

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Calm Before The Storm

We hear this phrase used a lot in our everyday lives, “The Calm Before The Storm”. It takes on many different meanings depending on what kind of “storm” we are referring too. It refers to a period of time just before an actual storm, or it can refer to a significant event that is about to happen.

The event is usually looked upon as being devastating or violent, such as a war or fight. Although, that is not always the case during that period. There are times when the event is joyous or a very poignant turn of events within one’s life. This could also refer to just before a mass revolution that will affect many, many people. There are usually “hints” or “clues” that can lead up to the event in question.

Are we currently standing in “The Calm Before The Storm?”  There are major changes that seem to be taking shape in the last few years. Many people are awaiting a mass revolution of the people against their governments, and the judicial system. But in order for that revolution to take place, something significant has to happen first. A leader, a revolutionary, someone to wake up all of the sleeping.

If people have paid close attention that has already happened. It started on June 25, 2009, the day Michael “died”. Since that day more and more people have come to realize how much they are controlled by their governments, and how we have been conditioned to accept what is handed to us. Michael has made an effort to bring awareness and awakening his whole life, but since 2009 more and more has been exposed over the last few years. We have been warned and given all the “hints” and “clues” that possibly could be handed to us. For us to realize …The biggest “Calm Before The Storm” is just on the horizon. CAN YOU FEEL IT !!!!


  1. dear Messenger, thanks for opening our eyes so wide that Im now uncertain what their normal size is any more. Yes, we needed a big Wake-Up call as we have been so blinded and duped by those we entrusted implicity to look after our welfare. The tide is turning, and yes I CAN FEEL IT !! We as One do have power. Well done you trusty Servant of the Divine !!

  2. MJ tries to awaken ppl from hypnosis and to resume caring friendly ties of ppl n finally LIGHT of LOVE & HOPE can change the world. We should not hit the snooze button any more because we have taken too much sleep.
