

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Child Abuse in America

Our children are our most prized possession. They are our future generation that will guide and lead our country in the near future. All children should be raised in a loving and caring home. But many children today are raised in abusive and neglected homes. When this happens we as caring citizens report abuse or neglect to the proper authorities, usually a governmental agency. These agencies go by the name DHS (Department of Human Services) or CPS (Children’s Protective Services), these agencies job is to investigate allegations of abuse that is reported. This is not always done on a timely basis, and sometimes to late for the child to be safely removed from the home, ending in the death or severe trauma to the child.

When the children are removed from the home they are usually placed in temporary custody of a group home or a foster family. Sometimes though these children are placed with other family members, who the agency shoves the child onto because their case load is to large to handle another child at that time. We trust these agencies to take action fast and to make sure these children are no longer abused or neglected. But what happens when its then agencies fault that these children continue to be abused, even after they are “saved” from the original abusive home?

Each year at least 1000 children die at the hands of whom ever the DHS or CPS hands a child over to for care. Isn’t this an agency that is supposed to be there to help our children, and not to cause any further harm?  These agencies are so over whelmed with cases of children that are abused and neglected that they cannot handle the number of children each year that are removed from their homes. The children are many times bounced from one group home to another, and in the end can be returned to the original abusive home that they were “saved” from.

The physical and emotional effects that this has on a child can last a lifetime. These children usually grow up into adults that commit crimes, use drugs and abuse their own children. These agencies are one of the first that need to be re-evaluated, and fixed so that these children get the proper help they need to grow into healthy adults. Because if we continue this way our world will be in for a lot more hurting souls that float amongst us, not knowing the most beautiful gift…Love.
The documentary below shows exactly what goes on with our governmental agencies for our children.


  1. I agree, sometimes the child is so scared to speak against their parents that they just live that life until they grow older then they hate their parents cause they had a horrible childhood, which really sucks!, i dont understand how people can hit kids soo much over nothing or the littlest things!, they use the excuse i was abused as a child, well shouldnt you not do what had happened to you, that bothers me when someone uses their own experience and let it out on someone else!..
    if you were beat as a child, it does not give you the right to beat your own kids or treat em like poop!
    thats messed up! a days more kids and teenagers are getting killed(suicide) more than anyone...
    in my opinion the future parents will be better but then the kids will act bratty!..


  2. Today I watched the reporting of a 2 yr old living with her mum and step dad. Her step-dad bashed her senseless till she finally died because she wasn't able to potty train. OMG what has this society turned into? Im still trying to process such a tragedy. Where is the peace in this pls?
