

Thursday, September 1, 2011

If you use this guide to look up the truth for yourself you will wake up in time to get out of harm's way. If you don't, you will soon pay the price of ignorance

The hidden truth is spread out all over the Internet in plain view, but invisible to most citizens in the fog of disinformation cloaking the web. Unfortunately, most of the thousands of great websites exposing the truth focus on individual pieces of the NWO puzzle.(Illuminati, Zionist, CIA, Masons, Jesuits, 911, JFK, FED, IRS, Gun Rights, DU Veterans, Mercury/Vaccines/Autism, GMO's, CAFO's, Fluoride, Chemtrails, HAARP, BPA, Wall Street, etc.) They're all "hacking at the branches of evil". That's great, we must expose them all, but everyone knows cutting branches won't kill the tree!

You CAN handle the Truth! Despite an intense effort by Hollwood and the Main Stream Media to convince us that we can't handle the truth or that life on earth is coming to an end. We ARE waking up! The virus of truth and it's message of hope are galvanizing the citizens of Planet Earth.
Hurry, the clock is ticking! No time to waste!

These hard working, tax paying Americans are too busy putting their children through college, paying for weddings and becoming grandparents to notice the dark clouds of the "perfect storm" of tyranny forming on the horizon.

"Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in awareness."