

Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Dangers of Huffing

Recently, there have been serveral deaths of young teens after inhaing the chemical diflouroethane from a popular computer cleaning spray, known as Dust-Off. Falcon the manufacturere of the product, labels cans with conspicuous warnings about misuse of the product. It product Dust-Off itself is not the source of the problem, its only one example of hundreds of common household products with the potentioal to be abused by inhalant abusers.

Inhalant abuse, known as huffing, is the intentional inhalation of chemical vapors to attain a mental "high", or euphoric effect. A wide variety of substances, including many common household products are abused by huffers. The primary population of abusers are children between 12 to 17. Inhalants produce an effect that may be similar to alcohol intoxication.

Symptoms can include: drowsiness, lightheadedness. loss of inhibition, dizziness,, hallucinations or delusions and impaired judgment. Long term effects can include: depression, inattentiveness. lack of coordination, irritability and weakness, and finally brain damage or death.

There are over 500 deaths per year from huffing products, in the United States alone. These products are easily purchased by anyone at a local store. Thus making them a serious potential death trap for our children. Why is the government allowing these products to be sold with the already clarified dangers of them? Shouldn't they be developing an alternative to these products?

Our children only get once chance at life. Lets make their lives count!


  1. My question is why are the children of today so disillusioned with life they need to get "high"?? There is so much new technology out there to "enthral the youth" what's missing?? We are not denying that the problem is there so how exactly do our communities address this and any other drug related issues like khat, cocaine, ecstasy???

    Im praying for Divine Intervention.

    My take is that the youth of today are watching the apathy of their parents in dealing with their own issues yet alone caring how their govts stuff them around.. conformity is rife.

  2. This is One that really get's under my skin, because I believe it to be a set up, they make it so easy for our children, to have easy access, it's basically like putting it in their hands,there are so many harmful things that our children are allowed to purchase, under the age of 14, so just imagine 14 and over, at least half the students of elementary, middle,and high school, attend school high off of some type of substance, whether prescribed by a doctor, because of some disorder, they claim they have, or whether they have brought, it from the corner store, are someone's pushing it in the school, what I don't get how can this be, why is it that our children are being setup for failure,this do not have to be this way, If it was not planned action, the hole gets deeper. Thanks for Shading the Light on this Subject,Much Love
