

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Wiccan Symbols: Triskele

The tripple spiral or triskele is a Celtic and pre-celtic symbol and used
frequently in celtic art. The symbol is also found in many other places, one of them in the Wiccan. The symbol symbolizes the power of life and rebirth. The spirals can be combined and represent the circle of life. The symbol is also referred to as a triskelion and represents trinities. The symbol is related to the sun, afterlife and reincarnation. The following here is debated but the symbol is believed to be carved in to a number of ancient Irish buildings, including the rocks of Newgrange. Newgrange is believed to be a prehistoric tomb from around 3000-3200 BC. Christians have used to symbol to represent the Holy Trinity. 

                                         Newgrange Ireland
The flag of Isle of Man
The flag of Sicily


  1. There are some triple spirals in family crests of Japan;
    (My family crest featured a Katabami (Woodsorrel) flower )

    Regarding triskele / tetraskelion, Japanese concern the direction of turning.

    * Counter‐clockwise turning = "origin/source of harmony"
    Ex.卍 for Hindu, Buddhism (Combination of 7s)
    * Clockwise turning = "origin/source of Force"
    Ex.卐 Hakenkreuz

    The symbol became a Kanji character 万.
    During the Tokugawa period, (after Tokugawa Ieyasu declared in 1613 that Christianity be prohibited in Japan), Clandestine Christian used 万 instead of a cross.

    Just for your information. :)
