

Friday, June 29, 2012

When Fear Attracks Danger: Beware of Anyone That Insults Others

Today I am going to write an article about FEAR. It is going to be a long reading and quite difficult to understand but I hope you will take your time to read it calmly and think about it. Because, we can feel fear, but do we really know what FEAR is..?

Far from what we have been taught by, our emotions act as "channelers" ("Action of modifying our Calcium Ion to acelerate our internal transactions and generate the Lithium that energizes us from whitin.")
From what I have told, there is not doubt. The question is: WHY ARE TOO MANY INTERESTED IN BREAKING THAT PROCESS OF CHANNELING?

The answer is simple: Because when humans will be aware of that process of Channeling, they will adquire the power previously unknown: "The ability to generate inner creativity"...against all odds, rain, thunder...not matter what happens out there...inside there is a Channel that is in permanent connection with The Universe.
Tradiotionally, in the word of rational psychology, it was decretred that the fear a defense mechanism to avoid a "greater evil". The truth is that we know now that fear is a bad "paralyzing" using the mechanisms of "Ego" even paralyzes the attitude of "I". It is curious that those who are trapped in fear, trigger mechanisms "Ego" by projection, creative paralysis, anger and hatred.

Invaluable was the work of Hameroff in the late nineteenth century. They found that the deaf could compose music. The key to the human capacity to make up emotions that have nothing to do with the instincts and / or feelings. The feelings are the result of external stimulation, while emotions come from internal generation. No inner life can not have emotions. No internal genesis theories can not be created or songs, or art or life.

The fear is DEATH, The Emotion is LIFE. Our education has taught us to assertively assertiveness transform all external stimulitation involving aggression towards us. Big mistake! We manage our feelings and we often invades the sense of fear. If that happens to us is because our biophysical stimulitations are outstanding social predator that stalks us and we generate fear. Often, we move from what others say or think about someone and go with the crowd current because we think about their external reaction. Appears fear of saying, of feelingl, of living, of creating, of progressing. We are afraid of going ahead and walk our path of creative thinking. Well .... This is the beginning of the end of our dearest FEAR.

What is fear?

Fear is a program of pre-frontal lobe our (reason) that tells us something external and / or internal social threatens the performance of our (pre-frontal) "Ego" to the detriment of the "I". So to speak, is an inheritance from our animal NDA. The densest part of our being, which reacts viscerally and intelligently.

Paradoxically, the incidence of fear in our central nervous system (CNS) generates levels of adrenaline and stress overload initially AMPA and NMDA charge exchange at synapses. This reaction leads to paralysis "predictable" or "crippling" as to such stimuli, the body reacts mainly from the survival instinct. Then fear enable animal survival mechanism intead of enabling the intellect. Certainly, over such stimulitation, reacts with an action of a similar nature to the contingency, to try to safeguard our physical and / or social, which continues to be the effect of fear, causing agents claim. So, fear attracts danger, and that interacts with the subject deceased, whose claim is just that .."paralyze the action of the receiver module."

It turns out that this fear comes from an animal evolution as a reminiscence of a time when there were continually lurking predators, survival in a hostile context in which the "Cro-Magnon" should ensure continuous supply and keep its young lass differentiating and imposing wild beasts that roamed their usual habitat. Gradually imposed "roles" and as they were a matriarchal society and / or patriarchal, that evolved separately in the maintenance of offspring as the ultimate goal of the consort, and the need / obligation to procure food and protect family / clan.

The Mammoth threatened and imposed fear, like other mammals with which the "homo sapiens" should coexist and prevail in the food chain, which led him to survive and develop socially the "clan" to "tribe" and the "tribe" to "Village" and "Village" to "collective" and "collective" to "Social Role". Currently, the "Social Role" is an optimal incentive protected by the constitutions of almost all advanced countries. The right of Diignity, Honor, Privacy, and so on...

Our physical architecture has been developed under these canons and the logic of those patterns. So far we live with a scientific model that advocates social and philosophical matter, the immediate materialization, early and short-term success, hedonism punctual and comfortable, and the satisfaction of the senses and ignores the emotions and feelings.

However, we evolved quickly and intelligently to a very different context: There is no longer a predator waiting at the exit of the cave that threatens our survival. There is not a bison that can test our skills as hunters for daily survival of our offspring. Nor a lion territory disputes with us. So ... What kind of predators lurk to react with fear...?

"Psychological Predators"

The continued well-being. maintaining the "role" and transaction security in exchange for freedom, have gradually led to "homo sapiens" the worst exclavitudes: The constant need for "self-recognition" in their immediate social and mediate. The question of "competence", the "competent" is the greatest threat when questioned by others, but especially tragic for "some" is when this issue occurs in their immediate environment and / or family.

Certainly, the most dangerous weapon of the XXI century is precisely that: "The question of incompetence." The "social ridicule" and "social ostracism". These consequences are the biggest fear may come to breed in the "homo sapiens". That is where the fear reaches its greatest impact, precisely because the subject does not have an inner balance, is extremely vulnerable to external threat of losing their "status", "competence", his "social credibility".
Obviously the system has been designed to operate such limits to those who "dare" transgress "orthodoxy".

If we react to such threats with fear, our "Ego" will impose to our "I", and fall victims of manipulation psycho- paralyzing the whole process of creativity. Those who impose the logic of fear are real experts in social predation.
Under that apparent guise of "assertiveness" and "soft" hides a whole network of absolute superficiality that when the time comes, will become into "anger", "hate" and "moral aggression."

However ... They know that everyday, the thousands who awaken to the new danger is not the buffalo, or bison, or mammoth, but the "predator-destroyer" of creative initiatives. It is not coincidence that 80% of the European adult population over 45 with higher education, is literally "awakening" and spending "some" or even "all" their time to work spread of "conscience."

The key is the Will.

As Ancient Greek philosophers said, the key is to not be swayed by the passions, trying to take decisions consciously and enjoying the positive energy that emanates from within. As we generate the energy accelerates the fractal process. The more relaxed you are the CNS, the greater our inner life. The higher the inner life, the less fear. The lower the fear, the greater the creativity and the feeling of LOVE for those around us. The higher the energy, enjoy conversations increasingly sterile, superficial and / or banal. As the process progresses, we begin to need less and enjoy more of the people, delivery and happiness of the beings around us.

It is the will of our "I" our "BE" imposing our "EGO". Once this process begins, the effects are irreversible, since it knows the meaning of true happiness. Moreover, the opening of the centres AMPA and NMDA receptors, stimulates the interaction of Channeling with Calmodulin activates the Lithium and generates a serie of modifications in the processes of absorption of proteins by NDA, slow aging and oxidation and triggers a sense of inexhaustible energy.

As a curiosity Homo "Cognos" has become into a Channeler. He feels connected to the Intelligent Universe, and transactional million packets per second. His mind is connected with others and begins to walk away from those who still cling to anger, hatred and fear. He begins to see and perceives the emotions of others and interacts with them nonverbally, with their own emotions. He does not conceive violence, war and chaos. So, either the fear or hatred or anger.

1 comment:

  1. This is really deep, I tell you I learn something new everyday, I remember being told when I was a child, about dogs, sensing fear on a person, which would cause them to attack, but never knew how deep that statement really goes,Thanks for Sharing, Love You
