

Monday, February 27, 2012

What Lies Within

What is it about that black box that we can’t live without it? Why do we need to see all the hurtful things that occur in our world? Don’t we see enough in our own personal lives? Why do we live by its every word, trust in it, giving it our undivided attention? At times we give it more attention than we do our family, our social lives or even ourselves. For what? It doesn’t really give us anything back. We don’t get love from it, a hug, kindness, not even money. So why on earth do we give it ourselves?

If you don’t know what I’m talking about, it is that black rectangular thing that sits in your living room, bed room or entertainment room. Yes I’m talking about the television. It corrupts our minds; it is molding our children’s minds, shaping them into the people that will rule our world. It teaches war, anger, distrust and dishonesty. Is that what we want for our future? Most of us would say absolutely NOT! But we are letting it!

If a broadcasted station doesn’t get ratings it loses its standing and goes away. So why aren’t they going away? Because we are addicted to bad news, we have to have it, we’ve built our lives around it. How long do you think it would take if we all shut our tv’s off for the broadcasting companies to get the hint? A week, a month, not very long I assure you. They would try anything and everything to get their ratings back. But what we really need to programming that will enrich our lives, teach us, and build family and community. It would be up to us to give those channels our time to start a trend of better tv.

It takes all of us, in every aspect of life to change our world. Not just teachers, bus drivers or store clerks, we need everyone! We need people in the government, bank owners, business owners, and yes broadcasting CEO’s, for this world to go in the direction that we wish. When we say it takes all of us…It takes all of us! Let’s make that change, we know we need it, because frankly we obviously are not getting anywhere on the path we have paved.

1 comment:

  1. As I read your blog today, I am reminded of the truth in your words. It takes me back to early years of my childhood. No tv, no radio, no books to read. But not because it was a punishment, it was protecting me of things I could not see. Nothing is as it really seems. All the lies, even in the most simple things as Grims fairy tales, things we perceive, and what it is really intended to be, to shape our minds into the things we don't really want to be, or is it we push it off as something we don't want to see?
    Thank you so much for what you are doing, all it takes to see is the facts to think of life in reality.
