

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

"Two Birds" by Michael Jackson

"Two Birds" is a beautiful and interesting poem written by Michael Jackson.
This poem can be found in the book "Dancing The Dream" .

"It's hard to tell them what I feel for you. 
They haven't ever met you, and no one has your picture. 
So how can they ever understand your mystery?
 Let's give them a clue:
Two birds sit on a tree. One eats cherries, while the other looks on.
 Two birds fly through the air. One's song drops like crystal from the sky while the other keeps silent. 
 Two birds wheel in the sun. One catches the light on its silver feathers, while the other spreads wings of invisibility.
It's easy to guess which bird I am, but they'll never find you. Unless ...
Unless they already know a love that never interferes, that watches from beyond, that breathes free in the invisible air. 
Sweet bird, my soul, your silence is so precious. 
How long will it be before the world hears your song in mine?
Oh, that is a day I hunger for!"

Who is this mysterious 'invisible' bird ?
Could it be his twin brother ? ? ?


  1. I believe in this twin theory :)
    I've twitted this poem two or three times :) I Love it♥
    Thank you♥
    Love you♥

  2. Finally I now understand .. the world thru the media's eyes have only seen MJ the entertainer/personality...we need to embrace the spiritual MJ .. then we will see his wholeness. <3

  3. Beautiful Poem, and very true meanings. I believe in the twin theory, and from the poem it seems he is telling us something we had never thought of, and yes there are two voices in the songs, one has to really listen to hear. Thank you once again for reminding us of the two, Lovely human beings and now maybe everyone will see, the hearts of love of two brothers so close, and is coming to light as time goes by. Hopefully someday we will see them both as they need to be seen. :)

    1. It's not 'bout a Twin Brother, it's 'bout Twin Flames πŸ’“

    2. It's not 'bout a Twin Brother, it's 'bout Twin Flames πŸ’“

    3. I know who it is about..but why guess. If she is invisible, perhaps it is because she chooses to be. Invisibility is about as real as race, class and status. If you are looking on the surface, she will remain invisible. If you look with your heart, and erase for a moment this world we have created, you will see this invisible bird. The bird will only show herself, if you choose your heart. That is why she is invisible.

  4. I am not so sure he speaks of a twin, could possibly be a metaphor, for the two sides of himself,natural man, and soul man, in any case I would love to see that full spiritual man released, that has been so silent, for so many years, and if by chance, there is a twin, and there are two different voices they both have lived and shared the light on their silver feathers, because the voices would have been heard as one, and they both would have lived in the spot light, because Im sure it would have been a shared responsibly, to maintain Michael Jackson Image < soulman, just my opinion, yes I believe Michael, had doubles, but twin not so sure, I do however believe it was necessary for Michael, to have doubles otherwise he would not only, not had a childhood, but an adulthood as well, being the most famous person in the world is a big responsibly, I only know one other person, who's that famous, that's Jesus, not at all comparing the two in the spiritual sense, but as far as being known of by people, so his image I believe, is what the world knows. Love you

  5. One major thing most people (including myself) don't realize about Michael and his art is how a majority of his work reiterates messages from the Bible. He has a very close relationship with God. I believe the invisible bird is referring to Him, the Almighty :)


    God only reveals such private Spiritual things in the right Timing...

    Truth shall prevail! It´s all about Love = Twin Souls

    1. lol... How many persons i've read on twitter and in blogs saying they were the Twin Soul of Michael.. lol,,, it makes me laught.. but not in a hilarious way but in a mocking way...
      I REALLY think Michael has to be careful of His Own Soul,, cos when i see people like you living and coping Michael's life and way,, i think he has to be careful for his own life,, and here, i'm not laughing,, coz i'm afraid for His Life...


      In case you dont understood what mean the poem "Two Birds",,, Its NOT about his Soul Mate,, BUT ABOUT HIMSELF...

      As said yellowrose in October 31, 2012,, its about Michael.. ONE Bird being the KOP and the OTHER Bird the MAN he was/IS, with a Child's Heart ♥

    2. That's exact Hun Twin Souls, you found out the truth, congratulations not everyone know 'bout it. 😊❤πŸ‘

    3. In another hand Susan Elsa is nothing else then a big liar, just like Deborah Stefaniak that wrote a book about it... and many more people that have stole a story which cannot be duplicated in reality.

    4. That's exact Hun Twin Souls, you found out the truth, congratulations not everyone know 'bout it. 😊❤πŸ‘

  7. Hello there,, not many know me yet. My name is amber. Susan elsa has attacked me numerous times..

    Now it may sound silly i get it i really do. but i believe i am the twin of this wondrous blue man. Twin flames arent what people think them to be mostly. It doesnt have to be sexual.. You see. i was born september 5th 1999. I gained connection with him in 2009 the day of his departure, i didnt know who this man was but i cried, that was the night i became awakened where i saw the world for it was. i knew right then and there i had to change the world.i met his daughter on a site called tinychat in 2013 but she later left due to a personal matter regarding her health so we never spoke again after, she did however bring a man named michael into the chat who sounded very similar to her father and we later became great friends, still are to this day.

