

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

NASA’s Project Blue Beam

The infamous NSAA Project Blue Beam has different steps in order to implement the new age religions with Antichrists’ at the head of it. New age religion has been referred to as NOW (New World Order). But remember without a universal belief in the new age religion the success of the new world order will be impossible.

The first step is in the projects breakdown or archaeological knowledge. Dealing with the set up with artificially created earthquakes at precise locations on the planet. Called “Hoaxed Discoveries” these random earthquakes will hit in planned locations to world where scientific and archaeological teachings have indicated the mysteries have been buried. Using them once “discovered” will be used to discredit all the fundamental religious doctrines that will believe today!  The supposedly new discoveries which will finally explain to all the people in “error” of all fundamental religious doctrines. This falsification of this information will be used to make all nations believe that their religious doctrines have been misunderstood for centuries and misinterpreted. PHYCHOLOGICAL PREPERATION.

The second step is going to be a huge space show with 3 dimensional optical holograms and sounds, projected to different parts of the world. With each different region receiving a different image according to predominating regional national religious faith. The new “Gods Voice” will speak all languages. This will stimulate the ending during which all nations will be shown images of the prophecies and adversary events. Showing us a new messiah of the NWO. There is much, much to this step if you research it.

The third step in the project consists of artificial thought and communication. A two way communication if you will, ELF, VLF and LF waves will reach each person from within their own mind, convincing them that their own GOD is speaking to them from within. The “God spoke to me” thought is what we will feel. This technology has been researched since the 70’s. Mind control and manipulation is nothing new, we have heard about it for years. As a whole we can all be “hypnotized” to believe what ever it is they decide they want us to believe. Some of this equipment is now operational within the CIA and FBI. There are experiments being held on hostages overseas held by the USA and Canada, Great Britain, Australia, Germany, Finland and France. There has also been a bizarre number of British computer scientists that have committed suicide, they are all connected to the US Navy. Pseudo-heart attacks are one of the alleged methods of death induced by Project Blue Beam.

There will be eradication camps to make sure anyone with their own “thoughts” will be disposed of quickly so that they cannot pass on their knowledge. We will not have our own personalities or free will. We will be completely controlled bots, on a mission to destroy anyone who doesn’t think like we do!

An interesting side note: Previously articles were published by humanitarian and journalist Serge Monast, who coincidently died along with another journalist in 1996, both covering the Project Blue Beam, both died within weeks of each other and both from “heart attacks” neither had a history of heart disease. Both were Canadian citizens, though the other journalist was visiting Ireland just before his untimely death. Monast’s daughter was abducted by the Canadian government in hopes of shutting him up (she was never returned). Makes you really wonder why they wanted him quieted so badly.
Now is the time to educate ourselves, so we don't end up as robots. There is so much on Project Blue Beam that a whole book could just about be written about it. We are trying to just tickle your brain for you to start LOOKING. We were not created to live in that manner.


  1. At present there is an Armegeddon happening and it's really up to each one of us to save ourself. Look within.

  2. Wow that is one helluva Fear Machine!!! Wake up people!!

  3. "How do we move out of their reality? All we have to do is say "NO" to their actions and reality, stand in our power, raise our vibrational level and infuse our planet with light and love." Inelia Benz

    Yes we can do something positive in order to have an empowered reality.
