Leonard Wood, the source was contracted to work at the camp. The training area was described as a “civilian inmate training camp”, there were foreign troops spotted in maroon and purple uniforms instructing troops in the use of baton tactics and crowd control techniques.  Since the passage of NDAA the camp has been extremely active. Just last month witnesses came forward with evidence of a FEMA rendition facility located at the airport in Los Angeles.

FEMA camps are a touchy subject for the government. I wonder why, aren’t the FEMA camps supposed to be there to protect us? Shouldn’t we have information on them if they ARE FOR US? At this rate the number of FEMA camps will hold all the citizens of the US, because the other half will all be dead already. Think, wake up, act.

Hate where does it brings us?

But why hate is so pleasant that we are prone to become addicted to it, like right wing talk show hosts and many conservative politicians? Because hate is not just self-asserting – it is self-aggrandizing, self-elevating, it is oda to our greatness written by the primal poet – our mute emotions. Hate flatters to the one who hates. This is the hidden socio-psychological essence of hate. Hating somebody (individuals, groups, nations or races) means putting the object you hatefully react on – down. This is an immanent symbolism of hate as an emotion. Hate is hierarchical feeling. To put object down means to put the subject up. Hate is a magic rode which when pointed at somebody it transforms this object into a pygmy or Lilliputian or a vermin (that is in the eyes of the hater, of course, but that is enough to provide him/her with pleasure).
Hate is the simplest and the cheapest strategy of self-aggrandizement known to human specie. It is hate’s secret. What hate does to its objects is well known and simple. What hate does for those who hate – this is hate’s psychological meaning and its glory. Just hate somebody, and you will feel great and optimistic and will believe in your future and your victory over the world. Hated person is always perceived as sub-human. Targeting somebody with hate is already self-aggrandizement. To hate means to feel and to state that I am above the one whom I hate. For me to hate means to be sure that I will be able to destroy whom I hate because my hate suggests to me that I am stronger just by the very fact of experiencing hate. The presence of my hate verifies the guilt and badness of the hated. The hated one is responsible for my hate like Eve is for Adam’s lust, and the stronger is my hate the more successfully I will irradicate the hated evil.

Democratic sensibility invented alternative to wars because it found alternative to hate. This alternative is a compromise and creative rationality and inventiveness which carry to the orbit the diplomatic art and a democratic world view based on equality and respect for other people and the ability to take their interests and welfare into consideration. For seventy years the very existence of Soviet Union with its arrogantly messianic world view cooked with hate, contempt for compromise and with self-aggrandizement was a menace to civilization and life on Earth. Today the Russian missiles have lost its ideological megalomania and are needed only for defensive purposes. But our own country – US, under extremist conservative government serving the globalist corporate interests started to follow the example of Soviet Communists and even upgraded Sovetism’s messianic posture into a megalomaniacal project of globalization of Americanism as power and universal wisdom! Moved by the idolatry of profit, the American financial elite started economic and political expansion to other countries taking away their independence and the right to have their own development. In the name of democracy and American people it started to invent wars to support its corporatist agenda and to transform other people into enemies by deploying righteous hate (exactly like the Soviets did for seventy years).
The Soviet masses couldn’t even try to stop the Soviet ideological expansion into other countries (Soviet globalist ideology) because they were chained by the totalitarianism of their political system. But Americans with their “freedom of speech and organizations and individualistic independence from mass ideologies” cannot, it seems, do it either. Why? As under pre-Cheneyfeld’s democrats they were hooked on consumerism, today they are more and more dick-chained with euphoric ideology of hate and are becoming addicted to it, with Tea Party-like bouts of hate drunkenness and unconditional readiness for new wars.

End World Hunger

Have you ever looked up the word hunger, to see what it actually means? It means the uneasy or painful sensation caused by want of food, craving appetite and exhausted condition caused by wanting food. In 2010 there were 925 million people in the world suffering from hunger.  The world as a whole produces enough food to feed everyone. The biggest problem is that many people in the world do not have sufficient land to grow, or the income to purchase the food they require. Poverty is the principle cause of hunger. Due to the low income peoples lack of resources to obtain food.

It is factual that the economic and political systems in the world control the poverty and hunger of our world. They control the power behind the resources and income needed to adequately acquire food. Hunger also causes many health issues that leads people to lower poverty, malnutrition, low levels of energy, mental impairment, these all lead to an inability to work and function properly.

