

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Exposing the Music Industry: Unseen Dangers Part 9

Why the Illuminati Wanted To Kill MJ

Remember the “they” that Latoya would never say who it was? She says its absolutely murder.  Michael knew who “they” were, and that they wanted to eliminate him. Latoya states that there were people in the background pulling strings and that Conrad Murray was just a fall guy for the crime. There were events that lead up to some of the circumstances. Michael’s second trial ended on 6/13/2005, a family member phoned a friend of Michael’s and ask them to check on him, he didn’t seem well. That friend was Dick Gregory, a very good friend of Michael’s. A few days before the trail ended Dick was at Neverland with Michael, he remembers Michael hugging him and saying “Please don’t leave me. They are trying to kill me.” Dick noticed that Michael was looking quite thin and asked when he had eaten or drank anything. Michael replied “They are trying to poison me, kill me.” Dick drove Michael to a small hospital without announcing that he was coming. Michael was hospitalized and given fluids for a full 24 hours to rehydrate him. That is how scared Michael was for his life.

So we can clearly see that there were prior attempts made to eliminate Michael. If not directly indirectly, by mentally trying to manipulate him, so he didn’t eat or drink and would have died of starvation.  Remember this took place in JUNE of 2005 same month as the “death” in 2009. Jermaine voiced that it was all planned, by the government, part of the FBI, who investigated Michael for 17 years and found nothing. Jermaine is screaming CONSPIRESY and the USA GOVERNMENT, and some still don’t hear it. He was so powerful within his success. Jermaine did introduce Michael to Islamic belief, and said that Michael was studying.

It is interesting that Jermaine said in one interview that “Islam would’ve been Michael’s protection.” There have been celebrities before Michael that have managed to escape the evil within the industry and converted to Islam. Some are Nepoleon, Dave Chappelle, Loon, and some have gone to Christianity like DMX. All searching for a way out of that world. But remember if Michael did convert to Islam, look at how many followers he has, that may convert. That for the Illuminati would prove dangerous to their society.

Lets keep going…


  1. We seems to search in the same direction at the same time. I've found it (and others things) yesterday morning ..
    afraid to see that so many singers talk about them, and so few people knows their existence & who they are..

  2. I am patiently waiting for the the whole pack of cards to collapse...
    THE OLD WORLD ORDER fizzled to dust.
