

Thursday, February 16, 2012

They Are So Strong

There are brave little warriors among us fighting for their lives every day. They teach us more about love and strength then we could ever learn from an adult. I’m speaking of the children of our world that fight the demon called cancer. The amount of suffering that occurs for these children should never be. Children are meant to be just that…Children. Cancer in children is the second largest cause of death for those aged 1 to 14. On average about 16 out of every 100,000 children are diagnosed with some form of cancer every year. Out of the 100,000, at least 3 will lose the battle against the demon. The most common cancer in children is leukemia, which is a cancer of the bone marrow and blood, close behind is brain and central nervous system cancers.

In the last 25 years there has been a significant improvement in the five year survival rate for all major childhood cancers. Though there has been a decline in the number of children that die each year, there should be very few if any at all that lose the battle. The technological advances in medicine should be able to fight just about any kind of childhood disease.   There has been years of research conducted on this subject. Hard to believe with all the research that there is no cure yet.

What if there was already a cure for cancer, or even just a certain types of cancer?  What if the government already had a cure, and was just holding out to diminish the population? There are many diseases that have been eradicated but yet there still remains a test tube with these diseases locked away in a room somewhere. If it’s been completely eradicated why do we still NEED samples of the disease? Shouldn't we destroy them? Makes one wonder what would happen if these got into the wrong hands.


  1. Just search in depth on the internet and you will find many many ways to stop cancer and not with chemotherapy and radiotherapy which are both poisonous to the immune system. Those pioneers who have found natural causes and proposed clinical trials for their cures have disappeared off the face of the earth and their patents buried in the dungeons of bureaucracy. Only by peddling their pharma drugs will the Elite be able to control the population.

  2. It all comes down to one thing... MONEY... they lie for it, spy for it, kill for it... they don't care about us!
