

Sunday, June 17, 2012

The Hidden Symbolism Of One World Trade Center.


  1. It,s amazing how the Truth, slowly reveals itself daily, there's an old saying, knowledge is power, I must say this is definitely, a true statement, it allows the unseen, to become the seen, It's like Knowledge holds Truth hand, because even in getting Knowledge, you need Understanding, and that's where Truth come in, it gives Knowledge Understanding, the bible says you will know the Truth when you hear it, to(Know) is to Understand, and the Truth will set you Free, I find that, Truth, Knowledge, Understanding,and Wisdom, are the four key players, Truth, meaning no bondage to Lies, which is the 9th commandment, (thou shall not lie),Knowledge, acquaintances with Truths, as from study, or investigation, the bible says study the Truth, to show yourself approved,(to confirm, or sanction formally;ratify) Understanding, the bible says, in all of your getting, of Knowledge get Understanding,(superior power of discernment; enlightened intelligence) last but not least, Widsom,( the quality, or state of being wise; Knowledge of what is True,or right coupled with just judgment as to action; sagacity,(acuteness of mental discernment, and soundness of judgment). I've Said it Before, Your Blog is Amazing, Keep Spreading The Truth,and Love, I learn something new everyday, that's called renewing your mind daily, Love You

  2. Ho ho.. so the Elite Cabal razed the Twin Towers with those 3000+ people dying as a sacrificial ritual and now they erect this edifice to celebrate and cement their power and world dominance. They bow down to Satanism and no one dare say anything?? Are we all so fearful or what? Wake up or be enslaved!