The change of our world’s climate is also affecting the ability for certain geographical locations to grow desired foods. This can include drought, floods, hard winters, all which change the soil and the length of time to grow produce. This leads to a lot of the malnutrition in the world, since these people can’t get the vitamins and minerals that are needed by our bodies to stay healthy.  Some of the most important vitamins need are:

Vitamin A: lack can cause night blindness and reduce the bodies ability to resist disease. It can also cause retardation in children.

Iron: the main cause of anemia in the world.

Iodine: jeopardizes children’s mental health, in pregnancy it can cause still births and congenital abnormalities.

In a world where there is enough food to supply everyone, there is NO good reason for there to be hunger anywhere in our world. It needs to be resolved NOW.

Helpless Animals

Picture your cute little mouse you had as a young child. How you played with it, loved and cherished the bond. Now imagine 25 million animals just like your past pet, caged up living in laboratories and deliberately being made sick for weeks, months or years. The suffering these animals endure is unfathomable.  There have been substitutes to animal experimenting that has shown to be effective in advancing medical progress, cutting research costs, and eliminating animal cruelty in this manner.

Approximately 95% of the animals used for research aren’t given even the minimal protections of the Animal Welfare Act, which currently exists.  There are many organizations against the use of animals or at the very least to treat them humanly, such as the Human Society and PETA (people for the ethical treatment of animals). Very few human diseases are seen in primates yet they are subjected to these disease. Disease are not the only use though, they are subjected to cosmetics, agricultural research, food trials, weapon testing, and car crash simulations.

If the average person seen this in person, they would demand that it stop NOW. That’s the main problem though. These laboratories are not known publically, and if they were would be flooded with people trying to get rid of them if they could just take a short stroll through the labs. Being exposed to what really happens behind those closed doors.

Primate Investigation by the Humane Society (warning graphic):

Monday, February 13, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

My life will never be the same, cause girl you came and changed the way you make me feel. Do you remember the time when we fell in love? Don’t you know now is the perfect time? Our love will shine at the dawn of a brand new feeling. You know I got the hots tonight & desire to be with you.  Make tonight all mine, put out your heart to me.  So baby be mine, I’d do anything. I just can’t stop loving you, your love is magical. But first I need your hand then forever can begin. Just call my name and I’ll be there. Hold my hand, feel the touch of your body cling to mine. Kisses for your loving, pretty baby. My forever came today and I want the world to see. This thing can’t go wrong, all the love I never knew I found in you. People making lists, buying special gifts, the rarest love who’d think I’d find. All I need to know there’s someone who cares.  Just hold me baby. I love you baby. That’s for all time.

dancing in the moonlight

in the delightful moonlight in a sleepless night.
the touch of her fingers tenderly set afire.
her warm full lips brushing my cheek.
senses tingling begging for more.
our breath mingles sweet secretions of our mouths, blend and brew.
I look deep into in your beautiful eyes
while i run my nails against your back
massage your fantasies
a whisper full of desire
feeling your hands upon my chest
the softness of her brushing fingers following their way down
shivers running down my spine
she straddles my waiting body
i close my eyes gasping for air
moaning growling your name from the back of my throat
flesh moves with synchronized, frantic fluidity
seeing the desire in your eyes
our bodies melting together in the delightful moonlight

Coroners Van Exposed

Whitney Houston's untimely passing stired a curiosity within my mind, when the coroners van was shown. So I looked back to the coronors van of Michael Jackson's. Notice how many differenences you can find. There is no "Don't Abondon Your Baby" sign just below the plate, there is also no "How Am I Driving" tag on the lower left of Michael's. Let us know what you think.

proof he`s watching us

TMZ makes you once more believe with his background

he`s around and watching you like a  amazingly smooth pepper
I'm a Pepper
You're a Pepper
Good times
Drink Doctor Pepper

I drink Doctor Pepper and I'm proud
I used to feel alone in a crowd
But now you look around these days
That seems to be a Doctor Pepper craze

I'm a Pepper in the sunshine
I'm a Pepper in the moonlight
I'm a Pepper in the good times
Doctor Pepper

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Let`s Legalize drugs

The rash number of deaths due to overdoses is soring.  Why? Is it because the drugs are to easily aquired? If they were legalized would this still be a problem, or could they be controled in some manner? All seniros have their pros and cons, if a person is going to indulge in an activity they are going to do it, legal or not.

