

Friday, May 4, 2012

Dr Murray or Dr Murphy ?

Since a long time now it has been believed that Dr Murray is an actor. Could he be a real actor ???
We all know Eddie Murphy is famous for his many disguises. Eddie has played many different characters in his movies. He is the master of disguises and he has also worked together with Michael in the past...
Is there really a Dr Murray or is he another illusion in the hoax ?

Take a good look at the hands, fingers and nails, they seem to be very simular                                                                       

 What do you think about the nose and lips ? The color and shape look alot alike to me.

Dr Murray also seems to have different colors
on his face ?
It looks like he is wearing make up or maybe
 it is a mask ??
What about the nose ?

The skin around his ears appears lighter than on his face and neck ??

Again a color difference on his hand (light/dark)

Dr Murray                                                                                                            Eddie Murphy

I think anything is possible with a good mask and/or some make up.
What do you think ? ? ?


  1. Yes I think the same, its a strong possibly, there's times when Dr Murray, looks different, than other times, I know it's this one photo, where he looks like two completely different people, like you say anythink is possible, I remember seeing it, thinking to myself, this is not the same man.It could be a partial mask.

  2. Yes.. eyes can be those of Eddie..but I sees differences with the noze, ears, forehead and eyebrows..

    But we all know that Michael is a King in every way of the every thing He touches, imagines, create and do... :)
    Make-up, and mask.. aren't the first time we see them :) The ART OF MAKE-UP :) (as in Ghost)

    So, in this way... ALL IS POSSIBLE...
    ♥MAGIC IS HERE.. AGAIN AND ALWAYS (I Love You Michael)♥

    and Eddie is a Friend of Michael too :)

    Thanks Dear.. for all your posts♥
    Love you♥

  3. Dear .. I looked good, but did not see a resemblance .. Maybe I need a pair of glasses, because I just do not see! Love you :)michelamjjlove

  4. If known, the gearing is different and the eyes are different :)michelamjjlove

  5. What about the height? EM: 5'9" - CM: 6'5" There's an illusion even here? I like your posts but in this case I'm not agree with you, sorry. ArcoMJ

  6. I don't see the same look between the two.I don't think that never.But is funny to look at this!:)) Love you.

  7. Murphy is the originl photos, muuray is in court, michael is murray in the murray documentary

  8. Eddy Murphy's nose is wider than that of Murray

  9. OK so i am searching for photos of both to compare, and he does have like his eyes and the forehead, but the height and body are way off, and we cant say murray is wearing a fat suit cause theres pics of him shirtless, and murray butt sticks out while eddies doesnt!..i think murray looks more like chris rock then eddie murphy in suit!..idk but this is really good!


  10. Murray is far broader than Murphy. Look at the pic of him in the water and he isnt wearing any padding, is naked on top torso. Murphy is smaller in body size than Murray...
