

Monday, February 27, 2012

Are We To Clean???

In the last 10 years the amount of products with sanitizing bases has grown out of proportion. Everywhere we look there is hand sanitizer, cleaners with anti-bacterial  bases, the list goes on. But are these products good for us, or are they doing more harm then we realize? Within the balance of things we need to be exposed to some bacteria’s so that we build a good immune system. These products are blocking that natural process. Leaving those that do use them exposed to bacteria that really isn’t that harmful if we build an immunity to it.

The over sanitizing of our environment is causing many health issues in people these days. Some examples are allergies, asthma and low functioning immune systems. By sanitizing our environment we may just be creating super bugs that we won’t be able to fight off in the future. There is already evidence of this happening. There has been 34.1 million American’s alone diagnosed with asthma, 300 million people worldwide suffer from asthma. Both of these conditions, allergies and asthma can be deadly, or very disabling at the least.

Why do so many people have breathing problems and allergies these days? The factors are many within our environment. We try to clean everything in sight, air pollution, chemicals we are surrounded by, there are more reasons why then why not. Hand washing is needed of course, but sanatizing everything we touch is NOT nessacary.  Our immune systems are our first line of defense against bacteria and viruses; we need to let our system do the job it was intended to do. Or eventually we will have no immune system, and no mankind left.

1 comment:

  1. With 300M asthmatic people in the world, I can only conclude the pharmaceutial industry would be over the moon with outstanding profits rolling in with all those Ventolin puffers sold. Not a coincidence when you see who own the industry..Illuminati/Elite. Far too over zealous in eradicating germs quite frankly when the bottom line is that the Elite wish to eradicate us !!
