

Friday, April 13, 2012

Don't 't Judge a Belieber

Justin Bieber has relased the album "Believe" and the song "Boyfriend" very recent. 
Many are judging this 18-year old for using Michael Jackson for his own fame and career
What if there is something we dont know??
I beLIEve there is something that they are trying to show us.....
Listen to this first video from November 2011

This second video is the new song "Boyfriend" 
Comparing the songs it is about the same genre it's no uptempo songs. 
Remember the voice from the first video.


Don't you think Justin do sound a lot  more mature in this last video?????
Ths voice sound different to me!

The truth is out there if you want to see it. It's so easy to judge without knowing the truth behind actions
There is no such thing as coincidence!!


  1. His voice is more mature..He is more serious..
    The lyrics of the second song seems to say...He is deeply in love..and wish to be with her..
    Yes, He is more mature..we change with the life and experiences of life..

  2. if it's true her voice is noticeably more mature and serious
    But whose voice do you think is or who is doing choir?

  3. Sounds familiar the background solo singer in video2 0_0

  4. Hmmm his voice really has change... once i dont like him... but now i see the difference... soooo may be we can ask Paris? What the boy what say to us in his song?

  5. I'm sorry, but I really don't think this is the same two people singing, the second video, boyfriend, voice is so much more seasoned, and controlled, and a year of maturity would not have had that affect on any voice, to change the sound of it that much, I really don't believe this is Justin, singing on this song, speaking part yes, because you can hear, the cracking in his voice, where his voice is growning into maturity, just my opinion, with Love, of course, I love Justin, I just don't think he has grown into his mature voice yet, because he's at the age, where the voice is in between stages, that's where the cracking come in, I like both songs, but would like to know the true behind them, I have a feeling, Love You
