Orpheus fell in love with a woman called Eurydice. They were married and a huge feast was held in their honor. Soon after the wedding, still on the same day, Eurydice was walking in a nearby field talking to friends when a venomous snake but her and she died. Orpheus was heartbreoken an after many weeks of mourning he decided he would go to Hades to bring his wife back from the underworld to life. By the gates to the underworld, where no living mortals were allowed to cross into the underworld, he was playing his harp. He was let in because of his playing and he was allowed to go search for his wife. Before the king and queen of Hades he played his sad song about his lost wife o get his bride back. The gods of Hades agreed that he would have his wife back, but only if he promiced not to look back before he reashed the land of the living. He walked the road along with Eurydice and when they reashed the gate he made the mistake to look back. Eurydice began fading away and vanished back to the underworld.
What happend to Orpheus after this is unclear though there are those that say that Orpheus returned to the land of living mortals and remained for the rest of his life to sing songs that enchanted the trees and the forests. But there is another endign also. When Orpheus did not do what he promiced but did look back he was ripped in pieces and his head was thrown in a river where it continued to scream Eurydikes name while it followed the stream to the see. The head and the lyre was found in the island Lesbos a Greek island and "Orphism" was founded.
"Orpheus Bacchus" is one of the pseudonyms for Osiris-Dionysus. The object is a third century amulett. The dating of the amulet is important because it predates the council of Nicaea from the period of the Emperor Constantine. The amulet is now lost. It dissapeard from the museum of Berlin and there have been specualtions whether it's really gone or just hidden. That leads to the question, why would they hide it? The amulet now exists as a plaster cast. It is dated before the time when Jesus was crusified and the image on the Orpehus amulet could easily be recogniced as the crusifixion of Jesus and this would make the whole christianity questioned! Above the image of the crusifix is a cresent moon facing downwards and above the moon are 7 stars. The moon have been related to the god Horus that is also portraited as a falcon.
What is the meaning of the seven stars?
In the bible this can be read; Revelation 1:16 "In his right hand he held 7 stars, and coming out of his mouth was a sharp, double-egded sword. His face was like a sun shining in all it's brilliance". Revelation 1:20 "As for the mystery of the seven stars which you saw in My right hand, and the seven golden lampstands: the seven stars are the angels of the seven churches and the seven lampstands are the seven churches" Revelation 3:1 "To the angel of the church in Sardis write: These are the words of him that holds the seven spritits of God and the seven stars. I know your deeds; you have a reputation of being alive but, you are dead" Matthew 5:14 "You are the light of the world. A city on the hill can not be hidden". All together this would mean that the leaders of the churches are called Stars. The Stars lead others back to faith and to the right path.
Speculations are wide about the meaning of the seven stars. There are those that mean that the "angels of God" which are sent to minister and protect the seven churches. In the greek lanugage the word is "angelos" which means messenger. The word is primarly used as a military term for soldiers sent from one line to another as messengers. That would mean that angels can be human messengers without having godlike supernatural powers.
The planet Nibiru is specualted to be seen in the ancient amulets and symbols, shown as a cross. So what is the secret hidden in our history?
Studying the meaning of the amulet deeper the line that stands out is: "Nibiru, the Messianic star, had returned and signified a new era in the history of Mankind" A theory about Nibiru is that it's the seventh star belonging to the The Dark Star, circeling right outside our own solar system and Nibiru circle in both solar systems. Nibiru is mostely seen as a red planet. As mentioned before the god Horus have a moon on his head and this moon is often portraited as a red moon. One symbol sometimes used for Horus is the Winged Disk. (The red moon in the middle and the falcon wings).
Finally I would just like to mention another thing that connects back to Orpheus that I mentioned at the very beginning of this post. The first picture show his lyre. The shape of the lyre is the shape of Isis's moon and lyre shaped headpiece (to the left). Isis is known as the protector of dead and goddess of children and is often depicted as the mother of Horus. She have the same moon as Horus on her head, with the red color just like Nibiru. Horus have the wings like we can see in the pictures of Nibiru. So many questions and so few answers. The proofs of our history are they destroyed or only well hidden? Howcome there are so many connections between the bible and the ancient Egypt, Greece and Mayan culture? What can be found in other cultures that show the same things? Can we question the Cristianity? Have we seen the Messias or is he coming soon? The Stars are here to give faith and hope. Are you a Star?
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