

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Global Testing Anthrax Vaccine on Children

Who’s children will be sacrificed in an illegal and unethical experiment in the name of biodefense preparedness? YOURS!!!!  The Obama administration is seeking to obtain a green light to conduct an anthrax vaccine safety experiment on US children. Confirmed by Dr. Nicole Lure, US Dept. of Health and Human Services, is that there is not data about the safety of exposing children to the anthrax vaccine. If the situation would ever arise a trial would give an array of logistical, clinical and communication challenges in a public health crisis.

Current law allows the FDA to issue an Emergency Use Authorization for protections against biological, chemical, radiological and nuclear agents that may be used to attack the American people. In the absence of a national emergency fromm an anthrax bioterrorist attack, and anthrax vaccine trial in children would violate federal legal and ethical standards which prohibit exposing children to greater than minimal risk if a child does not have a condition that would benefit from the experimental intervention.

During trials with adults there was a 8.4% report of serious side effects, such as death, hospitalization, permanent disability and there were 16 deaths. Are you going to let your child be a test dummy?

1 comment:

  1. I seriously feel there is a hidden agenda with this vaccine. Don't you? Who really stands to gain???
