

Monday, January 23, 2012

Our Children & Drugs

A top concern of parents is the rising usage of drugs by their children. Whether these are street drugs, or prescription drugs, all which they acquire illegally. There are many reasons why a child might use drugs, some include: stress, social acceptance, self medicating.  With the ease of access topping out the list, the most common practice is taking them from their own medicine cabinets. While street drugs are a big factor, the most common drug of choice is over the counter, or prescription medications. The rise in the dispensing of these drugs to adults increases the access to children.

 It has been documented that children as young as 8 have been found to be “experimenting” with drugs. It’s estimated that 65% of boys and 39% of females use drugs on a regular basis. This not only astonishes most adults, but is building these children up for a lifelong addiction battle. The growing rate of rehabilitation facilities for children has drastically increased. Most think that these are just misguided or troubled children. Instead of blaming our children, we need to look at how we’re reacting to this sensitive issue as parents and as a community.  Children are left alone more often than not these days. Most parents work outside of the home and are not present when their children come in from educational activities. This event could be due to the fall in the economy, pressuring parents to work longer hours. There is also the rise of single parent households in the last few years.

Not only as parents do we have a duty to educate our children, but as adults within our community we are also responsible. If children are properly educated on the effects of drugs they are less likely to use or be involved with those that do. Children need a stark reality check of facts about what consequences’ could occur. Deaths in young people have increased due to usage of:  alcohol, huffing, prescription and street drugs. These toxic substances are stealing our children away from us. Education is not the only avenue to keeping our children alive. As community leaders we need to ensure there are programs instituted for children to participate and be involved. Teaching our young generation properly ensures our world will take on a new breed of humans. Without proper education and encouragement to our children, our world is going to become more of a disaster then it already is currently.

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