

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Yin Yang and Number Four

Number four has for a long time been a number of completion, stability and predictability as well as the representation of all earthly things.

Yin Yang is the idea of opposites and is the union and harmony of opposites. 

Number one represent the male principle (Yang) and is positive, active, original and creative. Number two is the feminine principle (Yin). This represents the time when things are formed and in which the seed of the idea is planted. Number three is the synthesis of the one and two and is the creation itself, the finished idea. Number four is where the idea and dream is getting real and represents the finished idea of number three.

1. "Yin Yang are either on the opposite site of the cycle, like the seasons of the year, or, opposites on a continuum of energyor matter. This opposites is relatives, and can only be spoken of in relationships. For example: Water is the Yin relative to steam but Yand relative to ice. Yin and Yang are never static but in a constantly changing balance."

2. "Nothing is totally Yin or Yang. Just as a state of total Yin is reached. Yang begins to grow. Yin consists seed of Yand and vice versa. They constantly transform into each other. For example: no energy without matter, no day without night."

3. Yin Yang are constantly chagning but when they are out of balance they affect eachother, too much of imbalance can weaken th other.

       "Four possible states of imbalance:
             1. Prepondrance (Excess) of Yin
             2. Prepondance (Excess) of Yang
             3. Weakness (Deficiency) of Yin
             4. Weakness (Deficiency) of Yang"

4. The inter-transformation of Yin and Yang is constant and one "can change into the other,but is not in random event. Only when the time is rigt. For example: Spring only comes when the winter is finished"

In the link below are different connections in the Michael Jackson hoax included the number 4.
In this below it is a previous post about Yin Yang

It's all connected and there are no such thing as coincidence!!!

To be continued....


  1. Some days ago, I was just thinking about Yin Yang. ---

    The sound of Yin Yang reminds me of a Japanese word 因縁 (in-nen);
    因 (in) + 縁 (en)
    因縁 (in-nen) means fate; (a) destiny / the origin; the history / connection;

    因 (in) is the direct power which things produce, 縁 (en) is the indirect conditions which help it.
    It is explained that things [ all the ] happen by these two work.

    Regarding numbers---

    The ancient way of counting in Japanese is;
    1: hi, 2: fu, 3: mi, 4: yo, 5: itsu, 6: mu, 7: nana, 8: ya, 9: kokono, 10: tou

    1=Hi = Light, Sun, Hi for Miru (day), He.
    2=Fu = to divide Heaven and Earth, Father.
    3=Mi = Mi for Mizu (water), Fruit, Body, Me.
    4=Yo = 2X2=4 =to divide Day and Night, Yo for Yoru (night),
    5=Itsu = hand (five fingers)
    6=Mu = to made man and woman and Musubu (get together) and Musu (birth)
    7=Na = Nasu in Japanese means to complete
    8=Ya = God
    9=Koko = In Japanese KOKO means Here, Earth
    10=Tou = to pray with two hands together (ten fingers)

    The origin is Hebrew--

    Who will make the (hidden) Goddess come out.
    Which words will move the (hidden) Goddess to come out? (“TOWO” means “She comes out.”)

    There is another way of counting in Japanese is;
    Hi-totsu, Fu-tatsu, Mi-tsu, Yo-tsu, Itu-tsu, Mu-tsu, Nana-tsu, Ya-tsu, Kokono-tsu, “TOWO”

    In Hebrew--
    「TETSE」or「TSI」means “Please come out.”

    In front of the Rocky Celestial Cave (in which the Sun-Goddess concealed herself for a time), all the deities chant;
    " Hi-totsu, Fu-tatsu, Mi-tsu, Yo-tsu, Itu-tsu, Mu-tsu, Nana-tsu, Ya-tsu, Kokono-tsu", Music was played and Dance was performed to make the Goddess open the Rocky Celestial Cave to come out. ---

    So, Music & Dance will lead us to the next stage where God and Goddess are together.
    Yin + Yang = Cosmos
    Day + Night = Circle

  2. I Believe, and I don't believe in coincidence.

  3. Just a correction;

    1=Hi = Light, Sun, Hi for Miru (day), He.
    1=Hi = Light, Sun, Hi for Hiru (day), He.

    Sorry for this.
