

Saturday, February 18, 2012

What More Can I Give ... Heal The World

Heal the world ..... These three simple words have a meaning so complicated and simple at the same time as our own existence.

A communion between us and the world. Everything we do, affects others. And in everything we do, we must consider to others. If someone is sick, it affects us all. Everything that exists is perfect and has an essential role to play. Nothing should be excluded from anything or anyone.

To heal the world should not be any kind of discrimination or exclusion of some (the majority) in favor of others (minority). Because it is true, beneficiaries are minorities, and majorities have always agreed that this happens. Why are we agree? Because of resignation? Convenience? Why?

Healing is simple, sometimes requires actions as simple as a few requirements and so few material resources that would surprise us.

We all have a mission here on earth, and is the basis of our identity as individuals and as human beings with mind, heart and soul. Responsibility.

But generally, we have always understood "take responsibility" as "I am responsible for what I think and what I do." And what is "beyond" is out of my hands. We believe, we are responsible for what we do, not what others do. And that is not true.

If you take complete responsibility for your life, then everything you see, hear, taste, touch or experience, either way, it is your responsibility. This means that terrorist activity, the president of your country, the economy or anything you experience and do not like, are there for you to heal.

The problem is not out, it is in you, and to solve it, you must change. To throw blame to another is much easier than total responsibility, right?

Loving yourself is the best way to improve yourself. And as you improve yourself, you improve your world.

To convey something, there is only one place to try: inside you. And when you look there, you have to do it with LOVE.

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