

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Subliminal Advertising is very present in our daily life, in television, magazines, music, billboards, internet, etc.. It's seldom exposed in society, because those in charge of giving the information to us is the media. It is these mainly that use this type of message. The unconscious a part of our mind, which absorbs all everything and stores it, even repressed experiences on the conscious level, things are grasped in a way that we do not realize.It contains desires, memories, fears, feelings, and ideas whose expression is repressed at the level of consciousness.

Advertising is constantly promoting a product to influence in our decisions when buying a product.
There is a huge variety of advertising techniques, from simple ad on a wall to a campaign used in newspapers, magazines, television, radio, leaflets distributed by mail and other mass media. Since its beginnings in the ancient world, advertising has evolved into a huge industry.

The current advertising plays a crucial role in urban industrial civilization, conditioning - for better or for worse - all aspects of daily life. It brings together many techniques of persuasion. Products advertised by celebrities, communications to parents to give their children a better life, and thus assure a "better future" messages to the children to "ask mom" to buy certain cereals breakfast, and the use of fear. Because fear is a major human weakness, is often used in advertising, sometimes covertly and other visual language in a very explicit. The fear of poverty, disease, loss of social status, or suffer a misfortune sometimes accomplished people to acquire specific products, whether life insurance, fire extinguisher, cosmetics and vitamin compounds.

Subliminal refers to a message that can penetrate our minds, and we are unaware of it.
No one can avoid falling victim to these messages because it is not possible to capture them consciously.This is a message intended to reach the listener just below the level of consciousness.
Such a message is beyond the ear, eye, to the external senses and penetrates deep into the subconscious of the listener, which is completely defenseless against this form of aggression.
The subliminal message, attack the recipient, because it avoids the barriers of intelligent selection, so it is not valid to say "I´m not affect, because I don´t want that", because here the will is avoided and selecting we are not able to use our selection process. The human mind can be manipulated without being aware of it, becoming a kind of robots directed by subliminal messages.
Can we avoid it?


  1. this is scary!, and yes i believe we can avoid it by not buying what they are advertising..i saw a episode based on this in "saved by the bell", the guy made all the girls fall for him lol, it was pretty cool! cant hear the actual message that is hidden only the advertisement...i think everyone can control their own mind that has to do with this such things!


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