

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Epedemic Anti-Depressant Use

While talking to my general doctor, I mention that I’ve been feeling a little down lately. Thinking that she might suggest I go talk to someone; suddenly I have a piece of paper shoved at me, “Here let’s see if this might help you”, and quickly exits the room. I stared at the piece of paper, a prescription for an anti-depressant. Crazy you think? Think Again!! This practice is more common than you might think. The use of anti-depressants has soared 400% since 1988. Mostly used by adults aged 18-44, there is also a rising number of children and teens on these drugs.

Are that many people in our world really so depressed that they need to be medicated? Or is it just the easiest, fastest way our healthcare professionals know how to deal with the issue? Possibly could it be that we are missing something in our lives that depresses us? It’s also been suggested that the government encourages the use of these drugs to help control us, so we don’t think, we turn numb. Your reaction rate while on these drugs is very diminished.  

The use of anti-depressant drugs is becoming a proportionate epidemic. We all go through ups and downs in life; it’s just part of life as we know it. We currently live in a fast paced world, no one has time for each other!. But,  don't believe popping a pill is the answer to your problems. It could actually be the start to a whole new problem. There are well documented side effects, yet these drugs are handed out like candy at an alarming rate. There is an estimated 40,000 deaths per year related to the use of these medications. Not to mention other side effects: suicide, violent behavior, diabetes, immunity issues, brittle bones, still births, strokes and heart disease.  There are also documented infants dying after birth, due to the mother taking them during pregnancy.
This is a deadly trending occurrence in today’s society. If we are really all that depressed, shouldn’t we be figuring out why and fixing the problem? Before we lose more loved ones from these deadly medications.


  1. I think the Government should be taking some of their own medicine they are dumbing down the populace with!

  2. I understand Anti-depressants are the top tier of psychological meds, and are intended to perform a selective chemical lobotomy. Anyone for catatonia?
