

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Happy Halloween (Video Blocked on YouTube)


  1. Happy Halloween!

  2. Who is the person with the mask and glasses at 1.41? :)

  3. I dont know the last movie (never seen it)..and I dont understand a talk, and the lyrics of the song...Sad :( and often difficult for me to understand all in the hoax when it's with movie without text to explain :(

    But I see in it many meaning..I hope that my imagination dont play with me...

    I see a Trojan Horse...with some1 named Jack enter in a band of people that seems bad in their appearance...

    He is singing... he appears for me, as a gentle people..

    Maybe Jack is someone we know :)
    And maybe... all has a meaning in this movie :)

    Love you(s)
    Always #HoldingMyDream with #LOVE and #Respect

  4. I ask myself...
    Is it possible that Michael has contact with so many directors of movies, singers, and others people.... for to have so many clues in so many movies, so many songs... and everywhere?

    I feel like, speechless, in front of you..
    I salute your art, your way, your mind, your greatness in all areas ..
    You are Wonderful, Fabulous, Magnificent..... a Perfect & Glorious GENIUS of Perfections, in ALL You do..

    I really hope, you can read this..
    ♥I Love You Michael♥

    Always #HoldingMyDream with #LOVE and #Respect
    Love you(s) Looking's team

  5. I see Michael everywhere, how can anyone not believe. I have seen more of Michael in a lot of things more in the last several years that I know has to be him behind them. I really appreciate all that you do here to get the facts out here. I know there are lots of things to be found, and I hope to find more than what I have, It is almost as if you connect the dots, and see what you come out with. I thank you all for your contributions in this blog. Love you all. Keep up the great work here.

  6. Pumpkin King LOL And that voice at the end...

  7. Is it not scary enough the Hell on Earth being played out? Time for each one of us to step into our power and be the Mighty Souls that we are to bring L.O.V.E. back into our society. Pull back the red curtain..


  8. This is a very funny video Hoax love it :) Love you! michelamjjlove
