

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Exposing the Music Industry: Unseen Dangers Part 11

Every 11 Years

As mentioned earlier in the series, every 11 years something of great magnitude occurs. Remember the number 11 has great significance. Remember that the significance of the “date” is leaked before something happens, you just have to look in the right place to find it.

December 21, 2012
Although this date has not occurred yet, this is the next given date, we all have heard the world is going to end. Lets look at some of the aspects that we can prove right now about it. First the date itself, 12/21/2012 calculates to be 1+2+2+1+2+0+1+2=11.

September 11, 2001
This date really needs no explanation, the attacks have been looked at over and over, and most believe they were planned. Again this date calculates to 9+1+1=11.

 These are the years which fall every 11 years. Now if you would like to research them, you can. I did look into these years and found so much, it was impossible to list it all, or this article would have been pages long. You will find many, many different things that have happened during these years, such as earthquakes, wars, economic fall, etc.  You will find many conflicting stories that surround these years.

1990, 1979, 1968, 1957, 1946, 1935, 1924

How many coincidences can you make sense of?
This has been a long series but, I hope that we’ve help to enlighten your mind a little bit. Its important that we be educated as to what may be in our future, so we can be prepared for it. Remember, stay true to who you are, fight for what is right, and always, always stand with GOD on your side. God Bless.

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