

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Rise in Diagnosis of ADHD

There has been a rise in children that have been diagnosed with ADHD, but recent studies show that there could be other causes and it not be an entirely correct diagnosis for all children. There has been a rise of 22 percent between 2003 and 2007 in children given this diagnosis.  Many children are given this diagnosis when infact they actually have another problem: sleep disorder, like sleep apnea or something similar. In the rat race of today also some children are just sleep deprived. The confusion may account for a significant number of ADHD cases in children, and the drugs used to treat them may only be exacerbating the problem.

The diagnosis of ADHD is a very valid diagnosis and does exist, but there is a strong feeling now that we need to rule out sleeping issues first. This can be done by seeing a neurologist and sleep medicine specialist. The symptoms of a sleep deprived child resembles that of a child with ADHD. Which can include symptoms like: being wired, moody, obstinate and have trouble focusing, sitting still, and getting along with peers.

Children with sleeping issues do have a 40 percent more of a chance of developing behavioral problems. But, as parents and teachers we have a responsibility to research all possibilites before putting our children on these dangerous drugs. The drugs that are used for ADHD are stimulants, BIG TIME. A normal brain the chemicals are balanced, but in a person with ADHD their brain does not know when to say it is constently going. The drugs act as a stimulant and actually overload thier brain causing it to shut down due to to much stimulant. That is how the drug works. But in a child that doesn't need it, it acts as a normal stimulant and speeds the child up! We have to make sure we are helping our children, not hurting them.  The more you know the better equipt you are to help your child or children around you.


  1. Ohh friend, there is so much another ways for help to those kids and i mean natural ways. coz the drugs what doctors give to those poor kids kills they brain... diet, Omega3, special massages for the head of Eastern medicine give wonderful results.
    Parents, plz take care of our children, remember who controls the production and sale of medicines!?????
    THank you dear for the very important topic. blessing for you

  2. Society can not cope with this phenomena of ADHD simply because these children are Indigo/Crystal/Rainbow ones who can see clearly all the bullcrap that humanity has become hypnotized by. So the Govt used pharma drugs to dope them senseless. That's the 1% Elite who are suppressing these bright ones who are our future. They know the school system has nothing to do with educating. They disrupt the Elite's agenda. The ones who came to awaken us are being snuffed out. Wow how did we get it so wrong..
