

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

"Telethinker and Minienglish"

To find the "divine light" or road,
if you put your camera
in front of your screen,you will get the 4th dimension.
You will suddenly see a tunnel with colors that shall suddenly spin to the left
and at the end,will show a pure white dot.
Computer science is nothing other than the representation of the human brain
it is as Orwell's "telethinker and minienglish"Binary.
As stars pulsate in the universe
the human mind pulsates by neurological communications
like on off on off or binary language or a type of morse code.
This then gives us "letters and patterns"
if you blow up a digital picture
you shall see the pixels as cubes
"as Picasso".
Some lighter and some darker
our neurons pick up on these
and automatically decode them.
This creates objects.
 as the binary language in a computer
 our brain receives any kind of pattern or
 "modern subliminal messages".
 As video games,children are summited Very concerning. to a 44100 Htz loop musical pattern
 that creates a "hyptnotizing effect" that actually "numbs the brain"
 keeping the eyes focused on the digital while playing,as Krubricks "Clockwork orange".
 The assasin was kept with eyes open all the time to reverse the sociopaths activity
 well,children are induced to both violence or negative patterns  kept logged with these loops
 as well as subliminal messages  within the digital formats.
 In the form of pixels desensitized, so actually while we stare at our PC
 we are looking at our brain.

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