

Friday, June 15, 2012

Dare to Believe!

The hoax is a circle and you really can choose to believe it or not. These are things out there that are for us all to find. The Michael Jackson hoax is about increasing knowledge and possibilities. Anyone can learn more. What the governments and the Big Brother want is for us to sit and wait for information to be sent to us and for us to believe it. This is certainly not me and my wish and hopes are that it’s not you either. Start the searching and stop believe all you read and see. The real Michael Jackson is out there and spreading a message all over the world hidden in words pictures and numbers. The real Michael Jackson is revealed piece by piece and the real meaning of the hoax is out more and more. There are clues released on the net more or less every day even if there are those that say the hoax is dead and there are no clues. There are also older clues out there for us to find that leads to new things. I find new things every day, it happens so fast that we have no chance to share it all here on the blog. It is for all of you do find it also!! BeLIEve in the REAL MICHAEL JACKSON and what he is teaching us. It is the greatest adventure the world will ever see. Don’t miss it by being miss lead by fakers that say the hoax is dead and others that are here just to mess. The real Michael Jackson is not messing with us. The real Michael Jackson is here to teach us and educate us in a brilliant way. If Michael did stand up today and said here I am the teaching lesson would be over and the great adventure would stop! Journey down the rabbit hole and give yourself the greatest gift on earth. Knowlegde!! Nothing is more important and nothing makes anyone more happy than you. Share the love and belive in yourself. You are great!


  1. john 6;16-21

    jesus walks on water after his ressurection showing himself to his disciples.


  3. “In a world filled with hate, we must still dare to hope...
    In a world filled with anger, we must still dare to comfort...
    In a world filled with despair, we must still dare to dream...
    And in a world filled with distrust, we must still dare to believe.” //Michael Jackson♥

  4. "Everyone who asks receives.. Whoever seeks finds.. and whoever knocks will have it opened" - Matthew 7:8

  5. Each one of us is powerful beyond measure. Stop playing small..

  6. If more people would walk by faith, and not by sight, they would understand the meaning of believing in themselves, because faith, is the substance of things hoped for, and the evidence, of things not see, many look at themselves as being, powerless, and often make statements like, I wish I had the courage, like this one,or that one, not being able to see the evidence, that they themselves, do have courage, it's something you are born with, it take courage for every action performed, because every action is a change, we go through stages of life everyday, but when being controlled by the thoughts,and evil desires of another man, it stuns, growth,and possiblies, the bible says be not conformed to the things of this world, but be you/me transformed, by the renewing of our minds, (conformed)meaning just going with the flow of things, and excepting whatever someone tell you as truth, without questioning, in unison, not thinking for yourself, but when you start to renew your mind, you no longer see things the same way, you're able to see the possiblies in your life, because the obstacles, you have already overcame, become evident to your abilities, and your able to discern Truth from Lies, but it Starts On The Inside, Of Each Of Us, Like Michael, Says, That Man In The Mirror, Love You

  7. I know what has disturbed and destroyed the life of Michael.. A CONSPIRACY against HIM
    why he had to leave.. TO SAVE HIS LIFE
    why this hoax exist.. TO EXPLAIN ALL
    and what we must learn from this hoax .. THE TRUTH ABOUT -A-L-L-

    In a blog on, I had defined all assumptions i've found about his 'escape'.. and even for an eventuel "death".. (i've talked of this, the last year with some1, who was realy interested of what i've said...)

    In an assumption, i've said that maybe, Michael has saw some things He should not have seen.. and that He was disturbed some people...was threatened and must to go.. for hide him for to save his life.. and as in some movies, use the witness protection programn or something of like that, to change of name, life and all.. (sorry, i've many imagination..)
    I think too, that these false and shameful accusations have been created by the same people for to discredit and destroy Michael, and to befoul the name and the fame of Michael in the world..

    When I came on twitter in march2010, and with this blog linked to my first account, i've been seen by many people...I've made more than 3200 views in 1 month and a half, without RT by any one.. just because people was interested by my dreams and my searches..
    I dont pretend to have the truth... but i think i have put the finger on it.. and sometimes, i've had some weird meeting on twitter since..

    Badly.. in this blog where was ALL my searches for more 9 month.. have changed their version, and remove the part 'blog' of their web site, and i've lost all my searches (I thought they were more safe on the web than in a file on my pc... sad and bad raisonnement.. now I have nothing.. just my own memories saved in my brain)..

    There is a malevolent force consists of a minority who have control over everything, and all of us ... (some say 10% of the population consists of people .. highly placed, rich notable, bankers, men of businessman and state ..)

    I've take the habit to tell them "THEY" in my blog..

    They control our lives, our health, our environment, our rights, our money, our leisure..
    THEY are everywhere, watching, spying, controlling, and directing .. ANY & ALL

    They are reverse of faith.. reverse of hope.. reverse of love.. reverse of God.. THEY are just the opposite of all the good... THEY are evil.. a contract with the devil.
    Michael was trapped by them in the music industry .. He learned to his detriment, what THEY were, and what was their goals.... he was threatened,..ONLY ONE POSSIBILITY FOR MICHAEL…WAS TO SAV HIS LIFE…TO ESCAPE…

    Dont search for Michael... dont think He is trying to contact you in any way.. nor in telepathic games.. I've asked to this person to follow me.. He didn't do.. (before he were but stopped for a long time.. since he have changed his name..?!?)
    If he is Michael, why has he fear to follow me for to talk with me? I've had already real Messages from Michael in dreams (my dreans never was fantaisies, they have just coming alone without expected them).. I DON’T KNEW MICHAEL BEFORE JUNE 2009..except by a dream in june2005..and 2 or 3 video clip seen at TV).. So, this person don't has to have fear of me.. and can communicate with me.. I'm waiting for the telepathy of this person...(lol)..

    There are so many fake, players, liars, people untrue.. who uses you here.. pay attention to who you trust..


    ♥I BELIEVE IN YOU MICHAEL…since the BEGINNING…since I meet you in Dream♥

    Always HERE by your side.. #HoldingYourHand
    Always #HoldingMyDream with #LOVE and #Respect

    Love You(s) Looking Team
