

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

TSA At It Again

When is TSA (Transportation Security Association) going to leave little kids alone? Is the average American 3 year old going to carry a bomb onto a plane? It is so disrespectful what they are putting our children through. Makes me never want to fly again.  This particular incident happened at O’Hare airport in Chicago Illinois. Poor little guy was so upset. Glad Dad was smart enough to tape this. No wonder Americans are moving out of the United States.


  1. oh yes the Government wants people of America to get into a rage and once YOU are out of order they follow thru with the new Executive Orders and lock you up without any recourse...
    Wake up or be enslaved forever..

  2. Honestly i thought about it, truly I dont think anything is wrong with this...
    If you actually think about it, they check the children because of the parents, not cause of the kids, because the parents can hide things in childrens clothing etc, especially this kid, i mean its a wheel chair,they can like do so much to it, the ones who actually mean harm..

    STORY TIME:...grab your blankets and change into pjs while reading this story..
    Once upon a time there was a girl who..jk lol..ok seriously, so im sure all of us have been through TSA once in our i know someone..(not saying names), whose parents had about 50,000 to 80,000 dollars i believe, and the parents hid about each 10,000 in her childrens bags or pockets(each child), so that she will not be caught with the money, because if u do get caught, they can take the money away from you, question you...bla bla and you miss flight, at times it can lead to arrest because well its 50-80 grand, you know theyll think your a drug dealer..and then the tsa caught her, and got mad at her and said you did not have to lie about it, you could have just told us but they let her slide(i wonder what she did for them to let her slide lol)...
    see where i am going with this?..the parents can hide the bad stuff in their childrens belongings..
    we have to always look at situations from both sides..lets say this kid was strapped with a bomb or so, and something bad happened, who would we then blame?..thats right TSA, and will complain how they dont do there job right, why didnt they check them...then they get fired..or arrested, or we think of theories to plant in our heads!
    so all in all, i dont think its bad they check kids also,unless they getting a little to touchy, can i get a amen on that one?
    all this bomb stuff is fake, no one can actually get it through on to a plane unless the government is in on opinion..*cough* 9-11 attacks, when bombs were really in the does someone miss a bomb? stupid doesnt make sense(lol)

