

Thursday, February 14, 2013

The fast food that's killing us slowly

Let's dispel the misconception; there is no difference between “fast food” and “junk food”.
Fast food is junk food served fast.
To be fair, the popular target of our fast food angst is usually aimed at the Golden Arches, but their greatest sin is simply the fact that they market and serve their junk food more proficiently than their competitors. Health wise, there is no distinction between any of them. Burger King is no less guilty than McDonald's, or Wendy's for that matter. There are over 300,000 fast food restaurants in the U.S alone, let's not split hairs and point fingers.
At issue is the food itself. Years ago cattle were usually slaughtered between four and five years old. Today, the same cattle are slaughtered between fourteen and sixteen months.
The cattle of old were traditionally fed grass and were allowed to graze and fatten gradually. Given the demand for beef, today's cattle are exposed to a diet of corn, protein, antibiotics, and growth hormones so that they will reach the 1200 lb slaughtering weight in record time. Cattle are not genetically predisposed to digest corn, the antibiotics ensure that the cow will be relatively healthy while growing. Without the antibiotics, the cattle would die.
Despite the antibiotics, there are still a myriad of health conditions that effect a great deal of cattle. However, we're not here to argue the ethical treatment of the animals slaughtered, rather what needs to be examined is the health effects consuming these animals has on you, the consumer.
A genetically engineered hormone known as rBGH is given to some cows in the U.S. to increase milk production. A by product of this hormone is the meat produced by the cows has been, in some cases, found to be carcinogenic. Residues of rBGH have been found in hamburgers sold at well known fast food chains.
Exposure to such carcinogenic meats is cause enough to rethink eating it, but an even greater reason may be found in the fact that consumption of such antibiotic laden beef has led to bacteria that is resistant to antibiotics, or if you prefer the “superbug”. In the name of consumer satisfaction we have exposed ourselves and our children to powerful bacteria, e coli, increased cancer risks, obesity, diabetes, and heart disease, to name but a few.
So, feed the kids the chicken nuggets, right? Ah, maybe not.
The problem with fast food chicken nuggets is there is at least another 25 ingredients other than chicken in the nuggets.
There is bread, yeast products, dextrose, sodium phosphates... the list goes on.
Well, we'll just have some fries...
The french fries in most fast food restaurants in the U. S. are fried in a corn based oil, considered the worst oil for human consumption and linked to heart disease. In America we enjoy our fries so much we consume over seven billion pounds of frozen french fries annually.
And skip the soda pop. All the popular soft drink products amd juices found today contain high fructose corn syrup. This devil's brew is 80% fructose and 20% glucose, or if you prefer, twice as dangerous for you than cane sugar. High fructose corn syrup is very sweet, very soluble and cheaper than somewhat healthier natural cane sugar sweeteners. HFC robs the body of copper in the diet leading to weaker structures of collagen and elastin in growing children-the compound that literally holds the body together. HFC is also found in breads, condiments, and salad dressings. This hidden danger is all too common and has also been linked to obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.
You do "deserve a break today," buy grass fed beef, free range chicken, organic potatoes, and eat at home.


  1. Totally agree I've been lucky to be able to buy 98% of my food organic and lucky enough to afford it! Thats where all this is wrong If the produce was cheaper then everyone would be able to have organic and there would be less health issues!

    But This is where that greed and money power comes in no matter who or where you live that government have their say and choose what they want and not the public! IT;S ALL TO CONTROL NO MATTER WHAT MANY OF US THINK! MONEY IS POWER! MONEY SPEAKS! MONEY CONTROLS! POWERIS MONEY!

    So we need to change every little bit is closer to the dream of us all for a better world not justMICHAEL'S dream but all our dreams!

  2. What the world classifies as organic in these times was labeled "traditional" food in years gone by no thanks to the greed and powerful agenda of the Illuminati Elite. We are being force fed with trash. Yesterday I shared some fresh figs with my friends and the birds. When I think about it the figs are in fact organically grown which is not something to be taken for granted any more. And sweet and luscious they are to eat.
