

Monday, January 9, 2012

Clues in the Hoax - Osiris, Isis And Horus

Osiris is Egyptian god of the afterlife the underworld and the dead. He is most often portraited as a man with green skin, mummy wrapped legs. He have a pharaos beard. Osiris is sometimes called "king of the living".
Osiris green skin represent re-birth.
The color green represent nature and the natural world. Not only the grass and leaves are grey. There is a mineral that comes in many different green shades, emerald. Emerald leads us to another clue in this hoax - Emerald City in Alice in Wonderland. Green also represent transquility, good luck, health and jelousy. Green is also a symbol of fertility. 

The green man in We Are The World. 

The picture above is Osiris with wheat growing from his body. The sprout corn represent resurrection.
Below the bier is the symbol Ankh. Ankh is the symbol of life and was the ancient Egyptian Hieroglyph for eternal life. 
In the movie "Logan's Run" the symbol represent the key to freedom. 
Ankh is a symbol for the godess Venus associated with love, beauty, sex, fertility, prosperity and military victory. 

Prince with his guitar with the symbol of an Ankh. 

The picture above is Osiris rising from his bier. 

Michael Jacksons last helicopter ride? The cameras show the white "bag" with Michael Jacksons body moving in the helicopter. 

The godess Isis is the wife and sister of Osiris. Together they had the son Horus. She was worshipped as the ideal mother and wife as well as a matron of nature and magic. 

Isis is portraited as a woman and sometimes as a woman with bird wings, like a falcon. The headdress is the headdress of Hathor. It is cow's horns and inbetween them is a sun. At the picture above she have the Ankh sign in her hand and a thrown at her head. 

Horus is the God of war and hunting and is the son of Osiris and Isis. The name in meaning in Egyptian is "falcon" but later translations say "Horus, son of Isis". Horus was said to be the sky and he was concidered to also be the sun and the moon. 
Horus is often depicted as a falcon but most often as a man with a falcon head. 

The ancient Egyptian symbol, the Eye of Horus, is for ptotection and royal powers from deities.

Wedjat, The eye of Horus. 

Lady Gaga with the Eye of Horus

1 comment:

  1. I draw this on my laptop, more 2 years ago,, it was for a new Michael's Perfum...

    I know the Pyramides are also used by some people,,, but first, i learned at school, they where the Tomb of the Pharaohs..
