

Friday, March 29, 2013

RECAP - part 1

As you said there are many questions still waiting for answers .
Starting from the beginning......
The call

We all know there are 4 different calls.

Michael Jackson 911 Call - Uploaded on July9, 2010 by MJacksonFakeDeath

In our country when we call 911 they ask immediately address first and informations
about patient conditions, then, patient name, age,  the name of the person
Here we have a 50 age man not breathing, and a cardiologist who don't know
CPR! But he waited  to call 911! He do CPR on bed and with one hand!
There are voices on background and someone knocking the door...
(in the song Morphine there is a call and we can hear people knocking the door)

Michael Jackson - Blood on the dance floor - Morphine

uploaded on Sep 10,2009 by TheMjjTube

The ambulance.

Why the ambulance went out from Michael's mansion by reverse ?
Usually the driver performs the appropriate actions to be ready for the start while
Paramedics are in the house of the patient.
Odd video. Take a look at 0:01 there is an orange traffic cone ok? Then we can see the ambulance
going out ok?.At 1:42 we can see the ambulance is still in the court but there is not the orange cone . At 2:02 a man take orange cone and put it in the position we see at the beginning?? 
Michael Jackson Rushed To Hospital - Dead - Hollywood. TV
Uploaded june 25, 2009 by hollywoodtv


We think there is a protocol about sirens use.
In my country sirens are always on if the patient is on life-threatening because 
ambulance need to reach Hospital in the less time possible.
The ambulance supposed taking Michael to UCLA had not sirens on, and it was
not early in the morning, it was time of havy traffic...and according to what it was
said Michael was not breathing and paramedics were working on him. 


This is interesting.
Michael's ambulance and security and paparazzi and helicopters and other people reach UCLA.
UCLA Emergency is wide and we think there are lots of people that every day reach it...there are lots of 
Doctors, Paramedics, and other people working here every day
but that day nobody saw anything...nobody tells anything...
We can't believe it! When something happens there is always a person who is in the right place at the right time or in the wrong place but at the right time and that is able to see and hear. even if there is firealarm on there is somebody who don't leave the place because it want to see what is happening and maybe taking some pictures.
And of course ...
Did you ever thought how much money  would  gain a person  who has a pic of Michael at UCLA?
And It was told Michael was admitted under a different name... beacuse of privacy? All the world was there...


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Goddes of Truth

The Goddess of Truth.
It was represented like a woman wearing a tall ostrich feather on her head or an ostrich feather.

Daughter of Ra, wife of Thoth, Maat, was the goddess who represents the ideals of law, order and truth. 
The word, Maat translates "that which is straight." it implies anything that is true, ordered, or balanced. 
She is a very ancient goddess because we find her in the boat of Ra as it rose above the waters of the abyss of Nu on the first day. Together with Thoth, they charted the daily course of the sun god Ra. She is sometimes called the 'eye of Ra' or the 'daughter of Ra'.
Maat plays an important role in the 'Book of the Dead' because 'The Hall of Maat' was the place where the judgement of the dead was performed. This was done by weighing one's heart (conscience) against the feather of Maat. If a balance was struck the deceased was deemed to be worthy of meeting Osiris in the after life. If the heart of the deceased was found to be heavier then the feather of Maat it would be devoured by Ammut,  'The Devourer'  depicted as a female demon with a body part lion, hippopotamus, and crocodile.. This was a terrifying prospect for the ancient Egyptians. It meant the end of existence.

During the Old Kingdom, the pharaoh’s primary role was to maintain Maat in society. Known as the Lord of Maat, he was said to decree with his mouth the Maat in his heart. This was an extremely important responsibility because the natural order and cosmic harmony would be disturbed, if someone violated Maat and pharaoh failed to restore it by making sure that justice was done, or if pharaoh violated Maat by his own conduct. 

How many people will meet ''The Devourer''?

Monday, March 25, 2013

Agent "Orange" Corn

The food industry is embroiled in a controversy over what critics call "Agent Orange corn." The genetically-modified vegetable is protected from a herbicide that kills so-called super-weeds, but is linked to the notorious "Agent Orange" used in Vietnam.

Many farmers are thrilled with the corn. But many critics think it will lead to more use of toxic chemicals. The average farmer now spends $25 per acre to kill weeds, and the weeds now are becoming super weeds. Most of the herbicides used on the are no longer working to kill them. Which means more chemicals and more toxins mixed in with our produce. Now think if you have 1,500 acres, the cost is skyrocketing for the farmers, which in turn is rolled over to the public when we purchase the produce. Thus now making produce not only more expensive, but full of more harmful chemicals.

Delaware was the first place these 'super weeds' popped up, in 1998. Since then -- an epidemic, as the weeds spread across the country, confounding farmers and costing them millions as they search for new weapons.

Just how tough are the weeds to kill? So tough that a leading weapon in the fight against them is an herbicide made by Dow AgroSciences (part of the Dow Chemical Company) called 2,4-D, one of the components in Agent Orange, which was used by the U.S. military in Vietnam and has been notorious for links to cancer and birth defects.

Dow says the herbicide is perfectly safe, citing numerous government approvals.But what has ecologists and food safety advocates worried is any idea that greater amounts of 2,4-D could be used on American crops due to a new innovation by Dow: corn that's resistant to 2,4-D.

Right now, 2,4-D can only be used on crops very early or late in the growing season, or it kills the crops along with the weeds. If it kills the crops during their growing time, I wonder what they are doing to those that consume them?

But, Dow has developed a genetically modified corn called "Enlist," which is resistant to 2,4-D. That way, the herbicide could be used all season long. Those concerned about food safety are asking: Are we going too far to stem the weeds?

Gary Hirshberg, co-founder of a group called "Just Label It." " ... What happens when you're exposed to more than one, two or three, let alone thousands of chemicals?" Hirshberg has built a $400 million organic dairy business without using herbicides at all. He says he's not against genetically modified food, but wants it to be labeled as such.

Agent Orange was a defoliant used to decimate the Southeast Asian jungles so the enemy couldn't hide. Because of 2,4-D's links to Agent Orange, some opponents have dubbed the genetically modified corn "Agent Orange corn."

Still, the group Vietnam Veterans of America is stirring the pot. Last month, it wrote President Obama, urging him to look into how increased use of 2,4-D might affect people.

So far, federal regulators agree: In April 2012, the EPA rejected environmentalists' petition to pull 2,4-D from the market. And, federal approval of Enlist corn is pending.

This brings up the concern of why it is so important that we as a society start learning to “fend” for ourselves. We need to learn to be more self sufficient with our food needs. Don’t you want to know what you are preparing to place on your table for your family to ingest?