

Monday, March 19, 2012

Danger In Your Backyard

The next time you reach for that weed killer for your backyard you might want to consider one of the newest researches that has been conducted. Some shocking results were found during the experiments. The study was held at Universite de Caen Basse-Normandie Institute of Biology in France. The findings add to the already known more than 25 diseases linked to this everyday product.  Some of the effects include DNA damage, birth defects, liver dysfunction and cancer.

The chemical we are talking about is the everyday used weed killer Round-Up. Used daily by millions of people to kill weeds in their own yards. This particular study looked at how the chemical effected reproduction of males. It can cause a severe endocrine disruption that reduces testosterone levels by 35 percent. A one ppm (part per million) exposure level is considered to be extremely low and much lower than typical exposure levels in our everyday environment. The study ranged from 1ppm to 10,000ppm, the latter being a very high exposure.

At high exposure levels it was shown that Round-Up induced testicular cell death in as little as an hour and no more than in 48 hours.  This study was only for acute exposure, not long term. So what happens if someone has long term exposure? It has also been documented that Round-Up can and has leaked into rivers and streams, making its way to our drinking water and bathing water. Also if it is used on fruit trees or nut trees the plant takes up the poison of part of its water intake. It seems there are no safe levels, since a typical exposure has been proven to destroy human cells and cause serious reproduction harm.

So the next time you have weeds you want to exterminate (remember your kids roll around in that), or are eating that yummy peach, ask yourself if you are willing to take the risk associated with it. Remember to buy organic produce, use organic lawn care practices and start your own organic garden. Just one more way our government loves us, remember they approve these chemicals.


  1. Sounds like the Elite want to eliminate procreation. The bastards want to clone themselves !!

  2. I have lived for 14 months in a House, and I had the pleasure to make a vegetable garden.. My first and only.

    I havent used chemical products.. I planted 12 tomato plants (they were grandiose.. larger than me).. I planted more than a hundred of salads (Humm, beautiful and succulent).. Zucchini (huge).. green beans.. parsley and chives... and others who were not as productive (strawberries, aubergines, … I failed melons (damage, not enough Sun..)

    I was proud of the garden I've done, coz I havent used chemical products.. I looked on the internet and I found tips and remedies of grandmothers.. Flowers who hunt insects.. the porridge of nettle.. marc of coffee.. all this tips abounds on internet for those who want to have a healthy garden and a healthy crop... As weeds, I was too proud of the removed me even my crops, and to see them grow.

    There is no need to use of chemicals for a vegetable garden.. a surface of 15 by 15 metres (or 20 by 20)is not so great.. Weeds can be eradicated easily with our hands.

    Dont forget that whatever the chemical products.. they seep into the soil and share in ground water.. They return to your faucets in your kitchen and bathroom. They also destroy the ecosystem.

    We dont need these products. None of these products..for to grow fruits and vegetables in our gardens & in our orchards.

    We appreciate more something in which we spent time.. sweat and passion to do it.

    Love your planet.. she will love you.

    1. What a pleasure to read about your getting back to nature...many thanks :)

  3. I have a lot to think about this.

    Long ago, my brother said that Japan would be a garden of the world. So, I didn’t expect that there should be such a disaster like 311 in Japan.
    I thought 311 might be Wrath of the Mother Earth.
    An image of the Nile's annual floods came to me after the earthquake. Chemical soil was washed away. This may be the very chance to change the farming. This may be a chance to go back to nature.

    However, the earthquake was not natural (I think) and the soil was not cleaned but polluted by tsunami and Fukushima matter.
    Now, Govt is in a hurry to carry 311 radioactive rubbles out from Tsunami area. The rubbles are to be burnt in many area of Japan.

    This is to set the basement to push Japan to accept TPP. Monsanto cannot help but laugh to expect the huge package deal of roundup and seeds.
    I also found this info. Monsanto's Aluminum Resistant GMOs and Chemtrails;

