

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Make Believe

Make believe is a structured form or role-playing. Mainly for kids to see the world around them in a new perspective. There are no rules except that you have to stay in your character.
So now the question is where I want to go with this.
At the time when Michael Jackson died Sony changed their logo to Make-Believe. It's been known since a long time that Michael Jackson owns part of Sony.

Ok, lets move on to the role-playing. We have the Jackson family. They are on different sides in the story. For example Jermaine and Randy say Michael is dead. Well, Jermaine was very clear with that at first but have during time changed a bit. LaToya have always left clues that Michael is watching us and is ok. She even said that Michael was with them in court. Paris tweet and say that she LOVES her dad. We have again Randy that say the will is fake. While others in the family claim it's real. They all play a part in the game and have to stay with their characters.
During the time that have passed since June 25, 2009 when the world stood still for a moment so much have happend. We have learned that what we see is not always the truth. We have seen people make an act and all to show that Michael Jackson is not dead and there is a mission to acchieve. The mission to change the world. To awaken the world.
Is this a coincidence?

1 comment:

  1. I volunteered to be a 100th monkey to play my part so I hope it counts! Best of luck on this wonderful mission. It's achievable if you BELIEVE!
