

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Throw away food while people are starving !!!

Generating food waste has significant economic as well as environmental consequences. Whether you’re an individual, family, or business, chances are a considerable portion of your budget goes towards buying food — either for you, your family, or your customers. And since we now throw away more food than anything else, that means we are throwing away a lot of our money. Often, simple changes in food purchasing, storage and preparation practices can yield significant reductions in food waste generation. Not only will this reduce waste, but it will make your food dollars go further. Food waste cost savings have even greater potential at commercial establishments. Saving food means saving money. Food waste includes uneaten food and food preparation scraps from residences or households, commercial establishments like restaurants, grocery stores, cafeterias and industrial sources.

"We are very greedy when we go and shop. Our eyes are bigger than stomachs in homes and in restaurants.
"We are pretty idle when we have food left over in our houses. We can't be bothered to deal with leftovers.
"We are risk averse. We're obsessed with sell-by dates, so that we throw away perfectly good food which happens to be out of code."

demands for "pristine looking" produce means a lot of food does not make the grade and never leaves the farm gate.

An additional benefit of food waste reduction, donation, and composting is improved sanitation, public safety and health for both your facility and community. Food wastes dumped in standard trash cans and dumpsters in the back ally of a home, store or restaurant can attract rodents and insects, – as well as generate bad odors. By placing food scraps in a closed, leakproof, durable, and reusable container, and having it frequently picked up for donation or composting you can significantly reduce, and even eliminate the these problems.

Furthermore if you imagine that we throw away food while people are starving and in the whole process destroy our planet just to produce more food that we can't consume at all isn't that just ironic?
I'm happy to have such a good life but I feel bad for those who suffer just so that I'm able to live that way.

The actual truth here is, as I believe, that we live in a cycle that can go one way or the other. The Nestlé CEO for example tells us that they provide jobs, on the other hand a corporation will always want to max out their profit thus using technology that replaces human workers. And you can not fill those spots with people who produce or maintain them. If there is a way to make profit with water, they will find and use it, same goes for seeds that can be used only one time and have to be bought again but then for a higher price if the government won't subsidize them anymore.
Why don't hey use the old seeds then? Because people won't buy them, they are tricked by the price and the way a fruit looks, no matter the taste.
Well you have heard that yourself, I don't have to make a summary here.
I guess I will see the products I buy in a different way now when I'm shopping

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