

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Flu Immunizations

Every year millions of people get an immunization against the newest strain of the flu. The CDC and FDA recommend these shots for the very young, pregnant women, those with compromised immune systems and the elderly. They say these people are at the greatest risk of acquiring the flu and having complications or worse death. Why is it so important for thees group to receive this vaccine? Promoted mostly to these groups, but it is ironic that these groups are the most vulnerable to reactions to the vaccine because of their immune systems are already weakened. People have been getting the flu for centuries; very few have had serious results, like death from just having the flu.

There are alarming numbers of people having bad reactions to the so called vaccine that is suppose to keep us well!! The side effects range from getting the flu to increased risk of developing Alzheimer;s. the vaccine contains heavy metals aluminum and mercury, which in time builds up in our brains. These metals cause problems with thinking, language and memory loss. Once again the government is out to keep us safe!! Safe from not conforming to what they want us to do is more like it! if they are looking our for our best interest WHAT ARE PEOPLE DYING FROM IT? Overwhelming numbers of deaths and serious illnesses are reported every year.

And example of it's "safety", a personal friend had a son in the Marines; all military personnel are required to take these vaccines. After receiving his vaccine his are was horrible to look at and made him very sick. The young man received 1cc more of the vaccine then recommended and almost died, he developed the disease, leaving him with lifelong complications. He was given a 30 percent discharge from the Marines, and was also informed he could go blind in later years.

Are you willing to risk these complications for yourself or your children? Seems like the perfect way for the government to tell us how to THINK, since we won't be able to think, remember or talk!


  1. Thank you my precious friend. For your words of wisdom. I really appreciate you and your straight forward information that we as Humanity needs to know about. Your words are so true. I am for sure one that will think about all you have written about in your whole blog.
    You have my gratitude and love my friend. :)

  2. Thanks to a twitter friend, I'm here to read your blog. I'm happy to know that you wrote what I want to say. In Japan, children got immunization at school. I used to be absent from school on the day of immunization practice.
