

Friday, May 25, 2012

Two Of A Kind

We have tried to show the truth through videos and pictures, but sometimes people only see what they want to see and not what there really is to be seen.
It is true that there are alot of doubles and impersonators for MJ, but if you look closely do they really look so much alike?  Do they sound the same singing at a live concert? There are some things that just cannot be changed by plastical surgery.
I believe there can only be one person that truly looks and sounds exactly the same and that would be a twin brother. 
There have been so many rumors about Michael Jackson changing his appearance but if they are two people, i think that would explain those rumors and the confusion about his appearance.
 Here are some pictures of 'Michael' Jackson throughout the years...  can you spot the difference ?


Do you see the little boy in the background?                                     This is the little boy in the background                                          


 Who's bad ? ? ?



  1. I Don´t believe this...

    * Michaela*

  2. Ok, if you say they are twin brothers, can I ask which one is the father to those 3 gorgeous kids?? :D We have to start sorting this mess out somewhere..

  3. Cada vez que penso que estamos quase lá...
    você se vai para longe de mim e de meus olhos ...cada vez que penso que te encontrei você tem que partir e partir meu coração...

    Você pode sentir isso?
    Você pode escutar meu chamado?
    Você pode me ouvir chorando?
    Você pode ver meu coração partido?

    Isso não terá fim?
    Pois já não aguento mais baby!por favor volte...
    Michael...te amo e sinto sua falta...você teve que partir e levar meu coração com você?

    Sei que você pode sentir isso...


    * Michaela *

  4. The children are a personal matter, I don't know that we will ever know! They are beautiful matter how they came to be...they just are!

  5. Então se isso é verdade qual dos dois que morreu no dia 25-06-2009?

    * Michaela *

  6. nao sei se acredito nisso, mas uma coisa muito estranha eh que em algumas fotos do comeco o Michael nao ta com aquela pintinha que ele tinha quando era menor na bochecha


    Almost all of fans think it is IMPOSSIBLE that Michael has hiding it for a so long time..

    At the beginning I thought it was a double.. but TOO MUCH resemblance.. It was impossible to be so close to the resemblance to Michael..and i said to myself, maybe i've a problem..too much imagination...

    At the beginning, after watching some videos and seeing some pictures, I've left a comment on a video saying there were 3 persons in Michael... (lol... 3... too much imagination)
    1 - the shy .. still childlike and always playing.. Peter PAN ..
    2 - one who exalts on stage .. sexy.. to the tips of fingers..
    3- a fabulous businessman..
    (The person didnt liked my comment.. saying Michael owned to no1, but to every1... I didnt said He was mine :( ...weird reply...)

    Maybe the -2- is the bird singing, since the -1- is watching his twin.. :) ♥

    I didn't understood HOW A PERSON CAN BE SO SHY.. AND BE SOOOOO SEXYY ON STAGE... Have you asked yourself the question?

    I didnt know there were a Twin Theory.. NOW.. I KNOW IT's THE ONLY ONE SOLUTION to what I've saw these last years.. these differences... THEY ARE TWO...THEY ARE BROTHERS...THEY ARE TWINS BROTHERS....

    People can't understand that sometimes.. some have secrets.. secrets family.. (each one has his reason to don't say all, about his privacy..It's normal..and human).

    Since I've searched for to know Michael, I've saw SOOOOO many differences in pictures of same periodes.. that I've asked to a friend who is a big Fan since a very long time.. She said the differences was because.. make-up.. chirurgie.. and many others things...all this..cause She don't believe Michael has a twin brother..

    I think Fans of a very very long time.. only looks at what they need to see : MICHAEL.. without really see...without asking...without any trouble about anything.. They see, they hear and they are HAPPY TO SEE MICHAEL as they want & need to see Him.. (if you want to see Michael.. You will see Michael.. and then... they have always saw a Michael...One Michael)

    My advantage is...I know Michael only since july 2009.. I've always look at and see with another eye.. I've saw things that others haven't saw.. because I was not fixed only on the ICONE.. the KING.. the glitter..the Show.. the gold pant.. the beauty..

    What I cant understand is.. in looking at Michael's beauty...How they don't have seen these differences since a so long time?

    With LOVE and RESPECT♥
    IT'S ALL FOR LOVE...(Maybe it was also the way for Michael to show HIS TWIN to the WORLD.. Have you think about it?

    If you read me ♥Michael Joe & Michael Joseph♥
    (Forgive me if I'm wrong abt the middle names..)
    I Love You(s) Both

    ♥ AplaceWITHnoNAM ♥Marie♥

  8. The boy in the backround is Marlon. ;) ♥ ~ LoveJacksonBros

  9. For a long time I thought it could be possible that Michael had a twin or used a double but now I'm convinced that there is only ONE Michael Jackson. No twin, no double. I believe it started all around 1983. The media started to make fun out of him, ridiculed and humiliated him.(I remember how happy I was as we could watch 'Leave me alone" for the first time in Germany on TV. I thought, with a big smile on my face; 'finaly is he fighting back'.) We all know about it, so I guess I don't have to explain it any further. Michael is a nice person and he started just to give back, to please ;)The media will have a Freak so he started to give them a freak.(I Love you Michael) I will not say to much of what I found out and believe now... but about the face-changing I believe it is just a latex/silicon mask, made of off his own face, under the mask he possibly has nose stribes so it would look like a really bad nose job ;) I believe he can change his appearence how ever he like, in whatever face or person he like by using those masks. You can even have a whole body made of silicon ;) As a great actor, wich he is, he could easily go in public as someone else and nobody would recognise him. His only distinctive feature is his right hand, especially his thumb.
    'Holding my Dream' mentioned in her/his reply Michael's poem 'two Birds' and that Michael could talk about a twin in it. My understanding of this poem is that he is talking about his soul. But I have to say that my english is not the best, I started to learn english during our little, you know...adventure, out of love, admiration and respect for a man I never knew (thank you Michael for that). To read and understand poems written in english is difficult for me.

  10. Ainda há muita coisa por aí. Tudo muito confuso.

  11. Michael you TAKE THE CAKE with standing ovation man !! RFLMAO

  12. Just out of curiosity which twin did the Oscar winning performance as DaveDave on
    Larry King Live pls?? We need to give credit where due here.. :))
