

Monday, January 16, 2012

About me………us

Welcome to my Blog……..
I am your host, I am your author, I am your teacher, I am your student, I am your brother, I am your sister, I am your friend……….
I am just a person, I `m Looking4truth77 ! (with a name like that, I guess I don’t really sound like a person huh?)
Anyway, by a person I mean I can make mistakes, tons of mistakes that is where I would like you to come in… can help me realize I have made a mistake or mistakes. I admit I am not that good at grammar and occasionally spelling (I will try and make sure I triple check before posting) but if you say my presentation or thoughts on a topic is wrong then you must tell me why I am wrong and prove to me you are right. That is fair right?

To understand what is going on today, we all must understand what went down in the past....

1 comment:

  1. I actually have a belly ache and weeping tears of laughter. I am actually looking for a mentor but Im not sure you fit the bill.. Keep smiling as it can do you no harm.. :D

    BTW there are no mistakes, only learning experiences.
