

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Being overweight can actually mean being undernourished!!!

This sounds strange, I know. But I will explain it.
The food today contains calories and carbohydrates and fat. But not the right kind of fat. This is what makes fat. But the body still needs proteins, vitamins and fat.
There are many kinds of fat. I will not dig in to that at this moment but I will explain in more in general. A general “knowing” in the world is that fat is dangerous and you get fat. But a body that gets this regularly also knows that it do not have to save it, it will come again and only use what it needs. For the body to absorb all the good things it needs other things to be able to make this happen. A brain that do not get fat is starving and do not work. A body that is given it all but in wrong proportions and not at regular times also react like it’s staving. We need to give our body what it wants every day. A starving body start piling up what it gets for worse days. That is why people can look fat but actually live in a starving body. A body that gets it all regularly also lets it out when it do not need it more.
A body that do not get it all do not lose weight, but gains weight or never gain weight depending on what is missing. What gets affected is not only the weight but also how much you are able to work. A undernourished body do not work all day. The brain needs fat to work. A starving brain needs to rest very often. So eat healthy every day and you will see that you get much more done, more energy and then you get much more happy. If everyone is more happy we have more energy to share it with others and we get even more happy……

Eat healthy and you will see a change…...                                                                                 


  1. You're right! I am skinny, but I do not eat healthy, especially when I'm nervous, I eat everything and I smoke so much .. But I have made ​​a promise, if Michael will return I will quit smoking .. He would be the only motivation for doing this .. You see, I love him more than my life! michelamjjlove

  2. So you mean to tell me food makes us happy?O.O ...and the angels have spoken Wahhhhhhh lol...that's awesome I could eat all I want and be same time!!!!!!.who knew food would turn into therapy one day huh? it..
    Thank you for this it's very interesting I think I got a little idea of what you really mean..


  3. I must be doing something right as I'm SO BRAINY lol
