

Saturday, July 14, 2012



There are anomalies that may interest to certain powers to hide, but there are others that are obvious to everyone ...and do not seem to want to have an explanation for them.
That there is something in our immediate space, something serious or dangerous enough for the species, that the powers are careful to hide from the 80's is something that, somebody who is informed enough does not sound new, among other issues about the effects would on the companies themselves.
If you, reader, knew with absolute certainty that there is an immediate cosmic body that seriously threatens the continuity of life as we know it on Earth, would probably not pay their bills - for what? - The same way if you desisted from maintaining entrepreneur running your business, or as one would expect a court to resolve the issue you need to do... if certain sensitive information was made public, our society would fall precipitously in anything more than a few hours. And Life and The Social order will succumb forever. This is a fact that has not to be specially prepared to understand it. If there was a real threat like that, do not hesitate for a moment that power would be forced to hide it until the last minute.

It is somewhat logical, therefore, that certain information be leaked, and in many cases it is applied on the Official Secrets Act, even though the facts armhole citizens are unanswerable and that the threats are there, earned hours to unleash hell. However, when it is not possible to know by direct means an illness, we can infer it by the symptoms presented, and this is precisely what is happening these days. Though the lack of verifiable data enable some enlightened develop all kinds of fantasies more or less credible, or the unleashing of some conspiratorial to push certain groups of humans as well to the mystical to the eschatological frenzy. It is, in any case, the lack of information and not the absence of symptoms, which produces these drawbacks.

The symptoms are there: the underground cities built or under construction to house for years to hundreds of thousands of people are in the World ... developed at a cost so unimaginable that the possibility that this crisis and these regional wars are but sources of funding is not a crazy idea, the construction of domes doomsday, storing seeds of all plant species and genomes of all animal species and exercise plans massive population against catastrophic events in preparation of regional , if not global, provision of emergency governments and specialized units of hosts for the treatment of extreme situations, the alleged leaks of cosmic threats, from people who, openly and have worked or are working for secret services or astronautics agencies, and even open information in certain countries outside the Western orbit (Russia, China, India, etc..), and even the decision of the NASA and ESA not only to filter the data previously obtained radiotelescopios worldwide under its influence, but also to control and grant permissions to all the observatories of what or who can see. All they added to certain zones of the planet that are restricted by the powers for observing cosmic (Antarctica, for example, under the authority of the U.S. Army), have spread from the 80's, when the Church found its Siloam probe the existence and approach to Earth from Nibiru and then confirmed in 83 of the IRAS probe NASA whole controversy which, added to the Mayan prophecies and prophetic anticipations other about 2012, are creating something like a mass hysteria of such magnitude that it is sometimes impossible to discern what is real from what is fantasy.

But this, so often denied by NASA officials debunked (few agencies have lied and lie more than the Western monopoly of cosmic information, on the other military), is corroborated by something that no one can hide and what, however, no reports, either from the agency, from the ESA or by any of the hundreds of sky watchers who are in any city. I am referring to the Moon. All, without exception, have seen these days in the northern hemisphere, and particularly in Spain, the first quarter, well ahead of schedule, had a "U", an issue that would only happen if Spain were in Ecuador and average at 42 ° latitude.

On the other hand, we know that the Moon (like Earth), has three basic movements, translation, rotation and libration, with the latter, tilt or wobble Moon's apparent, is approximately between 5 and 7 of arc , which at the same time we could see all that its location was unusual because of the light reflected from the sun, has been (is, because it can still be seen at first sight or naked eye) consistent with its apparent inclination or libration, being able to say that is lying on the left about 42 degrees above its natural position. This, by itself, would imply that the Earth has changed its axis of rotation, lying 42 ° to the South. A fact itself of such importance would have required (and requires) an urgent explanation from the authorities (especially astronomical), as if anyone had seen anything or what looks to be completely normal.

And it is not, of course. There is nothing normal in it, it is not a small matter that the planets or satellites, always undaunted, change their behaviour in this way. The planets do not lie down 42 ° for nothing, but other influences present stellar bodies that are interacting with the solar and terrestrial magnetic field, which are those that, if there were such forces outside, keep the Earth in its natural position. Something, moreover, coincided with a period that in some countries are finding themselves in the Summer weather events (heat, coinciding with an equatorial position), which are at an approximate latitude as Spain, as tornadoes that plague these days the middle-eastern North America, such as atypical eddies that are appearing in the Atlantic or heightened seismic activity in recent days and even atypical coronal excitement you are experiencing our star.

Signs that could be symptoms, of a disease, whose name and consequences have been hidden by politics and astronomers. But that does not follow anything nice, but quite the opposite.

Symptoms that coincide in time with the increasingly overwhelming appearance in all mass media, including television Far Eastern countries or Russia, two suns footage (also in Spain have been seen within minutes after sunrise and few minutes before sunset), which have nothing to do with assembly or highlighted. Nibiru hypothesis, far from being nonsense of some individuals own their intellectual abilities altered, as suggested by the official system, evidence is becoming unpredictable consequences ... or more than predictable.

The system will exhaust the strength of the public to the "End of the World" that does not have any credit now to who gives information of what's happening in our environment, is intended to maintain social order until the last moment and prevent the same system collapse and unleash a chaos of such magnitude that it did not get an astronomical phenomena achieved this magnitude it's own instinctive human behaviour.

Some people believe, however, that even in the worst case, it is no use to hide or flee you. Because there is no place to go or stay, and perhaps the cure is worse than the disease, and that in any case, best to wait walk to the destination firm behaving like irrational animals: "what has to happen, must happen, we must die by something "- as my mother always says. But do not think is bad. I do believe, and I am unworthy highly, is to see what we see and nobody says anything, that the authorities take us for idiots and do not explain in detail how much they know.

Anyway, as I have always said, anyone is free to get his or her own conclusions. But I truly say that although we can not do anything to change whatever is close to our fates, I prefer to die knowing than dying in hands of those who govern us.

Michael Jackson is alive - MICHAEL SNAPS HIS FINGERS!!!

Michael Jackson is alive - BAD25 - SHAMONE!