

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The End of Time

December 21 2012 11:11 GMT (1+2+2+1+2+1+2=11, 11:11:11)

The Mayan Calender and civilisation was the biggest of it's time. They developed the most advanced mathematics and astronomy of their day. The Mayan civilisation are the carriers of a significant and irreplacable part of the global human consciousness.

The Mayan Calendar provides an exact schedule of the Cosmic Plan. The ancient Maya civilisation predicted a 26,000 year Calendar divided in 5 cycles each having 5,125 years. We are now in the cycle spanning 3113 B.C - 2012 A.D called the fifth sun. This time is ruled by 4 Earth. The Mayans used many different calendars and viewed time as a meshing of spiritual cycles.

The Mayan Calendar is divided into Seven ages of Man.

According to the Mayan Calender something big will happen December 21st in 2012. Some have seen the prophesy as a sign that the world will end this day. There are also others that see this day as the day for transformation and  renewal. The Mayan Calender is a gateway to the world of conciousness. The majority of the humanity have been blinded to use fake calenders. December 21st is the peak of the Kali Yuga (the age of darkness where we are right now). According to Hindu Cosmology (the ancient Indian cosmology) there is an imbalance of the three forces of God, Brahma (creative), Vishnu (protective) and Mahesh (destuctive). Now the destructive forces now have the majority (75%) of the balance. Indian cosmology is believed to have a divine origin. This means that the New World Order have reached it's limits.

The fourth world will end and the fifth will start, the beginning of something new. There are those that see the fifth world as the Golden Ages. In the fifth age, humanity will realize the spiritual destiny. In the sixth age we will realize God within ourselfs and in the seventh age we will become so spiritual that we will be telepathic.
In the Mayan Calendar December 21st 2012 is the day when the Calendar will go to the next b'ak'tun.
A b'ak'tun is 20 katun cycles of the ancient Maya Long Count Calendar. It contains 144,000 days, equal to 394,26 tropical years. The classical period of Maya civilzation occuring during the 8th and 9th b'ak'tuns of the current calendrical cycle. The current 13th cycle will end December 21st 2012. This mark the first day of the 14th's b'ak'tun. A katun is a unit of time in the Maya Calendar equal to 20 tons or 7200 days

A crescendo of eartquakes, tornados, tsunamis and economical crisis will build up for the day D according to scientists. The imbalance in the world is caused by a man and a man only and can only be repaired by man and nothing else.

December 21st is the day for transformation and renewal!!

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