

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Can We Change the Future Even If There are Predictions Saying What Will Happen??

Nostradamus predictions have come true over and over again. He has predicted the end of the world just like the Maya culture did. He is telling that the third antichrist will trigger the World War III. And who this man is we still don’t know for sure. The theories goes wide and spread a lot but more and more point to that the third antichrist actually is Osama Bin Laden. But how can he be the antichrist in a World War III if he is dead. That is where the hoax theories come in. There have been speculation whether the Americans did hunt Bin Laden or not, if it is even the same man in all pictures and videos. There is an official death picture of Bin Laden released and it has been proven to be photo shopped. This theory is very much the same as the one that did circle around Adolf Hitler and the deaths have many similarities. Could it all be staged to make us believe in the lies once again? 

The picture below is the most talked about man as the third antichrist. The man with the white turbon. The picture to the left is Bin Laden and the picture in the middle is a dead man. The right picture is the death picture of bin Laden. Looking closer to that one you can see that the top of the picture is the dead unknown  man and the mouth and beard is from the picture of Osama Bin Laden.

So now the question is, if we don’t get a World War III, was Nostradamus wrong??
“When a prophecy of doom fail to occur, it is regarded as a failure --- a hoax. Yet, if the purpose of the prophecy is to prevent potential disasters, then the lack of fulfillment should be seen as a success”

We have to stay strong and make this right. We can not let ourself be held in strings, sit down and say thank you! Keep your head held high and believe that all together we can make a difference!! 

1 comment:

  1. Well the power of suggestion by any Prophet can work in such a way that it lodges into the subconscious mind and then becomes reality. So make up your own minds whether you decide to sow seeds of negativity (fear) or positivity (Love) to your own conscious mind and you will reap the rewards accordingly. So together we can make a difference if we wish to see a more loving world.
