

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Sugar/ Sucrose

We are all in a way slaves to a sugar-diet. Today refined sugar is believed to be one of the most harmful. In 1997 the average American ate 27,3 pounds of candy and gum and six regular chocolate bars a week. It is believed that we eat 35 kilos yearly.
Some call refined sugar (white sugar) a drug. The right name is sucrose and is a pure chemical extract from the plant and is more pure than cocaine.
Sugar manufactures are aggressive in defending their product and they have a strong political lobby that makes it possible for them to keep selling this deadly product.
As I told earlier sucrose (white sugar) and cocaine have very similar addictive effect. The chemical The body gets fast energy from sugar. But the energy level last a very short time and is more fooling the body. Sugar is a carbohydrate and contains no fiber, no minerals, no proteins, no fats, no enzymes only empty calories. For the body to be able to metabolize the sugar it need to borrow other substances from the body such as calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium. If too much sugar is eaten the body use so much calcium from that the bones become osteoporotic due to the withdrawn calcium.

What are the risks about eating sugar?
Cardiovasular diseases
Supressed immune system
Tooth decay
Weight gain and obesity


  1. I eat a lot of crap .. As I read your post I have eaten 3 of licorice wheels, the HARIBO, hahaha, the favorite candy of Michael, I love them too .. uhmmmmm .. good, but I have to go easy, right? love you! Miky

  2. So why haven't we been educated in the classrooms about this toxic substance? Guess the govt wants us all to fall down sick with disease and die early. I got news for them ... Im here for the long haul .. everything in moderation..

  3. seriously truth, you have just taken EVERYTHING i love and turned it into some poison. :(
    SUGAR IS DA BOMB.., but for real, its sad though, like how much bad stuff is in our every day food..etc!..
    what if they have been putting this stuff in the sugar since the beginning of sugar birth?,(that means we have no worries) or maybe im just making up excuses to continue eating sugar related things..
    maybe you can talk about energy drinks in your new post..monsters redbull...that wud be interesting..ooooo or alcohol..


  4. The body needs an amount of sugar and fat to get energy from to get us through the day. but too much of anything is never good. You have to keep it in balance. I think if we would know what was in everything we eat, we couldn't eat anymore. As long you don't exagurate with food it will probably not be too harmfull.
