

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Poverty That Shouldn't Be

In a country that is suppose to be full of opportunites and be one of the richest conties in the world. It's been reported by the US Census Bureau's annual report that the poverty rate amoung American woman and children reached a 17 year record high in 2010, at 14.5 %.

The new report indicates that women's poverty rate in the US stands at 14.5 percent, which means that over 17 million people live in poverty. According to the report, a minimum number of over 15 million children live below the poverty line, the highest in roughly a decade, while the extreme poverty level stands at 6.3%. The report added that a total of 1 million American children have been added to the US poor population a one year period from 2009 to 2010.

Analysts consider the deterioration of the economy and the financial stagnancy the US is facing, as one of the main reasons of the sharp increase in the number of street children to 1.6 million, showing a 33% boost from 2007.

This means children...CHILDREN are living in streets. These are our future leaders, fathers and are they going to know how to show love and secuity if they didn't recieve it as children? What are we doing to today's children? It's a disgrace what our economy does to the lives of children, when they didn't do anything to deserve it! WAKE UP!! It's our job to change things, and to help whenever and wherever possible!!


  1. This is truely unreal, and so heartbreaking, but this is the reality so many are facing today, my heart, cannot comprehend, how this can be in one of the richest countries in the world,I can't begin to comprehend,hunger,and homelessness, in this country, with all the natural resources available,and when there are so many vacate homes, owned by our government,that are actually sitting and decaying, in so many states, and families are living on the streets, or in their cars, children,hungry,homeless,this should never be, how can our government ever explain that one, when their investing all of tax payers money into so much BS,that has nothing to do with our childrens wellfare, who are the future, their building more jails, closing more schools,I am a register voter, but sometimes its like are you kidding me,its so many lies being told by these damn candidates, I don't believe nothing any of them say, and doing election time its so much dirt slinging going on, its unreal,meanwhile the number of homelessness, and hunger, is growing in this country,the jails are becoming over crowded because many young people are commiting crimes to have some where to sleep, rather than sleeping on the streets,but Im sure it has more to do with population control, which is only part of it all. People Should Really WakeUp ,and See What's Really Going On,God Help Us, Thank You Once Again, For Lighting Up Another Very Important Subject Matter,Keep Letting Your Light Shine, Love You.

  2. People should pull up their blinds and see how the Elite/Illuminati members of your government have totally lied and duped the people who elected them into office. Michael Jackson expressed it so well in the lyrics of his song They don't care about us..

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