Its known world wide that Amsterdam has legalized drugs. There are laws in place though with the purchase of drugs. Some of the laws include: not sold near schools and there are independent advisors to answer questions about the drugs. Production, trading and stocking drugs still remains a criminal offence. The use of drugs is a health matter, none legalized drugs brings with it a negative effect increasing criminality. There are herbs that can be bought that are very dangerous to our health, but those are legal and without counsel.

Whitney's Death: An Earlier Incident?

EXCLUSIVE — Whitney Houston’s death made for a long day’s journey into night at the Beverly Hilton. While the Clive Davis Grammy dinner had to proceed downstairs in the ballroom–with 800 guests already filing in as the news was breaking–Whitney remained in state, so to speak, in her fourth floor suite. She was not removed until just moments before the party ended–a little after midnight. She’d been in the suite, discovered in her bathtub. But there were many people in the suite when this happened at 3:50pm including her daughter Bobbi Kristina, her brother Gary, sister in law Pat Houston, and another player in this story — a nightlife friend who’d been guiding her around town the last few days as she was photographed in states of duress.
What you don’t know is that around 11pm, paramedics were called back to the fourth floor. Security and police raced back to the 4th floor. A medical wheelchair with restraints was brought in through the back entrance to the hotel. Bobbi Kristina “freaked out”–well, she’d been upstairs for hours with her mother’s dead body in the next room. It was understandable. The paramedics thought they were going to to have to take her to the hospital. But calm was restored. For ten minutes, though, security cleared the entire lobby of the hotel while the concert was going on inside the ballroom. I was out there at that moment, and it was one of the strangest scenes ever.

Then there’s the mysterious story of a leak that occurred the night before from Whitney’s group of suites. A man on the third floor right underneath Houston’s suite suddenly experienced water cascading into his bathroom from above at 2:30am. It wasn’t just a trickle. The man called security, then went upstairs to the fourth floor to see what was going on. He swears to me that it was Whitney’s bathtub that was overflowing. He also says that a flat screen television had been been broken–the screen was smashed. My sources at the hotel say there was a “leak” but that it wasn’t from Whitney’s room. “They [her group] have a lot of rooms up there,” says the hotel source. My source, this man, insists that he was told it was Whitney Houston’s room. It does seem to have been part of her group of rooms.

There are many mysteries here. None of them have been reported or solved by TMZ or one of the other muckracking tabloids. I know the man who had to pull Whitney out of the bathtub yesterday and attempt to give her CPR. He told me, “She was already dead. There was nothing I could do.”
More on Whitney’s death and the Grammy party follows in the next post. And believe me, dear readers, this isn’t easy. I’ve known Whitney Houston and her family for over 25 years. She was a beautiful girl with a big heart. She was full of optimism. Her mother is one of the finest people. The people who worked for and with her were devoted to her. When the shock turns to anger there will be a lot of finger pointing. But in the end, Whitney ruled her own world.

Roger Friedman, Contributor

Passion and heat

If you could only envision the passion within my heart
If only I knew a way
To crawl within your sensual body
Melding together as one
Feel the intense love and desire
I hold for you within my soul
If I possessed a thousand years
It would still never be enough time
To convey the way your body makes me quiver
As I touch your silky warm skin
Visions of you and I in a passionate embrace
You are a magic potion

I crave to drink every drop of you
Your essence fills my breath
Gently I kiss your luscious lips
The immense love I hold for you my darling
Explodes inside of me
Unleashing a deep burning sensation
You, who I’ve waited a lifetime for
The woman that fills my every fantasy
Soft and deserving of my gentle touch
Brushing against your breasts with my warm lips
I’ve searched through shadows and darkness
Never finding my way, until I discovered you
With a love like the shining sun
The warmth within peeks through the window of my soul
As I lay soaking in the passionate heat of you
My mind drifts away
As my eyes feast on the beauty
That lies beside me
Never will I drift alone again
As I tenderly hold you close
I marvel at the wonder I hold
I whisper gently in your ear
I love you so very much my beautiful princess

Whitney Houston Found Dead TMZ

February 11, 2012 Whitney Houston was found dead in the Beverly Hilton Hotel. There will be an autopsy. The police came to the hotel fast. When they arrived the body was not in the tub anymore. The last thing reported is that the Police is waiting permission to search the room. Officially they do not suspect false play and will search the room for drug, non-prescripted.
First is it told that the police are still in the room searching for drugs and then it is changed that they are waiting for permission to search the room.....
Whitney Houston was to open a party on February 12th and made plans with her family and friends as seen above and below.

Why would the daughter not being allowed to see the mother if it is not false play???