"Absolute Truths" are the most hated of all to the lovers of lies who devote themselves to this game. They declare in every classroom, that there is no such thing as "Absolute Truth"! So, the suppression and elimination of certain powerful Truths is what "Hate Crime"
laws are all about. If these few loaded Truths were to get out of the bag world wide, the whole game of defeating factual reality would be over and the real criminals would be exposed. Thus, suppression and elimination and the spreading of endless lies and confusion about what REAL TRUTH IS are the top priorities. They must never relax their vigil, and they must be active with "democratic" sounding platitudes and ever mouthing strategies that will protect . .
Everything will soon be in place for a super government that seeks to control everybody in every way. They will know everything about you - all that you buy, where and when you buy it, who you phone and how much money you have, will all be continuously inscribed onto this chip, on a day-to-day basis. And if for whatever reason you are classified as an "undesirable person" or perceived as an "enemy of the state," (according to the definition at that time) the system will simply erase your number from their central co
mputer and you will no longer be able to buy or sell anything. You will in reality become a persona non-gratia, a “non-person.”
This issue surrounding the phenomenon called “The Mark of the Beast” is much more complex than one truly realizes. On the surface, it seems as if it’s merely something that is physical and related to commerce, identification and monitoring in the days of the antichrist. However, if one does a more in-depth study, where traditional views are challenged as this essay attempts - one can still see some validity in this view, but will quickly realize however that there are many more crucial elements involved, that have been largely overlooked or ignored by most conventional expositors of Biblical Prophecy.
Stranger in Moscow concludes with lyrics spoken in Russian. The lyrics, spoken by an unnamed individual, lend to the feeling of paranoia, despair, fear and isolation of Stranger in Moscow, a ballad about a man, merely trying to have his voice heard, while by being crucified
I was wandering in the rain
Mask of life, feelin' insane
Swift and sudden fall from grace
Sunny days seem far away
Kremlin's shadow belittlin' me
Stalin's tomb won't let me be
On and on and on it came
Wish the rain would just let me
Here abandoned in my fame
Armageddon of the brain
KGB was doggin' me
Take my name and just let me be
Then a begger boy called my name
Happy days will drown the pain
On and on and on it came
And again, and again, and again...
Take my name and just let me be
We're talkin' danger We're talkin' danger, baby