

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

FAKER .... Warning shocking picture

Faker (2008) ( Graphic Novel)
                                                   WHO`S THE
I’d only ever worked with Jock on one issue of Hellblazer. Getting to do Faker with him was a huge pleasure. We wanted this to be sort of a cocktail of horror sub-genres – paranoid, splatter and psychological. We also set ourselves the task of creating the least likeable heroine we could think of and then making the reader care about her. Opinions differ about whether we succeeded there, but Jessie is definitely one of the more vivid characters I’ve created.
As part of the pitch, I asked Shelly to watch Roger Avary’s movie of Bret Easton Ellis’s novel The Rules of Attraction. She watched it, called me and said “like that, huh?” “Yeah,” I said, “like that.” And she said “Okay.” Wish I could have done a montage as cool as Sean Bateman’s European vacation, though.
Actually, this run-through of my Vertigo career has something of that hectic, surreal feel to it.

There's no such thing as coincidence.....

1 comment:

  1. I confirm that it's a vision of horror. God thank you , not real !!