    I know many claim, and im not here to claim anything .. But these woman attack one another like dogs. They make blogs about one another and try to tear eachother down all through michaels name. i am a 16 year old girl, ive been brought into susans blogs and i just dont get it. its ignorant in all meanings not only did she illegally put my name out, she bullied me with multiple accounts saying i am copying her, i have to admit i laughed.

    these woman use his name for attention mostly and that is very sad. Michael was all about spreading love infact he was a sparrow of Love , an infinite source. I just wanted to stop by because the site drew me. by the way the background is Beautiful , i really love the relaxation it brings.
    Anyway i am making a project called "Project Blue" it is about Restoring Humanity and bringing Love. I wish to Continue his work Through my singing and Painting to bring awareness.

    This is a beautiful magical Planet we live upon and not many acknowledge it.
    So if you wish to see it just ask and i will link it for you :)

    God bless.

    Thank you for sharing this beautiful inspiring poem. Take care

    1. I dont believe the crap that shes the twin soul of michael . They really have different soul energies .

    2. With she i mean susan elsa

    3. yes very true, very different soul energies, i stay behind a mask. to gain attention out of a silly thing is just arrogant. they do it for attention, what is saddening is that the phony people get a title when the true people or person has to sit quiet. Sometimes i do wish people could see me, but i know my time for that is already near and it has nothing to do with michael but all to do with my path in this life. for instance i am an upcoming singer-actress, i finally landed some deals. Many people do not know this about twin flames. both people will lead very very similar lives- if one becomes surrounded by fame ,as will the other. although i wish it does not harm me as much as he has been harmed. it does suck that it is mirrored, when he was alive i watched him in spirit and now its his turn to watch me, its strange how things occur


    4. You live generally with the similar obstacles and lessons simultaneously.

    5. Amber, Twin Flames don't gain a connection... and surely not all of a suddden. Twin Flames are bounded and connected since forever and contact each others via telepathy. A connection alone doesn't mean you are his TF!

    6. Hello, years later. This is amber once again.

      I do not really pay attention to twinflame nonsense anymore because it really does stop and interfere with the mission of the soul. Puts boundaries and unnecessary obstacles.

      Its really strange to see where i was years ago.

      when i said "gained a connection" back then, i was talking more so on physical senses, to the physical image. the remembrance of the soul. not on spiritual terms.

      my childhood was identical to his, however i was not forced into stardom at a young age, i was able to make a choice as a child to become a musician with my talents. However i am not going to speak on my childhood for thats a touchy subject and very personal.

      I have nothing more to say on it since i am not here to prove anything or for a title, titles do nothing when it comes to truth.
      Ill still be here either way.

      I go by ATHENA in the industry now. And this year is the year my career finally takes off. Sadly i had to wait until i was 18 due to my label trying to avoid parental control issues. working on beautiful music to share. I mainly came back on here to say, as long as you spread the message of love and peace, it does not matter who you are to someone. its the message and the mission that matters. Wisdom is key to all things.

      all of this is hard for others to grasp because they put the image of michael in that body on the whole thing. But yet if he would have been nobody, noone would do such a thing. Everyone is always about the image and the man made star. What i said previously was because i felt like in a way i wished to be seen. i had a very life changing experience that really altered everything in terms of my own soul. Which has caused me to ignore the twinflame bullcrap.
      Which the majority of the info on twinflames is wrong or misunderstood.

      Twinflames are not to be romantic and it is not about romantic love in any way. The soul is the soul no matter what form. And i did not come here to romanticize another body of mine. Thats crazy and disturbing. in a way i feel trapped. for noone sees me anymore. they pay attention to an image. But thats fine because i have been given a beautiful chance at finishing what i started.

      But before you judge me on personal opinion, remember that you dont know me or my story. so nobody can say yes or no. Because we cannot see the soul within the vessel, we can feel it, but we can not physically know the truth.

      However, actions speak louder than words. and i will and do not live in michaels shadow, i did not come here to do the same thing over again with the same nonsense. i came to start a new, try a new form of music, to create a new light for myself. But finish the plans i began beforehand.

    7. Also, its sad to see all the fighting over michael and who is who. Why does it matter? that i will never understand.

      It really bothers me when i see all this madness and turbulence when it comes to michael and his fans. Its ridiculous and truly has no room whatsoever in the act of love and kindness.

      Instead of focusing on twinflames and soulmates, everyone should be focusing on the mission. which is healing the planet and helping those who are suffering.

      Twinflame media nonsense is not going to save the dying children in syria, or the starving children in kenya, or stop the corruption of the governments and the mass media brainwashing of the public.

      Let the truth prevail.

      It really breaks my heart when everyone is fixated on things that arent important.

      everyone claims to love michael but yet completely avoids the true message. So that leads me to believe everyone is in it for themselves and looking for some sort of attention out of it or praise.

      its just beyond me.

  8. Also , the poem was not about a twin , but about himself. The women will do anything to make it sound like he speaks to them - Amber m

  9. Hello amber i also think michael is my soulmate but not my twin soul .my fcb name is yasmin liana if you would like to chat with me it would be very cool .😊😊☺πŸŒΊπŸ’–

  10. Susan elsa said that i reject michael jacksons female site thats why i ddont like her and feel no connection to her lol��
